THANK YOU for visiting our IndieGoGo,
The Ten Dollar Campaign. We're on the brink of doing something really incredible this year in recording this EP. It's because of YOU, the people who have taken the time in letting our music - our dream - into your ears and lives that we've been able to come this far. For that we invite you to become a part of this new era of Shapes & Colors and help us see it come to fruition.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 to fund the recording and travel costs for this EP, and if 1000 people donate just $10, the price of a CD, our Ten Dollar Campaign will be a success. This project isn't just for us, though, we want YOU, the listener, to gain a worthwhile investment in our music, too.
By donating $10, you will not only have helped us create our best work yet, but you will also be compensated and commemorated for your generous support. The Ten Dollar Campaign gives you:
- Our entire digital discography so far.
- A signed, physical CD copy of our new EP that you helped create.
- A signed, physical CD copy of our debut album, Hold Your Breath.
- A signed letter of appreciation from the band.
** All items will be mailed to you upon completion of the EP. We're expecting to release sometime in early fall later this year. **
In addition to The Ten Dollar Campaign, we're also offering several other donation packages with an array of unique, campaign-exclusive rewards, so please take a look at those items as well.
Throughout the 60 days of the campaign, we'll be making several updates on the project leading up to the recording in late June, so keep an eye on this page and our other social media outlets as the story unfolds!
We sincerely thank you all - friends, family, fans - for your support through these first years as Shapes & Colors. We wouldn't still be chasing after this dream if it weren't for all of you, so the least we can do is give this our continued all and make this dream something even bigger than we ever could imagine.
With love and thanks,
Shapes & Colors:
Travis Bobier - Vocals, Guitar
Mike Morris - Guitar
Kyle Labuta - Guitar
Bob Allers - Bass, Vocals
Zack Waggener - Drums, Keys, Programming
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