We are HONEST.
A dedicated band of
friends (7 to be precise), who are not only in love with film photography but
are also very passionate about sharing a beautiful art form.
In October 2014 the
idea was born to create a print magazine dedicated exclusively to analogue
photography called HONEST., featuring the work of a wide variety of
international film photographers. Read more about the beginnings of HONEST. on our blog!
When we started we were
blessed with:
- incredible photographers
an amazing printer
a well organised and heavily pregnant Layout designer
a restless word grafter with a not so light travel typewriter
a New York journalist with a sense for business and culinary
all-in-all a crazy bunch of motivated people!
3 months later our baby
Issue 0 was born (first edition: 1000 magazines) and soon after that we had our soft launch in New York City!
Now we want to go on.
l.t.r: Stefanie Neunteufl, Hans-Jürgen Hein, Xenia Bluhm
To be perfectly HONEST.
with you, the €10 000 are the bare minimum that we need to go on while still
being able to give something back to the people who helped create the magazine
in the first place - who have thus far been working for free and paying out of
pocket since October 2014.
The €10 000 will also help
build the foundation for future projects, such as Issue I and II, an HONEST. Gallery
(to pimp out our artists… uhm… promote
them of course), or maybe even an office space, since we are currently working
out of our living rooms, bedrooms and yes, sometimes even our bathrooms.
Our very skilled social media unicorn made this informative pie chart for you, so it is transparent what the money will be used for exactly:
What You Get
We have unique perks
set up for you! In HONEST. Tribe Style you can either join us as an Analogue Settler (Postcards, Postcards,
Postcards!), an ISO Chieftain (Issue
0, two of them!) all the way up to a Shutter
Speed Deity (Your own special edition! With your face on it! Seriously!).
If you have trouble
deciding which of our 8 Packages is the right one for you, don’t you worry, we
will introduce every single perk as the campaign goes along!
Look and Feel Video of HONEST. Issue ø :
The Impact
We have come together to pursue a shared vision: building a
community of artists, enthusiasts and idealists who are all bound by a deep
passion for the pure and authentic art of film photography. We want to make a great print magazine that you can rip apart and hang on your walls or
put out on your coffee table when Auntie Elly is coming over for tea.
HONEST. has gotten a great resonance from professionals as well
as amateurs. The magazine has been picked up by a number of stores and is no
longer exclusively available online! See our blog for a full list of shops, where you can find us!
Since our soft launch we got lined up for blogs as well as lifestyle print magazines, and we were able to collect a great amount of
HONEST. Advocates, who share their art with us on Facebook as well as on
Instagram. The numbers of superb photographers who are submitting their work
through our website is ever-expanding. In a world where the tendency of working
against each other in order to achieve success becomes a daily battle, we want
to create an environment where everyone supports individual creativity by
working together!
Risks & Challenges
"Print is dead. Film is dead."
No they are not! We haven’t stumbled on any obituaries yet. Print and film still do exist, monthly and quarterly magazines are actually thriving! And as long as they do, we will use them as the beautiful mediums they are.
While our main focus clearly is on analogue photography, we do not ban
digital work from our work flow. A challenge we encountered early on was people
thinking that we were against digital photography. We are not. Yes,
we like to take pictures with our digital cameras sometimes, as well as the
obligatory cellphone selfies (yeah, we do that). But we do feel the need to
give our passion, our love that is film photography, its own space to breathe
and continue to grow and thrive in this modern digital world.
We know that HONEST. is a niche product and niche products do carry risks. But what is the worst that could happen? That we crash with flying colours? Yeah maybe, but we will have a lovely magazine to read on the way down.
(We are not going down, by the way.)
Where do the funds go if we don't reach our goal?
Easy. Back to you.
No, we are not crazy. No, none of us are addicted gamblers who go all-in just for the adrenaline rush. We simply trust our product and know what we need to make it the way it’s meant to be done. We don’t feel like keeping your hard earned money for something that didn’t work out on this platform.
Nevertheless, you did support us and you are now part of the tribe! Which is awesome! The reason we do what we do is not to have big investors push us, but rather a band of friends to join us.
Please, please don’t feel bad if you cannot contribute! You can still
help us!
Get the word out and make some noise about our campaign! Knock on your neighbor's door, call your long lost cousin, send a message in a bottle or smoke signals (please no carrier pigeons, they
tend to get lost a lot)!
... or use the Indiegogo share tools to do that!
You can also join the #honesttribe by simply liking us on Facebook and/or following us on Instagram and Twitter!