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Help Us Help Ourselves

A campaign to help reestablish our family owned residential and commercial landscape maintenance business after personal health challenges.

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Help Us Help Ourselves

Help Us Help Ourselves

Help Us Help Ourselves

Help Us Help Ourselves

Help Us Help Ourselves

A campaign to help reestablish our family owned residential and commercial landscape maintenance business after personal health challenges.

A campaign to help reestablish our family owned residential and commercial landscape maintenance business after personal health challenges.

A campaign to help reestablish our family owned residential and commercial landscape maintenance business after personal health challenges.

A campaign to help reestablish our family owned residential and commercial landscape maintenance business after personal health challenges.

Althea Cooper
Althea Cooper
Althea Cooper
Althea Cooper
1 Campaign |
Atlanta, United States
$611 USD 13 backers
1% of $55,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our Background

Everyone has a story of success and/or failure. We have both. And now, my husband and I are asking for assistance in resurrecting our most successful venture that was interrupted by an eight year illness of my husband. This time, we need your help. We are asking for you to help us to help ourselves. Here is our story.

In 1989, my husband and I embarked upon an exciting venture: we decided to start our landscape business.  He had been working in the landscaping industry for several large companies and I was pursuing my Business degree and working in the computer industry.  The company he worked for at the time as the landscape foreman maintained the landscape of the building where I worked.  As I watched him orchestrate the tasks of his crewman outside my office window, I realized this was his passion and something he should be doing on a much larger scale as an entrepreneur.  

We purchased his first piece of landscape equipment (a commercial backpack blower), developed fliers for a leaf blowing service, and started our marketing campaign in the community where we lived.  One of our customers asked if we could begin maintaining her lawn on a regular basis. To my husband’s surprise, I responded “yes, we can” without hesitation, and that was the start of our business.  Our next stop was our local commercial landscape shop to purchase a mower and other equipment necessary to maintain lawns. Initially, we both were working in full-time jobs, yet slowly started increasing our customer base on a shoe-string budget in a “mom and pop” manner. I was responsible for the office management and my husband ran the field operations. Five years, and two of our now five children later, we had resigned from our full-time jobs and were investing 100% of our efforts into our successful company.  We continued to operate out of our home, yet provided comprehensive residential and commercial landscape services that were equal to many of the larger landscape maintenance companies in our area. Please view our gallery of photos of our services by selecting the "Gallery" tab above.

Those were wonderful years, yet six months after the birth of our fifth child, the unimaginable happened, my husband's health suddenly declined.  He was in and out of the emergency intensive care unit nine times in the first year, fighting several health challenges.  It took eight years for him to completely recover, and during that time our business declined due to his inability to work, the recession, and housing market crash. Many of our residential customers were either laid off from their jobs or furloughed, and could not continue to support our business.  Our main commercial landscape home builder changed how they hired landscape maintenance companies in an effort to protect their bottom line profits.  I continued to manage the business, but without my husband being on site, the quality of our work decreased.  We learned a valuable lesson from that experience: once his health improved to the point where we can start over, we will employ a Landscape Supervisor whose responsibilities shall include quality assurance and overseeing the maintenance of our trucks and equipment, while my husband perform more executive duties for our business.

Moving Forward

We are now in the planning stages of restarting our business, and need your assistance to help make it happen.  Our financial reserves were wiped out years ago from my husband’s extensive medical bills, business overhead, and personal expenses.  Our goal is to raise $55,000 in donations from this campaign. Your contribution will pay for any necessary repair and/or replacement cost of our trucks and equipment due to years of misuse by our crewmen in the absence of my husband.  We also need funds for the start up operating and marketing costs.

Whether or not we reach our goal, the funds will still go towards our business start up costs, beginning with the purchase and repair of our trucks and equipment.  We can always start over and know what needs to happen, who will perform each task, where to go to get the necessary supplies and equipment, and how to begin marketing our business, starting with our massive list of past customers and referrals.

Follow the link below to view an interactive chart for the detailed breakdown by percentages of where your contributions will be utilized (see below for the breakdown by dollar amounts).  We believe it is important that you fully understand what we are attempting to accomplish from the success of this business fundraising campaign.


In Appreciation

Thank you, so very much, for any amount you can contribute to “help us help ourselves” by providing the services we truly enjoy for our community, and rebuild our business which will enable us to care for ourselves, our employees, and our families.  Since we are starting our campaign in October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the theme for our perks will be healthy eating.  For your generous donations, we will provide the following rewards:

  • For your $1.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message to you, because every little bit helps.
  • For your $10.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message with one cancer prevention smoothie recipe.
  • For your $30.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message with an electronic recipe booklet containing five cancer prevention recipes, including one smoothie, one salad, and 2 entrees.
  • For your $50.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message with an electronic recipe booklet containing 10 cancer prevention recipes, including two smoothies, three salads, and five entrees.
  • For your $100.00+ contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message, and electronic recipe booklet containing 10 cancer prevention recipes, and a My 3D Viewer for your iPhone. Shipping is FREE in the U.S.

What You Can Do

We understand if you are unable to monetarily contribute.  It would be absolutely appreciated if you could help us by getting the word out through your networks.  If you have a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, or any social media profiles, sharing or sending a personal message to any potential supporters would be wonderful.  You can use the Indiegogo share tools for simplicity. 

Thank you for your support!

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Choose your Perk


Best Deal

$100 USD
For your $100.00+ contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message, and electronic recipe booklet containing 10 cancer prevention recipes, and a My 3D Viewer for your iPhone. Shipping is FREE in the U.S. Please provide us with your email address.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 out of 10 of claimed

Thank You!

$1 USD
For your $1.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message to you, because every little bit helps. Please provide us with your email address.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 out of 15000 of claimed

Smoothie Special

$10 USD
For your $10.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message with one cancer prevention smoothie recipe. Please provide us with your email address.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
2 out of 5000 of claimed

Healthy Recipe Booklet

$30 USD
For your $30.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message with an electronic recipe booklet containing five cancer prevention recipes, including one smoothie, one salad, and 2 entrees. Please provide us with your email address.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 out of 2000 of claimed

Extra Special

$50 USD
For your $50.00 contribution, we will email a heartfelt "Thank You" message with an electronic recipe booklet containing 10 cancer prevention recipes, including two smoothies, three salads, and five entrees. Please provide with youryour email address.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
3 out of 1500 of claimed

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