That’s right we have several chances for you to win a year’s worth of chocolate! No joke! With every contribution over $40 (including the early birds at $30), everyone will get at least two chances to win: a year’s worth of chocolate. There are a total of four ways to win. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Each Backer who contributes at least $40. Will get a vote to submit a design idea for us to potentially create and add to our future mold library. The higher your contribution, the more votes you get.
2. Each Backer who contributes at least $40. Will get a vote to come up with a name for our mascot. The higher your contribution, the more votes you get.
3. The Backer who refers the most people to our project (that also contribute) he/she will also win: a year’s supply of chocolate. (to
qualify for having the most amount of referrals, each referral MUST contact us
and mention your name for the referral to count/you also must be a backer and a minimum $20 contribution is required by both referrals and initial backer).
4. The Backer who’s contribution puts us over the $99,000 funding goal will also win: a year’s supply of chocolate.
**Please Note: A year's worth of chocolate is defined as 1lb. of either milk, white, or blended dark once a month for 12 months. The 12 month clock starts ticking when we ship the first 1lb. box of chocolate.
Surprise Rewards! Yes, we have weekly surprise rewards to show some extra appreciation to our loyal contributors. So come back to the site to see what rewards you could get!
$110,000.00 – If we reach this funding level, we will add chocolate with caramel centers as an additional option to the premium or gingerbread infused chocolate.
$120,000.00 – If we reach this funding level, in addition to the previous stretch reward, we will offer an orange vanilla infused chocolate as another option to the premium, gingerbread, and caramel chocolates.
$130,000.00 – If we reach this funding level, in addition to the previous stretch reward, we will offer a pumpkin spiced chocolate as another option to the premium, gingerbread, orange and caramel chocolates.
$150,000.00 – If we reach this funding level, we will be able to purchase our 3d Scanner! Every reward that offers a “custom” design, will now be able to include the use of the scanner to create a chocolate design from a real world object.
Testing out our Indiegogo Mascot Chocolate Molds
With a passion for creativity, and a knack for creative problem solving, I decided to take my almost 20 years experience in the entertainment business as a digital artist and apply it as a chocolate designer. This change came while my wife and I were planning our wedding, and decided to have custom designed chocolate for all our guests. We ended up doing the work ourselves, and during this process I realized that the way chocolate was molded was fairly limiting. After much thought, and research I invented a new way to produce more detailed and unique chocolate design. As a result,“Everything’s Made Of Chocolate” was born.
I would like to take this moment to thank the amazing people who gave their talent, energy, time, and all of themselves to help this project come to life. I couldn’t have done it without them. Their belief in me and what I’m doing gives me strength to push forward and make this business a success. To all of you, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
Alec Tuckman
Aziz Dosmetov
Bob and Ruthann Begun
Dariush Derakhshani
Diego Canales Begun
Eric and Danielle Bram
Fabiola Begun
Jaime and Ada Canales
Jimmy Canales
Joe Dungan
Joey Ellis
John Feeney
Jon Emmet
Linda and Dick Sattler
Luis Artola
Melanie and Tony Chavez
Mike Adams
Randy Hays
Tadao Masuyama
**Additional shout out and thanks to Alec Tuckman for his Cinematography and Photography work on our project video.
much chocolate do I actually get for a year’s supply of chocolate?
You will win 12lbs of chocolate, 1lb a
month for a year, in the shape of our mascot.
You have the choice of 1 flavor per pound (milk, white, or
blended dark chocolate).
I win more than one “year's supply of chocolate” awards?
We all love chocolate and we decided it would be best to share that love
with as many people as possible. Therefore,
only one winner per award.
will I be notified if I am one of the “year supply of chocolate” winners?
All winners will be notified by email
after our project funding deadline.
Except for the “over the funding goal” winner, we will need time to
compile the votes, ideas and referrals to determine the eventual winners for
the remaining three categories.