Short Summary
Over the last 5 years, the sport of Ultramarathon Running has emerged as the next "rite of passage" for endurance athletes and is increasingly accessible to the average person that wants to stop pounding pavement and play in the woods. When the sport first began, it was all about community. A few hearty folks would show up to eat soup, run some miles and enjoy whatever potato chip or pretzel was offered on a table set up before the next big section. It was small, cheap (free or a donation jar in the parking lot) and folks knew each other.
In the last few years, the sport has grown exponentially. Some races are down-home and inexpensive. Others have sold to corporations that have morphed events into big business with celebrity runners flying in to claim cash prizes. All of this has impacted local communities (some good, some bad), changed the interactions of runners and impacted the very trails we love to run.
Over the past few years many ultrarunners have commented that they're tired of Big Business races. They lament what ultrarunning used to be; people coming together to run long distances without emptying their wallets. Folks are getting priced out of races that used to exist to bring people together to run epic trails for the sheer love of running.
The Human Potential Running Series looks to change that. We want to continue to promote "Old School" Ultra running in Colorado's Front Range and Mountain Counties. The focus of our races is in treating all runners as equals and as members of a larger community, while simultaneously working to preserve the communities and mountain trails that we use and love. We operate with the following principles in mind: Community, Equality and Respect. By creating a business model that equalizes Community, Environment and the Economic reality of putting on races, we can keep prices in check, offer races around Colorado and give back to the communities that we impact, and the community of Ultra Running as a whole.
About Our Founder
"Sherpa" John Lacroix has been running ultramarathons since 2005. He has finished races such as the Western States 100, Leadville 100, Vermont 100 (5x), Massanutten 100 (2x), numerous 50 milers and 50K events, and even completed one loop at the infamous Barkley Marathons. He was previously a Co-Race Director of the Pittsfield Peaks Ultra Challenge 50 Miler, Race Director of the New England Ultras 50/100/200 Mile Races (Now McNaughton in Vermont), and contributing co-founder of the Original Peaks Death Race. Since moving to Colorado in 2011, Sherpa has crafted a 6 month series of Fat Ass Runs for Front Range Ultra Runners which has experienced exponential growth over the last 2 seasons, entertaining over 300 runners this year.. for FREE.
"This campaign is incredibly important not only to me but to the ultra community as a whole. Colorado is home to the highest concentration of ultra/endurance athletes than anywhere else in the world, and they're thirsty for more opportunities to run with each other right here in their magnificent backyard. More-so, it is my mission to preserve the communal and all inclusive traditions of ultra runners for generations to come. We runners need to continue to work together, to achieve our true potential together, and to care for our playground better."
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking to raise $6,500 as base level start-up funds for the new Human Potential Running Series. This money will go directly towards the purchase of items necessary to the success of our series. Ever run an ultra? Then you know that the successful race has an impressive inventory of tables, chairs, cots, canopies, stoves, water jugs, first aid supplies, and other necessary items geared towards the successful professional event. Simply put, it goes back to the runners experience.
WHY? Let's face it. There are three kinds of ultras in Colorado:
1.) The race put on by a local running store or funded by huge corporations or individuals with deep pockets. These races focus mostly on making a profit and can afford to do so at all costs.
2.) The humble race that was established before the swell in ultra popularity (2010) and that has done very well over the last 5 years. These established races are now deeply rooted in our ultra culture and have the reputation to go along with it. They are captains of their own destiny.
3.) The "one-and-done" or the struggling race: These are the races put on by individuals, like us, who WANT to make a difference but are unable to compete with the two other types of races above. These individuals spend so much of their time chasing the bottom line to break even, that their races never have the chance at success nor do their races truly provide the quality experience each ultra runner deserves.
In order for the Human Potential Running Series to work and become fiscally viable, we need to generate our seed money through this campaign. In doing so, we will avoid being the "one-and-done" or the struggling event trying to break even every year. We can continue to focus on the traditions of our sport and offer the same opportunities as the established events. We can avoid "selling out" to corporations all together and provide our ultra community with a race that gives back to ALL runners.
What You Get:
Please check out the perks we've put together to the right. Your contribution affords you the opportunity to win some neat items that have been graciously donated, participate at our events at cheaper rates, and have a lasting impact on our events for years to come.
The Impact
Help us change ultra running, not just in Colorado but in every community where ultra events take place. Let's buck the trends and bring ultra back to it's roots so that we can get to know each other, support each other and enjoy the journey together.
The Human Potential Running Series has already made a deep impact on ultra training in Colorado's Front Range. It's time to take it to the next level. JOIN US.
Other Ways You Can Help
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- Please help us get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
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Thank you for your support!