Ending Malnutrition.
Revolutionizing Natural Beauty.
When Kwami Williams (MIT '12) and Emily Cunningham (Harvard '13) traveled to Ghana two years ago with MIT's D-Lab, they were introduced to the amazing potential of Moringa- a tree that grows in arid climates throughout Ghana and produces both nutritional leaves and high-value cosmetic oil.
Moringa has the potential to end malnutrition in the developing world and to revolutionize health, wellness and natural cosmetics: the leaves contain 4x the calcium of milk, 3x the iron of spinach, 7x more
vitamin C than oranges, 3x more potassium than bananas, and as much
protein as eggs. The processed oilseeds are rich in anti-oxidants, naturally adding radiance to hair and skin
Upon returning to the US, we decided to turn our work with Moringa from a school project into an international business. A few months later, MoringaConnect was born.
MoringaConnect produces high quality Moringa oil extracted from seeds sourced from small farmers living on less than $2 per day. We provide fair prices, farming workshops, and nutritional training to farmers and leverage our processing technologies and market connections to create a sustainable Moringa value chain bringing value to all actors- from the farming communities and villages we serve to the buyers of the oil we produce.
What We Need
We are on the cusp of some exciting business developments, our processing center is up and running in Ghana, we have filled our first orders, we have trained farmers from the southern-most to northern-most villages in Ghana on nutrition, cultivation, and processing.
With the $25,000 we raise from this campaign, we will:
• Immediately help 70 farmers generate income through seed purchases, producing 1,000 kg of oil and 3,000kg of animal feed
• Lay the groundwork for thousands of farmers to join our network over the next five years and beyond
• Start a nursery and demonstration farm at 5 different sites throughout Ghana
• Build supply base and buyer base for 2014 operations
The Impact
Kwami and Emily are excited to work with farmers in Ghana and throughout West Africa with Moringa and other specialty crops for years and years to come. Your contribution catalyzes our work and allows us to establish credibility with major cosmetics companies and investors, all while providing nutrition, education, and sustainable livelihoods to farmers. Plant a seed and watch it grow!
Your contributions have catalyzed the launch of our award-winning retail line of True Moringa natural beauty products. Not only does our brand provide more income and exposure for our farmers, it allows us to dictate a new standard of ethical sourcing in the beauty industry and open new inclusive global supply chains around the world.