What is SphereWars?
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SphereWars is a 28mm miniatures fantasy wargame in a World, Saphir, created by four
gods who play with the races they conceived.
Discover a dynamic skirmish game of 28mm miniatures in which You will Never Play Alone.
Go deep in a whole new concept of fantasy where every race, created by different Gods, is forging its own destiny.
Download the Rulebook in pdf format.
Ikarus, the Alliance Superior
We created a flexible campaign for building the three superior combatants for our bands. We did not reach its target but we are committed to build the three miniatures anyway. We already have or first superior casted, the Ikarus and this campaign is to speed up the casting of the other two.
We will share with you all details of the creation of the Ikarus from the first concepts to the latest pictures of the actual miniature.
This was the first concept of the Ikarus. We used it in the race deck as well as the rulebook:
![Ikarus first concept Ikarus first concept]()
When we made the first indiegogo campaign, Juan Navarro our sculptor made these diagrams to think about the proportions of the miniatures:
![Superior combatants Superior combatants]()
This was the actual concept made to start thinking how to sculpt the Ikarus, here appeared the idea of the eagle helmet derived from the Geared Eagle of the Newborns form which the Alliance stole the Ikarus' propotype.
![Ikarus concept Ikarus Concept]()
From here, Fausto started to sculpt the miniature in 3D. Initially with few detail:
![Ikarus sculpted 01 Ikarus sculpted 01]()
![ikarus work in progress ikarus work in progress]()
Bit by bit some more detail was added:
![Ikarus detail Ikarus detail]()
Then, it got wings and more engraving details:
![Ikarus gets wings Ikarus gets wings]()
![Ikarus' wings closeup Ikarus' wings closeup]()
To, finally, get its final details, guns and a final pose:
Final? well, not really, the digital sculpt was finished, it was 3D-printed and Juan Navarro took Fausto's printed digital sculpture and added a female head (used when playing with the Mercenaries of Isha subfaction) and a beautiful base:
![Ikarus printed and final details Ikarus printed and final details]()
![Ikarus printed on base Ikarus printed on base]()
![Painted Ikarus]()
![Ikarus side and base Ikarus side and base]()
![Ikarus painted back Ikarus painted back]()
We have a few perks, with really incredible discounts for the first who decide funding our campaign. If we achieve our goal we plan to start giving you some interesting extras of forecoming bands and special edition miniatures of current bands, it is in your hand!!
In this occasion we reduced the number of perks and just want to reward those of you that are quicker. Therefore we'll be adding new perks at higher prices if the first ones are claimed.
Ikarus, the Alliance superior
This is a campaign for the Ikarus, the Superior we made thanks to your help. In this case we already have this miniature ready, so you can evaulate the final result. A great looking miniature on a great base with the face of the Goddess Salssael. The body is high quality white metal and wings and base are casted in resin. The best way to thank this is offering a very reduced price for the first of you that support this perk. The first 5 of you can buy it for $32 (retail price will be $52).
Starter Packs
You can pick the Starter Pack you prefer from our existing 5 bands.
It includes the miniatures pictured in each Starter Pack card, the Deck of band, some dice, the corresponding life dice, three scenography elements and the corresponding magic gems.
Scions of Kurgan
![Scions of Kurgan Starter Pack Scions of Kurgan Starter Pack]()
![Alliance Starter Pack Alliance Starter Pack]()
Packs of Urueh
![Packs of Urueh Starter Pack Packs of Urueh Starter Pack]()
Adepts of Malesur
![Adepts of Malesur Starter Pack Adepts of Malesur Starter Pack]()
![Newborns Starter Pack Newborns Starter Pack]()
Additional options
You can add some leaders to your band and also elite combatants just adding the amount with a 15% discount from its retail price.
![additional options additional options]()
Leader Combatant
This perk is for those of you who fell in love with one band and want to collect one of each. Check the diagrams to see the detail of all miniatures included in your Leader's band:
![Kurgan/Alliance Leader Kurgan/Alliance Leader]()
![Adepts of Malesur Leader Adepts of Malesur Leader]()
![Urueh Newborns Leader Urueh Newborns Leader]()
God of Saphir
You can pick this Perk if you want one of each current miniature. Check the diagram to see the detail of all miniatures included:
![God of Saphir God of Saphir]()
Stretch Goals
$750 Resin Orders of your band (2 bands for Double Starter Pack perk, 5 bands for God of Saphir)
![Orders Stretch Goal locked Orders Stretch Goal locked]()
$1,000 Yenay the Mantis for all perks over $50 (Double Starter Pack, Leader of a Band or God of Saphir)
![Yenay the Mantis Yenay the Mantis]()
$1,750 Waleska Malakoy for all Leaders and Gods (or as an additional $10 option for any other Perks)
![Waleska Stretch goal Waleska Stretch goal]()
$2,500 Crab Man for all Leaders and Gods (or as an additional $10 option for any other Perks)
![Crab Man Stretch Goal Crab Man Stretch Goal]()