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Holy BLEEP Mabel - A Seriously Funny Project of Vote Climate Change U.S. PAC

We work to elect candidates to shift to renewable energy to slow climate change. DONATE. SHARE. THANK YOU.

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Holy BLEEP Mabel - A Seriously Funny Project of Vote Climate Change U.S. PAC

Holy BLEEP Mabel - A Seriously Funny Project of Vote Climate Change U.S. PAC

Holy BLEEP Mabel - A Seriously Funny Project of Vote Climate Change U.S. PAC

Holy BLEEP Mabel - A Seriously Funny Project of Vote Climate Change U.S. PAC

Holy BLEEP Mabel - A Seriously Funny Project of Vote Climate Change U.S. PAC

We work to elect candidates to shift to renewable energy to slow climate change. DONATE. SHARE. THANK YOU.

We work to elect candidates to shift to renewable energy to slow climate change. DONATE. SHARE. THANK YOU.

We work to elect candidates to shift to renewable energy to slow climate change. DONATE. SHARE. THANK YOU.

We work to elect candidates to shift to renewable energy to slow climate change. DONATE. SHARE. THANK YOU.

Karyn Strickler
Karyn Strickler
Karyn Strickler
Karyn Strickler
1 Campaign |
Washington, DC, United States
$3,024 USD 36 backers
100% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Despite the urgent alarms sounded by climate scientists, no federal climate legislation has ever become law on the federal level in the United States.  That's why we founded Vote Climate U.S. PAC to elect candidates to transition to clean, renewable, non-nuclear energy - like wind solar and geothermal - and to put a price on carbon. 

We plan to highlight the seriousness of climate change through humor.  Holy BLEEP Mable is a political ad-campaign featuring the quirky couple Mable and Manny, who find themselves in various Holy BLEEP Mabel moments as they experience weather extremes resulting from climate change.  In this first phase of our project, we'll produce 1 of 3 political ads, from concept to creation. 

Please help us bring Mabel and Manny to life and create our ads to elect candidates who can pass climate legislation.  Mabel, Manny and the rest of us here are aiming for an historic, political victory on the most critical issue of our time.

Meet Mabel and Manny, our quirky couple starring in our Vote Climate U.S. PAC ads, who find themselves in various "Holy BLEEP Mabel" moments as they experience weather extremes related to climate change.  See below for more information on the campaign.

Meet Mabel, the Star of our TV Ads, and our Crew Mate Sean

Meet Manny the Star of our TV Ads

The Cast & Crew for our Ad Shoots L to R - Front - Ross, Seda, Andy, Mabel -  Back L to R - Angel, Sean, Linden, Karyn, Sam and Manny.

Join the 2,900 members of our Vote Climate U.S. PAC/Climate Challenge Facebook page.  Please take a look at our video linked above, for more information on our campaign.

What We Need

No donation is too small or too large.  Please donate $1, $5, $10, $25 $50, $100, whatever you can afford.  We'll appreciate any amount you give and put it to good use, fueling the momentum of our campaign.  If we meet our goal of $3,000, it will go toward our ads, allowing us to pay for a director, co-producer, writer and lighting director for the production of our ads.  As supporters of the concept and the campaign, they are giving us an extraordinarily great price.

We'll use your donation to:

  • Pay our professional production team - Andy, Ross, Sam and the Crew
  • Write and refine the scripts
  • Cast and direct the actors
  • Shoot the ads

The Producers - Andy & Ross Setting-up the Ad Shoot

If we do not reach our goal, we will use whatever we raise to make the first ad, but let's not consider failure, let's get it done!  If we exceed our goal, your donation will help pay for editing the ad and getting it ready for placement.  Here's hoping for success beyond our wildest dreams.

The Impact

Our unique and simple approach is to make a series of 3-ads, designed to run in targeted congressional districts to change the political dynamics on climate change.  If we succeed, we will make history, we will change history.  But for now, let's stay focused on the first step - making the first ad.  

Our Creative Action Team

Andrew Harper, President of 60iMedia and award winning producer/director/ Defenders of Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Refuge System, Moroccan American Center, Health Reform Coalition, Kids in Need of Defense, Share Our Strength and the School-Based Health Alliance.  His productions have promoted national and state advocacy campaigns including:  green buildings, conservation, health care and hunger issue and have been featured in campaigns promoted at the White House and on Capitol Hill.  He strongly believes in producing media that matters and brings passion and creativity to all of his productions.

Mark Dann, Treasurer of Vote Climate U.S. PAC, is an expert on voter targeting, fundraising, grassroots mobilization and message development in the U.S. and internationally.   

Kwame E. Bidi, is a new team member.  He recently recieved his Master's Degree from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.  He specializes in the entire facet of the project cycle:  needs assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment.  He has more than 5 years managing development projects in the U.S. and Sub-Saharan Africa with the UNDP, MIT and Global Environment Fund.  He currently works for a Boston-based organization and reviews development projects in the MIT Global Ideas Challenge program.  Social entrepreneurship excites Kwame. 


Dave FinniganWelcome to our newest team member.  Dave  is a social entrepreneur working on his third big project.  From 1966-1976 he served as Information, Education and Communication consultant to the family planning programs of South Korea and Taiwan helping them bring average family size down from six kids to two.  From 1976-2006 Dave visited over 2,000 elementary schools where he taught over one million students, their parents and teachers to juggle with slow-moving nylon scarves and sold them juggling "props" of his own design.  Since 2007 Dave has been refining Climate Change is Elementary a program designed to take families from awareness to significant action with regard to their carbon and water footprints.  He is now ready to teach other people how to deliver that program in schools world-wide.

Karyn Strickler, President of Vote Climate U.S. PAC, has executive-level experience leading successful issue advocacy, congressional, U.S. Senate and ballot measure campaigns.  She ran a statewide PAC in Maryland, winning 100% of their targeted races.  Karyn was the finance director for Congressman Chris Van Hollen (MD-8), whom Time Magazine called "a hero to environmentalists."  She hosted and produced the first and only TV show ever, dedicated exclusively to climate change, called Climate Challenge(See link to episode above)Karyn is an Ironman triathlon, age-group champion.

Sam Lichtman, a senior, film major who directed a documentary on climate change and attended FAMU, the top film school in Europe, where he made a film that won the AU Visions Craft Award.  Sam directed, produced, filmed and edited our Indiegogo video presented above.  

We are proud to such an esteemed group of individuals on our team.

Other Ways You Can Help

YOU are the power behind our campaign.  We will gratefully accept any donation, small or large, but if you simply cannot make a donation, you can still help:

  • Join us on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • email us at at
  • Sharing this page with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers through email, Facebook, Twitter and other social media.  Ask them to donate.  This is how campaigns like this one succeed!!
  • Remember to use the Indiegogo share tools!  It helps to position our campaign to attract funders.
  • We thank you.  With your help, we will succeed!

    We're just getting started so we do not yet have a website, but we will post it when it's ready.

    Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents may donate.  If you donate $200 in a single year, we are required to report your donation to the Federal Election Commission, so it is best if you do not make anonymous donations.  Thank you for your cooperation.  

    Copyright Vote Climate U.S. PAC 2013.  All campaign materials, including but not limited to videos, story boards, scripts, written materials and others are the exclusive property of Vote Climate U.S. PAC and may not be altered, reproduced or used in any form without our written permission and proper credit.  We encourage you to share our Indiegogo campaign. 

    Authorized by Vote Climate U.S. PAC, Mark Dann Treasurer, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

    E&E Daily

    An E&E Publishing Service

    CAMPAIGN 2014: Activist launches super PAC to help 'pro-climate' candidates  (Thursday, December 5, 2013)

    Jennifer Yachnin, E&E reporter

    When Maryland political activist Karyn Strickler determined Congress isn't pursuing climate change policy aggressively enough, she didn't sit down to write her lawmaker or contact an environmental group; she opened her own super PAC.

    Strickler, who made her mark in the Old Line State in the late 1980s and early 1990s while working on abortion rights issues, recently founded the Vote Climate U.S. PAC to focus on the election of what she calls "pro-climate" candidates in competitive districts.

    "I've worked on some of the most divisive issues of our time, so I feel prepared to take on climate change, to the extent that anyone is prepared to take on climate change," Strickler said.

    A former executive director of the Endangered Species Coalition, Strickler also produced her own public access television program, called "Climate Challenge," for five years.

    "I've watched and waited for 10 years for existing groups to take political action on climate change; none of the existing groups and none of the existing politicians have succeeded," Strickler said.

    But unlike some super PACs, Strickler's effort isn't backed by an independently wealthy individual.

    While Strickler said she plans to contribute some personal funds to the project, she largely hopes to raise capital via the fundraising website

    "I welcome all interested billionaires," Strickler said, then joked about California billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, who runs the NextGen Climate Action PAC: "If Steyer wants to pair up, I'm there."

    In the meantime, Strickler makes a pitch for donations in a video posted to the fundraising site, explaining that the PAC will use its first $25,000 to produce the first of three video ads.

    The trio of ads, which Strickler said will be aired in competitive House races, will focus on Mable and Manny, a "quirky couple" who find themselves facing problems caused by extreme weather.

    Strickler said the commercials, which will be known as "Holy Shit Mabel!," were inspired when she learned of tidal flooding in Miami. She said her husband, American University history professor Allan Lichtman, turned to her and said, "That's what I call a 'Holy Shit Mabel' moment!"

    The fledgling PAC has not determined which races it will target in 2014, but Strickler said it's likely the ads could air in Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California or New York.

    "Let's face it, the Republicans are not exactly on our side on the climate issue; even the Democrats aren't very good. That's one of the major challenges that we face," said Strickler, who said her goal is the implementation of a carbon tax.

    She added that the PAC could target Senate races as well, depending on its fundraising. The IndieGogo site reported the group had raised about $800 as of last night.

    "I'm reluctant to do this," Strickler said. "I don't have a lot of resources. I'm not a know-it-all on the issue, but I'm tired of waiting."

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    Environment & Energy Daily (E&E Daily) is written and produced by the staff of E&E Publishing, LLC. Designed for policy players who need to know what's happening to their issues on Capitol Hill, from federal agency appropriations to comprehensive energy legislation, E&E Daily is the place insiders go to track their environmental and energy issues in Congress. E&E Daily publishes daily 

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Spare Change 4 Climate Change

$1 USD
Our gratitude for donations of $1-24! Please get your friends to give too!
0 claimed


$1 USD
MATCHING CHALLENGE - Anything you give, up to $20,000 will be matched - effectively doubling your power to help Vote Climate U.S. PAC demonstrate the political power of climate change. THROUGH JANUARY 2.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
4 claimed

Climate Helper

$25 USD
We will recognize you on our Facebook page as a "Climate Helper" for a donation of $25-$99.
8 claimed

Climate Hero

$100 USD
We will recognize you on our Facebook page as as Climate Hero for a donation of $100-$999.
5 claimed

Climate Champion - VIP DINNER

$1,000 USD
If you live within 25 miles of Washington, DC and you make a $1,000+ donation, executive producer and president of Vote Climate U.S. PAC, Karyn Strickler will take you to dinner $1,000-$9999.
0 claimed

Climate Chief

$2,500 USD
Recognition on our Facebook page. Signed pictures of Mabel and Manny. VIP Dinner with our President, Karyn Strickler and a member of our cast or crew, if you live within 25 miles of Washington, DC.
0 claimed

Holy BLEEP Mabel Hall of Fame

$10,000 USD
We will recognize you on our Facebook page with a Holy BLEEP Mabel Award for a donation of $10,000 or more. And of course you get a VIP Dinner with our President, Karyn Strickler and a member of our cast or crew, if you live within 25 miles of Washington, DC. We will send you a copy of the script for our first ad signed by cast and crew. All rights reserved.
0 claimed

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