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Ice Hammer

Action/Thriller series following a family torn apart by war and espionage in the Alaska wild. Books, Audiobooks, and Documentary Film

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Ice Hammer

Ice Hammer

Ice Hammer

Ice Hammer

Action/Thriller series following a family torn apart by war and espionage in the Alaska wild. Books, Audiobooks, and Documentary Film

Action/Thriller series following a family torn apart by war and espionage in the Alaska wild. Books, Audiobooks, and Documentary Film

Action/Thriller series following a family torn apart by war and espionage in the Alaska wild. Books, Audiobooks, and Documentary Film

Action/Thriller series following a family torn apart by war and espionage in the Alaska wild. Books, Audiobooks, and Documentary Film

Basil Sands
Basil Sands
Basil Sands
Basil Sands
1 Campaign |
Anchorage, United States
$485 USD 6 backers
9% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Action/Thriller series following a family torn apart by war and espionage in the Alaska wild. Books, Audiobooks, and Documentary Film.

I am an Alaskan and an indie writer with a passion for getting the details right about the land I love. Survival in desperate situations is always difficult, but in an Arctic environment there are factors that take that difficulty closer to impossible. People have lived in Alaska for thousands of years before modern technology, so it is obviously possible.

So much of what people know about Alaska comes from Hollywood which usually gets it very wrong, wrong to the point that if someone followed the advice even of some of the "reality shows" they could end up dead very fast. While my books are fiction, I strive to show my home state as it really is in all its harsh beautiful reality, and to provide real tools that a reader could employ if they found themselves in the unthinkable situation of trying to survive in an extreme climate. And that's where ICE HAMMER comes in.

The Story: 
  • Ice Hammer is a three book fiction series seen through the eyes of a family ripped apart by invasion and the ensuing war that consumes the North American continent, including their home state of Alaska. It is not about the bigger political game that stands behind all war, but it is about the lives, the loves and the bitter struggles of those trying to survive to see another day

The Set Up

  • 2013: NSA spy scandal lost the US many of its friends.

  • 2016: The US government defaults on its debts. With the collapse of the American Empire the few remaining US allies turn their backs as well.

    2017: Massive drought and crop failures spread across Eurasia threatening both China and the former Soviet states with starvation.

    2018: The decision is made. America will pay its debts.

    In a sweeping measure to collect what they are owed, guarantee ample food supplies and take fertile land for their own people, China and the newly re-Sovietized Russia combine forces and invade North America. 

    As limited nuclear strikes devastate major cities and population centers Chi-Sov forces rush to take and hold tactically significant segments of the continent paving the way for the transfer of their own populations for re-settlement and conquest.

    Just as it was for settlers in the early days of the American continent it is a bold new world for Chinese and Russian adventurers. In the face of methodical brutality at the hands of the conquerors, the locals don’t intend to give up the land without a fight.

    Brad Stone, IT chief for the VA Hospital in Anchorage Alaska, has dropped his teen sons off at Boy Scout Summer Camp and is heading home for a planned romantic week with his beautiful Korean born wife Youngmi when death rains down from the sky. Rockets and troops cut off the highway forcing Brad to escape into the mountains on foot. He must choose whether to save his sons at scout camp, or find Youngmi first. As the war rages around them Brad, Youngmi and their teen boys, end up in separate but equally deadly situations. Unsure of whether any of the other family members are alive, each of them must survive and bring the fight to the invader. See the partial cast of characters below.

    Status of the series:

    The entire three book series has been outlined and the first draft of book one is complete. Drafts of the next books are under way, and the first book is starting its initial follow-up rewrite, adding the flesh, muscle and sinew to the skeleton until it comes fully alive.

    Barring major craziness like hurricanes in my bathroom, massive snow-storms in the kitchen, or alternate/parallel dimensions opening up in my recording booth and turning it into a portal for an alien species to leap through a time warp and attempt to conquer the earth, ICE HAMMER Book One should be ready for submission by late 2014. With the help of pledges at the Executive level, this could potentially go even faster.

    Cast of Characters:

    A short intro to some of the main characters of ICE HAMMER

    Brad Stone
    Age 46. 
    Spouse: Youngmi (over 25 years)
    Children: Jay, Nathan, Alex
    IT Chief, Sunday School Teacher, Former Marine (88-92)
    Becomes Unintentional Leader of the Rebels

    Youngmi Stone
    Age 46
    Korean born
    Met Brad while she was in college & he was in Marines
    Web Programmer, Homeschool Mom, Active in her church
    Husband believes her dead, but she's held captive by Chinese General

    Nathan Stone
    Age 16
    Soon to be Eagle Scout
    Camp Counsellor at Gorsuch Boy Scout Camp
    Escapes into mountains with group of scouts at start of war

    Alex Stone
    Age 13
    1st Class Scout
    Camper with his Scout Troop
    Escapes to mountains with older brother

    Mike Campbell
    Age 45
    Retired Army Special Forces Master Sergeant
    Father of one of the older scouts at camp
    Leads scouts on escape into mountains

    Tommie Dolan
    Age 39
    Private Military Contractor / Mercenary
    Works with Mike training Alaska National Guard soldiers in special warfare skills
    Assists Mike leading scouts in escape

    Kharzai Ghiassi
    Age 40
    Former CIA agent
    Won't say what he's doing living like a hermit in the Alaska backwoods
    Encounters Brad in the forest alone, offers to team up with him
    Has a very odd sense of humor, very good at sneaking... and killing

    Sammi Park
    Age 30
    Korean born, raised in US
    High school ESL language teacher (speaks Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, and English all with native fluency)
    Was Brad's student in church many years ago, had a teen crush on him that she never grew out of
    She and "The Ajummas" are rescued by Brad & Kharzai before Chinese raid

    The Ajummas
    Group of Korean middle aged women picking wild edible plants outside of Anchorage when the war starts. Their knowledge of plants and natural medicine keeps the growing group of refugees alive and mostly healthy.

    General Zhang Ko Bai
    Age 52
    Commander of Chinese Forces Alaska
    Wife died of cancer during the early phase of invasion planning
    Keeps Youngmi prisoner due to her uncanny resemblance to his dead wife

    ...and many more

    Why the Funding Request?

    In writing my books I try to make them as realistic and life-like as possible by way of hands on research. I am an avid outdoors-man who has lived the majority of my life in Alaska. Ranging from Fairbanks to Salcha, Palmer to Anchorage I've experienced temperatures as extreme as +110F and -80F (not in the same day thank God), enjoyed an hours long roller-coaster on a boat in an ocean storm, stood sentry duty in sideways rain and slipped into an ice cave beneath a glacier that made superman's  HQ look positively drab. I've watch my wife's amazing tulip collection bloom all in one day as a technicolor reward for her gardening diligence only to witness a thousand pound momma moose eat the flowers off every last one of them as a mid-morning snack. I've hung tight with the twenty four hour summer sun and watched the Aurora Borealis fill the dark winter sky from horizon to horizon with swirling colors that danced like a supernatural ballet   While I've been around a lot, in such a big place there are innumerable places, objects and experiences I've not seen or done. As a self-published writer there are no royalty advances or support networks to offset costs of researching and producing the work.

    Monies raised in this project will pay for that hands on research including sub-arctic mountain and wilderness survival training (like this guy), indigenous skills such as hide preparation and food gathering, tactical firearms classes by these guys, historical and linguistics research at the University of Alaska Native Studies Dept and the Alaska Native Heritage Center, and gear testing of modern equipment. 

    Part of the funds will be used to purchase up to date video and audio recording equipment for the purpose of creating a documentary titled "The Making of Ice Hammer" that will chronicle the research and experiences I gain in preparing and writing this series of novels, information I expect to be very helpful to writers, new and experienced alike, especially if they attempt to tackle the subject of Alaska.

    Leaping into the mainstream publishing arena challenge

    If ICE HAMMER is not picked up by a major publisher it will be self-published as my previous titles have been. Pledged funds will be spent on professional editing, book formatting and professional cover art.

    If the series is picked up by a major publisher those funds will be spent on marketing and promotion (which the big pubs don’t do much of anymore) by getting out to as many book fairs, conferences and similar events as I can, and hopefully getting to meet some of you who have donated. 

    Risks and challenges

    Being an experienced indie writer with several self-published novels already out there I know some of the pitfalls that may lay ahead for this project. And as the techs and administrators of the Obamacare website became painfully aware of when floundered painfully to life a few weeks ago, I also know that there are trips and traps I cannot imagine lurking in the shadows waiting to ambush me. Time management, unexpected illness, day job emergencies, technical issues. Any of the above can toss a pebble into the works. How to overcome them? Persevere! The series is already outlined, the first book already drafted and the rest ready to be fleshed out. I made sure to have that much ready before putting the project into the public eye to ensure that ground work was already laid out and full tilt construction of the series could start from the word 'Go'!

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$1 USD
A personal Thank You note and you'll be added to my mailing list for infrequent newsletters (qtrly or less) & link to Making of Ice Hammer documentary film *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
0 claimed

Militia Private

$5 USD
Above plus ebook version of first book in series to be shipped upon release. (e-download) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW **FIRST 10 $5 PLEDGES WILL RECEIVE THE DIGITAL AUDIOBOOK OF BOOK 1 FREE AS WELL! ($25 VALUE!)
1 claimed

Militia Corporal

$15 USD
Above plus ebook version of entire series to be shipped upon release. (e-download)
1 claimed

Militia Sergeant

$25 USD
Above plus signed paperback copy of first book in series to be shipped upon release. (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW **FIRST 10 $25 PLEDGES WILL RECEIVE THE DIGITAL AUDIOBOOK OF ENTIRE SERIES FREE AS WELL!
0 claimed

Signals Scout

$40 USD
Above plus audiobook version of first in series (no paperback) to be shipped upon release. (e-download)
1 claimed

Listening Post

$50 USD
Everything through Militia Sergeant plus audiobook version of first in series to be shipped upon release (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW **FIRST 10 $25 PLEDGES WILL RECEIVE THE DIGITAL AUDIOBOOK OF ENTIRE SERIES FREE AS WELL!
0 claimed

Snow-Ball's Chance

$65 USD
Everything in Militia Sergeant, plus a Deluxe, Hand-Made, Real Alaska Snow-Ball, delivered frozen in dry ice (at least hopefully still frozen). If it thaws, simply reconstitute in freezer. *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW **FIRST 10 $25 PLEDGES WILL RECEIVE THE DIGITAL AUDIOBOOK OF ENTIRE SERIES FREE AS WELL!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Militia Lieutenant

$75 USD
Above plus signed paperback copy of complete series. Each book in series will be shipped upon release. (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW **FIRST 10 $25 PLEDGES WILL RECEIVE THE DIGITAL AUDIOBOOK OF ENTIRE SERIES FREE AS WELL!
0 claimed

SignalsCaptain E-Package

$100 USD
The complete set in both eBook and Audiobook (no paperbacks=no shipping fees - best deal for international orders). Each book in series will be shipped upon release. (e-versions for download) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
1 claimed

Militia Captain

$125 USD
The complete set in all formats. Signed Paperbacks, eBook and Audiobook. Each book in series will be shipped upon release. (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
1 claimed

Executive Officer (Signals)

$150 USD
Everything in Signals Captain E-Everything Package plus you get to be a beta-reader/associate editor of the book before publication. (e-versions for download) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
0 claimed

Executive Officer (Infantry)

$175 USD
Everything above plus you get to be a beta-reader/associate editor of each book before publication. (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
0 claimed

Operations Officer

$200 USD
Everything in Executive Officer plus a minor character named after you (e-versions for download, paperback delivered)
1 claimed

Battalion Commander

$500 USD
Everything above plus I will do a private reading via skype video of the first 30 minutes of Ice Hammer Book 1 for your family or any organization. (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
0 claimed

Flag Officers Academy

$750 USD
Everything above plus a personal critique of your fiction (up to 5K words) or of your audiobook narration sample (up to 30 minutes) (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

Brigade Commander

$1,000 USD
Everything in Executive Officer plus a major character named after you (no guarantee it’ll be a good guy) (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

HQ & Service Battalion

$1,500 USD
Everything in Brigade Commander plus I will bake a batch of my internationally renowned (honestly, almost every continent here) fresh delicious cinnamon rolls or sweet buns for you or a friend of your choice. Made with chewy potato dough, fresh cinnamon and real cane sugar, trust me they’re good. If you are within an hour drive of Anchorage, Alaska I will hand-deliver them (otherwise, they’ll be next day fed-exed) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

Division Commander

$2,000 USD
Everything in Brigade Commander plus I will send you a copy of my entire collection of written works including 11 ebooks, 10 audiobooks, and 7 signed paperbacks. (e-versions for download, paperback delivered) *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

Special Operations Commander

$2,500 USD
Everything in Division Commander plus I will jump into an icy lake at spring thaw, and post the video to YouTube and the local Alaska news with a special dedication to you or a consenting person of your choice. *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Joint Chiefs of Staff

$3,000 USD
Everything in Division Commander plus I will write and publish in both ebook and audiobook a short story based on the series (10k-20k words) with you (or a consenting person of your choice) as the main character (you choose to be the good or bad guy). *All pledges will receive the ebook version of my bestselling novel 65 BELOW
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

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