Wouldn't it be great if you could take 3-D
images into the real world? Well, now you can! And NO special glasses required! With any tablet, smartphone and the i-Lusio, you can make 3-D images come more to life than
ever before.
“With the development of new technologies, we find ourselves staring at a
screen for several hours a day. Far too much time for my liking! My aim is to
take the image from the screen, place it in the real world and let it interact
with the surrounding objects.”
What is it? It’s a reflection of light!
For over 14 years, I have been making installations
using this technique in sizes varying from pretty small to a hologram of over 6
meters wide! It literally has become second nature to me.
However I have always liked the smaller presentations
better because they have much more contrast and therefore the realism of the
hologram is much higher.
• Have a Holographic pet. • An alarm clock. • Give your kids a Tamagotchi and let them draw the
cage. • How about a miniature version of your idol on the
shelf or your desk? • Make your own living family portrait.
For professionals
• Present your new products to your clients • Have a Holographic logo of your company in your
office (see one of the perks!). • Next generation 3-D Infographics.
• Are you a designer? Review your creations in the i-Lusio. • i-Lusio is a perfect teleprompter. • Come up with something we didn’t think of? By all
means: let us know!
We are working on games… they will be quite different
from the ones you know.
For the future we are also thinking about making an
encyclopedia for kids that can literally show 3-D images of its contents! Stones and minerals, dinosaurs, planets and solar
systems, cars, airplanes and what about all Star Wars spaceships? We envision a Wikipedia like construction where the
content is made by you: the user.
How does it work?
Place any tablet or
smart phone on top of the i-Lusio. You don’t need any source of energy, other
then your tablet or phone, to let your i-Lusio run. It only takes 30 seconds to
set up.
Application for free!
Without the content
player app the i-lusio will work just fine. However it’s very
difficult to press the screen when it’s upside down. The content player
app makes it very easy to interact with the iPad. By simple commands
touching the screen anywhere ones, twice, short or long it’s possible to
interact with the program.
We are also working
on several alarm clocks, not only the one with Star Wars.
Why I need your support
All my i-Lusio prototypes are made by hand.
However, this means high production costs and a high end‑price for the i-Lusio .
A change in production method is
needed to make this product more affordable. This entails significant
start-up costs.
By assisting me with these costs,
together we can create a high-quality product that is accessible for everyone.
What your money would be funding
1.Finalizing the design: We have completed the ideal measurements and
technical properties for the i-Lusiobut this is a prototype. We still
need to finalize the design making it more appealing to the market.
2.Preparing the design for
mass production: At this moment, for the prototype, we are using
glass with a special coating to create the holographic images but for i-Lusio to be suitable for mass
production will need to replace this with plastic materials that however
do have the same specifications. We are in contact with different factories who
can fabricate this material as well as others for the injection moulding.
However factories require a minimum order.
3.Software development: We want to develop software
that allows the user to have even more interaction with the images as well
as the possibility to incorporate home made movies. We've already tried a wide
variety of films and animations really everything came out fantastically on the i-Lusio. Follow the basic rules like
a steady camera and black or darkened background, the possibilities are
virtually endless!
This is a
fixed funding campaign, meaning you get your money refunded if I don't reach my
funding goal!
About the inventor
My name is Feddow
Claassen, from The Netherlands,and
I am both a designer and inventor. For
the last 14 years I have been working with the ancient Pepper’s Ghost technique
and believe that it is time it became affordable for everyone!
What you should know about this presentation
The i-Lusios shown in the film are prototypes. One
is made out of plastic using laser-cutting technique, the other one was
made using sheet metal bending. These are not the models we will
be developing for you... those will be much, much nicer!
The images you see in the film are just a number of try-outs
we made with the i-Lusio.
We’ve tried over 60 different Apps from kids stuff to adult
stuff using footage we had on the shelf or actually just found on youtube.
The Apps we are building are based on these experiments
but will exclusively be developed for the i-Lusio and contain only original
material. We wish to invite content developers, artists, games producers and
app developers to join our ecosystem and open up a totally new and unique
channel for their content.
12 holographic animations to use only for the i-Lusio
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed
Get one!
$44 USD
Be the first one to own an i-Lusio!
The i-Lusio content player App!
Also one free App!
incl. shipping to all countries
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed
Get two!
$80 USD
Get your own i-Lusio! Because your kids won’t let you play with it!
The i-Lusio content player App!
Also one free App
incl. shipping to all countries
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed
upgrade 1 to 4
$100 USD
Already bought one?
And make it four!
0 out of 50 of claimed
Get 4!
$144 USD
i-Lusio makes a great present for your friends, Christmas or kids birthday.
Take one to the office and use it for presentations!
The i-Lusio content player App!
Also one free App
incl. shipping to all countries
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed
Office deal!
$400 USD
Get your own corporate holo logo, to project in the i-Lusio! We animate and make the logo of your company suitable for the i-Lusio.
The office deal includes one i-Lusio, the content player app and your custom made logo animation to run in the i-Lusio. Shipping to all countries.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed
Want more?
$1,000 USD
Tell me how many and we work it out!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed
advanced sales
$10,000 USD
for this amount you better call us.
And make room for a shipload of i-Lusio's
0 out of 5 of claimed
The filantrope!
$50,000 USD
You are as determined as we are
to bring i-lusio into the world!
And it's not going fast enough for you!
Maybe we should change i-lusio into your name!