What This Project is all About
This project is about people and their families. It is about a whole generation of people and continent in need of survival. Africa is not really as poor as greedy African Governments and NGOs in need of forgin donors are making it look like. But, we are still probably the poorest continet on the face of The Earth!
However, the biggest poverty Africans are facing is lack of proper knowledge in every field including Entrepreneurship! I have seen Many vibrant youths take to crime and social vices because they lack the proper business Ideas and vocation to engage in. This is the reason I founded WealthResult.com just about one year ago (31/01/2012) to help create business ideas and solve some basic entrepreneurship problems.
My name is Darlinton Omeh. I am a Web based Entrepreneur who lives in Lagos, Nigeria. For the past 3years, I have been organizing seminars and business trainings around Africa to help empower people and their families, to motivate youths and direct them away from crime especially within Nigeria where I come from.
When I created WealthResult.com, I thought it would just be one those blogs where you write suffs you are interested in, put Ad code and hope to make some bucks. But after writing on the blog for a year, the responses I got, the number of people (over 1,500) who have been able to start their own businesses for the first time based on the information in the Articles we have written made me to change my strategy and decided to upgrade the blog to something more serious - much more than a blog.
My Reasoning is: If for one year of partial effort I am able to achieve these much all alone, Imagine how many faces we are going to help put smiles on by the time we take it more serious and more professional by getting others involved??
You may be asking: Why look for help to upgrade a mere blog? Well, the upgrade is much more that the blog itself - it is the entire system upgrade including the way we source for business information!
We want to Employ 10 other Writers and resource persons. Expand our writing to cover the entire Africa. Get a permanent office/research center. And create other resources that would be of help to anyone looking for information on how to start profitable business in Africa.
Other Ways You Can Help
As we keep producing quality content, we hope to grow the site to world class high traffic site and start earning revenue through monetization. It is surely going to be a worthwhile investment.
If you wish to invest in this project, you can contact me through the site for further discussion.
If you have skills you think can be beneficial to this project, we welcome that too, contact me through WealthResult.com for more on that.
You can as well advice us if you thing there is something that should have been done better. We welcome your insight and advice!
Please, kindly help us share this message to people you think that deserves to know. Be assured of our sincere appreciation.