Thank you for taking the time to visit Hogwash: The American Pig Tale's IndieGoGo Campaign!
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has declared that every pig that exhibits certain characteristics is an invasive species and any person harboring one of these animals will be considered a felon. If one disobeys this order they will receive fines of up to $10,000 per pig and/or be thrown into federal prison. Over 70 family farms massacred hundreds of pigs and piglets without compensation in the spring of 2012.
Mark Baker of Baker's Green Acres said "No." After defending the constitution for 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, Baker has now found himself in a historical fight for his livelihood and his family's security. He has now been sued for over $700,000.00 and is still awaiting trial.
He has filed suit against those who have done this to him.
Hogwash: The American Pig Tale is a documentary which will create political leverage for the American Farmer and will empower consumers to call out their tax-payer funded politicians when they abuse their powers. It will remind all of us the power the Constitution, more specifically the 4th, 5th, & 6th amendments, gives to an American citizen.
Media is the modern day weapon of choice and far too many documentaries don't take the next step in putting enough pressure on politicians, corporations, and special interest groups to stop taking payouts to sign unconstitutional policies.
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My name is Kyle Miron and I'm Director of Frontiersmen Media. I'm here to tell you that it is not too late to reverse this Hogwash and to hold those responsible for attempting to rob American citizens of their livelihoods.
We are a video production group based out of the Midwest that specializes in producing documentary style videos for independent farmers from around the world. We also donate our time to working with Non-profits in our community.
For nearly two years we have been filming this historical tale of corruption happening in the great state of Michigan. Over 150 hours of footage has been recorded so far and we are in need of 20+ more interviews, three more Court Cases, and miscellaneous B-roll to serve as glue to the film.
The footage we have showcases only one side of the argument.
Interviews with Biologists, Senators, Lawyers, DNR Officers, Authors, and Hunters will help to clarify the reasons why this has happened in the first place.
Mark Baker and his family have become close friends and it has been an honor working with him on this revolutionary endeavor. His family's courage to stand up to tyranny has been inspirational and we will be by his side til the end.