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Ichiban Studio miniatures

Starting up a miniature company isn't easy but to bring something different to the table is what we want so here we are!

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Ichiban Studio miniatures

Ichiban Studio miniatures

Ichiban Studio miniatures

Ichiban Studio miniatures

Ichiban Studio miniatures

Starting up a miniature company isn't easy but to bring something different to the table is what we want so here we are!

Starting up a miniature company isn't easy but to bring something different to the table is what we want so here we are!

Starting up a miniature company isn't easy but to bring something different to the table is what we want so here we are!

Starting up a miniature company isn't easy but to bring something different to the table is what we want so here we are!

Dennis Zarnowski
Dennis Zarnowski
Dennis Zarnowski
Dennis Zarnowski
1 Campaign |
Falkensee, Germany
$1,254 USD 28 backers
25% of $5,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Yes yet another indiegogo/kickstarter campaing for Wargaming related miniatures and accessories, but unlike many other we aren't a big lucrative company trying to piggy back on crowed funding just because its cool or because it "free money with no interests. No! We are a real start up company trying to make it in this world. You must ask your self if you don't know us already who are those crazy guys? Well let me introduce our selves to you! 

Ichiban studio is a collaboration between Hugo Matte and Dennis Zarnowski.

  • Hugo Matte is an accomplished painter and also youtuber, he won 2 golden demons and also many other famous painting contest. He hold a pretty impressive rating on coolminiornot
  • Dennis Zarnowski is the talented sculpter behinds all the wonderful miniature and accessories we will offer. He's also holding a very impressive rating on coolminiornot.

Now let's talk about the real things! Yes why are we using a crowd funding website. The reality of it is pretty easy. Although Hugo and Deniss are working hard developing new products amid the ones that we already have, doing this isn't first an easy thing and also producing a decent amount of them for you to enjoy is a real chalange. So we are resorting on crow funding to help us lauch the line. Think of this campaing as a pre launch with cool discounts!

  • What We Need & What You Get

So what do we need!

Thats a really good question!

  • First with the funds we will collect here we will buy resin! a lot of it to be able to produce the cool minis that you see in the perk section and and also for the future models that are in the concept phase.
  • Other things we will aquire with the funds from this campaing are hopfully a 3D printer and also a die cut cutter which will allow use to design more cool products and accessories for wargaming.
  • Last is pretty easy Me and Dennis have to eat :) 

What you get!! Thats the cool part

So here i will try and explain all the perks in detail for you, if you have any question regarding them feel free to contact us.

  • Please Note That Shipping isnt included in all the perk prices. All perks shipping information are included in the description of each perks and should be added to the pledge. 


This perk is for those that are willing to help us make everything happen but dont have the means to do so at higher level perks. Therefor this perk is for you! 



This perk will give you a choice of one of the small display plinths from the Ichiban Studio. International shipping is included. Once you select the perk please let us know which one from the following you would like to get.



Need to stop those pesky tanks on your favorite table top game? Here you go! With this perk youll get a set of tanks stoppers from Ichiban Studio.


PAVE THE WAY 20$ per section

With this perk you will secure your self one road section of your choice. You can choose from straight section with crater, straight without crater, T section and 90 degree section. More pictures will be up soon of the other road sections.




With this perk you will get on big display base of your choice from Ichiban Studio



With this perk youll be able to get your hands on an indigogo exclusive Ichiban Studio Tshirt. Sizes avalible S, M, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL in black



With this perk you get the choice of one of the 100mm bust from Ichiban Studio. The Bust choices are The Zombie, The Gargoyle and The Mean One.




Here we have Da Bunker! hell yeah! This is a modular bunker system which mean the side barricades are removable and can be placed in any position that you want. Also the roof of the bunker can be taken off to accommodate your troops.The picture version is the prototype and the final version will be better and have even more details pics to come.



With this perk you will get The Mr Cooper Smith bust standing tall at 190mm



With this perk you will secure your self 2 small displayplinths and 2 large one from the ichiban studio you can choose from all the plinths we have here are just exemples of the possible combinasions.



This perk includes all the small 100mm bust from Ichiban Studio


With this perk you will get a full size Mean One as you can see in the picture bellow. Size of this bad boy is 23cm tall



With this perk heaven is coming to you in the for of a miniature! Thats right with this you will get basically all the miniatures that we currently have! The Mean One, The Zombie, The Gargoyle, Mr Cooper Smith and a Full Size Edition Mean One


  • The Impact

The Impact.... hummmm... its pretty simple this campaing is really the launching stone of this venture. we either make it or break it. So if you support us we will then inturn be able to really focus on creating and working really hard to build a company that focuses on creating really cool miniatures for painter and also wargamers alike.


  • The Future

So what are we planing for the future? My sraight answer is a lot! of course it all depends on the out come of this campaing but we are planing on reasling  more big size 220mm models, more busts and smaller scale miniatures. Also we are working hard on a full line of gaming terrain accessorires including gaming bases and also cool buildings for 28mm scale wargames. 

Here is a concept drawing of the future model we will be releasing soon.



  • Other Ways You Can Help Us

That a really really important one guys and gals!

SHARE is the word of the day. Wheater or not you can help us by getting your self a cool Perk, sharing this Indigogo campaign will defenatly help us reach out to more ppl that might be ionterested into supporting us! All the help is needed and appreciated. Fortunatly for us we live in a world rich in technology and social media and a share on facebook or a tweet can go a long way in helping us reach our goal and beon.



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Choose your Perk

The supporter XL

$10 USD
Just a perk to show us your support
0 claimed

Display style

$15 USD
With this perk you will get one of the small display plinths from Ichiban Studio. International shipping is 7$ extra worldwide via Airmail
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed


$15 USD
Need to stop those pesky tanks on your favorite table top game? Here you go! With this perk youll get a set of tanks stoppers from Ichiban Studio. International shipping is 7$ extra worldwide via Airmail
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

Pave the way

$20 USD
With this perk you will secure your self one road section of your choice. You can choose from straight section with crater, straight without crater, T section and 90 degree section. Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and you can get up to 5 roads with this shipping option. It should take 7 to 14 days of transit
0 claimed

Get your swag on

$35 USD
With this perk you will get an indigogo exclusive tshirt from the Ichiban Studio design by Hugo Matte. Size available are S, M, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

Bust them up

$35 USD
With this perk you will be able to choose one of the 3 small size bust from Ichiban studio. which are; The Zombie, The Gargoyle and the Mean one. Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and should take 7 to 14 days of transit
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

Da Bunker

$40 USD
Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and should take 7 to 14 days of transit
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

Display maniac

$50 USD
With this perk you will secure your self 2 small display plinths and 2 large one from the ichiban studio Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and should take 7 to 14 days of transit
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

Bust them all 4 the win

$90 USD
This perk includes all the small bust from Ichiban Studio Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and should take 7 to 14 days of transit
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

The mean one full size edition

$100 USD
With this perk you will get one full size Mean one Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and should take 7 to 14 days of transit
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

Miniature Heaven

$240 USD
With this perk heaven is coming to you in the for of a miniature! Thats right with this you will get basically all the miniatures that we currently have! The Mean One, The Zombie, The Gargoyle, Mr Cooper Smith and a Full Size Edition Mean One Note that shipping to the Europe union will be 15$ extra and the rest of the world will be 23$ It will be shipped via international sign for air mail and should take 7 to 14 days of transit
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
0 claimed

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