Homes For Our Heroes
We have not forgotten, veterans fought wars and “All gave some and some gave all”. Many of these veterans have returned to society and have fallen through the cracks of life. For many their government benefits ended, some did not receive the mental help they deserved and needed and for some it was no fault of their own; the economy did not recognize our unsung heroes.
It’s quite disheartening to drive throughout the city and to see our former heroes laying beside porches, abandoned buildings and sleeping under bridges. Next to watch them march almost as uniformly as they once did in our armed forces, march to any available soup kitchen, carrying all their possessions in a handheld plastic bag, hoping to make it in line in time to receive a free meal. This is not the life our veterans deserve, you can make a difference, and your contributions will impact their lives forever. Help put our heroes in homes.
Who we are
We are Whole Man Ministries of NC a non profit 501 (3) (c) organization. We believe in contributing to the “holistic” development of people—i.e., body, mind and spirit.This Organization incorporates various ministries and impact programs to meet the needs of the community.
Whole Man Ministries of NC has spawned a variety of charitable activities, including a small Church, a Jail and Prison Mentoring Program, a Homeless Assistance Program, Adult Continuing Education Program, a Food Pantry Program and Clothes Closet Program.
It is also the physical agent for Bridging the Gap Community Center, which serves as a WinstonNet Technology Center with internet access for the public at large, computer training, and English and Spanish Classes.
This campaign is very simple, and we are extremely passionate about it . Our organization wants to rehab homes for our heros and need collaboration from the community in helping with this cause.
Your Contributions at Work
We have acquired several buildings for our veteran's housing program that need extensive work in to order bring them in accordance with the city's codes of inspection. Your contributions will not only facilitate these costly repairs, but also make sure that the rehab work is finish by September 11th, 2013.
The Project Needs
The housing units need extensive repairs such as new hvac units, new plumbing, new electrical wiring, roof repairs, flooring repairs, windows, doors, appliances, household furnishings, interior and exterior painting as well as significant landscaping and lawn equipment to maintain the properties.
We hope to raise over $50,000 so that we can provide supportive service to the heroes who live in the housing.Service will include: transportation to services, job readiness training, fininacial management training and counseling.
If we do not reach our goal of $50,000 all remaining contributions will be applied directly to the cost of repairs for the units by matter of importance and need.
The cause
Our veterans gave of themselves unselfishly, “All gave some and some gave all”. Unfortunately many of our veterans have somehow slipped through the cracks of society, due to misfortune, illness, a downturned economy and some by no fault of their own. Their sacrifices are not forgotten, nor or they themselves. Help us help our unsung heroes, contribute to our campaign to provide housing for our homeless veterans. We say, "Homes4Heroes", knowing that this is a worthy causes. No veteran should be homeless or without support!
![Click for News 2 Coverage]()
Ways to help
We recognize that everyone may not be able to donate monetarily, however spreading the word and sharing this campaign with as many people as possible is sincerely appreciated as well. By all means like this campaign where ever it is posted. Lets chant this together,
" Homes4Heroes"!