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Promo and the script for Iron Sky 2

Crowdfunding the sequel to Iron Sky

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Promo and the script for Iron Sky 2

Promo and the script for Iron Sky 2

Promo and the script for Iron Sky 2

Promo and the script for Iron Sky 2

Promo and the script for Iron Sky 2

Crowdfunding the sequel to Iron Sky

Crowdfunding the sequel to Iron Sky

Crowdfunding the sequel to Iron Sky

Crowdfunding the sequel to Iron Sky

Timo Vuorensola
Timo Vuorensola
Timo Vuorensola
Timo Vuorensola
5 Campaigns |
Helsinki, Finland
$182,557 USD 3,517 backers
121% of $150,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects

*UPDATE JULY 12st 2018*

Crowdfunding for Iron Sky The Coming Race has been finished, and the release date for the film is set 16.1.2019 - Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated!


New crowd funding campaign now LIVE at






- PART 1

- PART 2

- PART 3

- PART 4


The story of Iron Sky a begun long time a go in a sauna far far away, when a friend of mine told that he's got an idea for a new film – Moon Nazis. We were laughing at it, but decided – let's make this happen!

We had no idea what it meant to do an international, English-language, multi-million film back then, but we went for it. Another six years later, Iron Sky was released, distributed worldwide, got a million people to cinema and even more to buy the film on BluRay and even more to grab it from Pirate Bay. A crazy success for an indie dream.

The story of Iron Sky continues, and this time, we want to be dependant on nobody but our fans, friends and followers out there. With Iron Sky, we spent all of our energy in trying to finance the film, forced to be doing bad deals and compromising a lot. We had to tweak the story to meet the needs of the financiers but still fight to keep the integrity of the story intact – had we not fought, we'd probably had Mickey Mouse in Moon Base with Santa Claus – this actually was one real suggestion to make the story “funnier”. We don't want to end up in these discussions again and we don't want to spend five years trying to come up with the money.

With Iron Sky 2, we want to go darker, we want to go crazier, we want to be more experimental. We believe it's going to be the most awesome science fiction film of the decade.

And then there's the distribution angle. With Iron Sky, we had some bad experiences, and we were constantly frustrated by the fact that we had no power over defining when the film comes out and where. This time, we want to keep all the control over the distribution to ourselves.


Here's all you need to know about Iron Sky sequel at this point. The name of the film is IRON SKY THE COMING RACE. The original writing team is back together, laying down the story elements. Some of the actors will be coming back, some amazing new actors will be joining us, Laibach has promised to score the film and our VFX team is sharpening its' teeth to blow your minds once again with visual effects that'll make you drool.


Iron Sky's budget was 10 million, and this time we might need to go bigger – the epic scale of the story demands it. We think 15 million is going to be quite close to what the budget ends up being.

Our intention is to finance the whole film ourselves, using crowdfunding and soft money and any money that allows us to be completely independent, allows us to make and distribute the film exactly the way we believe it needs to be made.

In the first phase, we are looking to raise $150 000. This money will be used to produce a full script for the film, a clear production plan including a budget, and a four to five minute promo reel to help us with further funding. In exchange, we'll let those who contribute to read the script, comment it, or even get a (small) speaking role in the upcoming promo.

This is it, troopers! We are on the verge of yet another adventure, and your help is crucial. We need you to be able to make an uncompromising, awesome scifi classic. We've proven we can do it, now let's do it again, bigger and better this time!


Example "Signature Frame" $5 perk


We will start working on the script immediately, and our intention would be to get the finished, final draft of the script by the end of 2014. The first draft we want to have ready by the end of the year 2013. We will shoot the promo for Cannes 2014, meaning the promo would be ready by May 2014. 

Our intention is to shoot the film in 2015. 


Iron Sky Director’s Cut is the original vision from director Timo Vuorensola. It includes 20 minutes more special effects, action and jokes as well as new music from Laibach. More Nazis and more space battles!

The package includes:

* Iron Sky Director’s Cut Blu-ray - signed by director

* 90 minute making of documentary (either included on the Blu-ray or as a separate DVD)

* Exclusive concept art book

Note! This Blu-ray -version is available only with REGION CODES 1 & 2 (see the map below).

Available only in original language, English.


Iron Sky Director's Cut Blu-ray


Blu-ray regions map

Iron Sky Moon Trooper figure - available at $120 SUPPORT TROOPER kit

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Choose your Perk

Thousand Years Gratitude

$1 USD
Your name will last a thousand years in our minds, and maybe a little bit less, but for a long time anyway, on our Iron Sky Supporters' Memorial Wall on our webpage (to be launched September 2013) In addition to this, we'll hand you the exclusive access to Iron Sky Sneak Peek, a special members' area for exclusive content on the production and behind-the-scenes of Iron Sky production.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
72 claimed

A signature frame from promo

$5 USD
You'll have a signature frame from the upcoming promo, digitally signed by director Timo Vuorensola, delivered to you digitally. In addition to this, you'll also get the Thousand Years Gratitude -perk.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
195 out of 4320 of claimed

Final draft of the script

$10 USD
You'll get to read the final draft of the script when we get it ready. Our estimation is that the final draft of the script should be done by the end of 2014.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
310 claimed

Upgrade $50 -> $60

$10 USD
This is an upgrade for those who have supported us with $50 ("First draft of the Script" -perk) to $60 ("Super Support Pack") So, put in $10 more, and you'll get everything listed under $60 Super Support Pack perk NOTE! In order for this perk to work, you have to have already put in $50 and claimed the "First Draft of the Script" -perk
35 claimed

Upgrade $40 -> $60

$20 USD
This is an upgrade for those who have supported us with $40 ("T-shirt", "Poster" or "Director's Cut" -perk) to $60 ("Super Support Pack") So, put in $20 more, and you'll get everything listed under $60 Super Support Pack perk. NOTE! In order for this perk to work, you have to have already put in $40 and claimed either the T-shirt, the Poster or Director's Cut.
127 claimed

Upgrade: $100->$120

$20 USD
An update perk which bumps your $100 perk to $120 perk ("Support Trooper Kit"). So, put in $20 more, and you'll get everything listed under $120 Support Trooper Kit perk - mainly, the MOON TROOPER ACTION FIGURE! NOTE! In order for this perk to work, you have to have already put in $100 and claimed either the Personal Thank You video perk.
23 claimed

Get the promo first!

$25 USD
In these day and age, what's more cooler than being able to share something that will explode in the Internet before anyone else does? With this perk, you'll be the first one to receive the promo, one day before the official release, and can start spreading it to your friends before the media grabs it. In addition to this, you'll also get the final draft of the script.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
138 claimed

Exclusive T-Shirt

$40 USD
Iron Sky The Coming Race logo T-shirt - exclusively available *only* here and *only* during the crowdfunding campaign! Picture here: In addition to this, you'll get to read the script and get the promo before anyone else.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
338 claimed

Exclusive poster

$40 USD
Iron Sky The Coming Race poster - exclusively available *only* here and *only* during the crowdfunding campaign! Picture: In addition to this, you'll get to read the script and get the promo before anyone else.
33 claimed

Iron Sky Director’s Cut

$40 USD
Including Iron Sky Director’s Cut Blu-ray, a 20 minutes longer version of the film – SIGNED BY THE DIRECTOR; a 90-minute long making of -documentary of Iron Sky and an exclusive consept art booklet. Note! This Blu-ray -version is available only with REGION CODES 1 & 2 (see the map below). In addition to this, you’ll get all the above-mentioned perks (excluding t-shirt and poster).
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
223 claimed

First draft of the script.

$50 USD
We want to hear your thoughts on the first draft of the script, as soon as we get it ready! With this perk, we'll send you (confidentially, of course) the first draft of the script, and will hear your comments on it! In addition to this, you'll also get to have the promo 1 day before it's done, and - of course - also the final draft of the script!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
116 claimed

Prequel Comic Book

$60 USD
You'll get the prequel Comic Book for Iron Sky signed by director Timo Vuorensola. Comic book is written by Mikko Rautalahti with artwork by Gerry Kissell and Amin Amat, and it's a 100+ full-color prequel graphic novel, telling the backstory of how did the Nazis end up to the Moon. In addition for that, you'll get all the above-mentioned perks (excluding poster).
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
333 claimed

A Super Support Pack

$60 USD
With $60, you get prequel comic book, first draft of the script, Director's Cut bluray, T-shirt, first look of the promo, final draft of the script, signature frame from the promo, your name on the Wall of Heroes, a Sneak Peek membership and a thousand years gratitude - and all this delivered for free at your home! (See the details on each perk's description)
1043 claimed

Upgrade: $60->$120

$60 USD
An update perk which bumps your $60 perk to $120 perk ("Support Trooper Kit"). So, put in $60 more, and you'll get everything listed under $120 Support Trooper Kit perk. NOTE! In order for this perk to work, you have to have already put in $60 and claimed either the Prequel Comic Book or the Super Support Pack
128 claimed

Personal Thank You -video

$100 USD
Director Timo Vuorensola will record a personal thank you -video for you, and upload it to YouTube! In addition to this, you'll get to have the first draft of the script when it's done (end of 2013), comment it, and the finished script (end of 2014), as well as the promo 1 day prior the rest of the world gets it!
64 claimed

Support Trooper Kit

$120 USD
This is the ultimate Support Trooper Survival Kit, consisting of • Moon Trooper Action Figure • A personal thank-you –video from the director • Director’s Cut BluRay • 100+ page Iron Sky graphic novel • Exclusive t-shirt • First & final draft of the script • First look of the promo • Signature Frame from the promo • Your name on the Wall of Heroes • A Sneak Peek membership • A 1000 years of gratitude
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
138 claimed

B: Logo to our FB community

$200 USD
BUSINESS PERK! Your logo and a link to your web page / product on our Facebook wall as a Supporter Thank-You. We have a community reach of almost 200k people on Facebook, so you'll get a good exposure! Feel free to email questions to (Since this is a business perk, it's not included in other perks above or below, unless otherwise mentioned).
3 claimed

Thanks from Udo Kier

$300 USD
A personal thank you –video from Udo Kier (“Wolfgang Kortzfleisch” in Iron Sky) to you. You have supported the production of Iron Sky sequel, and Udo Kier will record a video thank you letter to you, and send you a photo signed by him. In addition to this, you’ll get all the above-mentioned perks. Note, if you already have a perk and want to upgrade to this, simply reduce the amount you paid already!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
18 claimed

Presidential Thank You

$300 USD
A personal thank you –video from the President of the United States of America (Stephanie Paul). You have supported the production of Iron Sky sequel, and The President of United States shows her gratitude to you in a personal video thank you. Optionally Stephanie Paul’s personal thank-you. In addition to this, you’ll get all the above-mentioned perks. Note, if you already have a perk and want to upgrade to this, simply reduce the amount you paid already!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
4 claimed

See the first cut

$500 USD
As soon as we have the first actual edit of the film ready, you'll be invited to come and watch it with us in Finland (travel on your own expense), comment and discuss it with the director and producer, and spend a nice evening with the most awesome filmmakers in the Northern hemisphere! In addition to this, you'll get all the above perks!
17 claimed

B: Iron Sky Business Gift

$500 USD
BUSINESS PERK An Iron Sky corporate gift for your partners and / or clients. 10 x Iron Sky Director’s Cut blu-rays with customized cover of your own preference, to treat your employees and / or clients with. An edgy, unique gift, not just another boring pencil or bathrobe! (Add $50 / extra bluray) + You'll get the $200 Business Perk "Logo to our FB community" Since this is a business perk, it's not included in other perks above or below, unless otherwise mentioned.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed

Invitation to a script meeting

$1,000 USD
You'll get invited to to one of the script meetings of the writing team (travel on your own expense), meet the writer and director and hear first hand the plans! In addition to this, you'll get to have the first draft of the script when it's done (end of 2013), comment it, and the finished script (end of 2014), as well as the promo 1 day prior the rest of the world gets it - and a personal Thank You -video from the director, plus an invitation to see the first cut of the film.
3 out of 100 of claimed

B: Promo Thank You -credit

$1,000 USD
BUSINESS PERK! Your company name/logo to the end credits of the upcoming Iron Sky The Coming Race Promo (est. release May 2014, estimated reach on YouTube - 10-20 million!) The promo is visually mind-blowing 3-4 minute film sharing the first glance inside Iron Sky's sequel. In addition to this, you'll also get promoted on our Facebook page, and receive 10 x Iron Sky The Coming Race BluRays (add $50 / extra bluray) Note! This perk is included only in other Business Perks below this one.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 out of 10 of claimed

All Access Set Visit

$1,500 USD
Spend the day at our promo shoot set! You will get to meet the director and the actors working that day, and have lunch with the cast and crew. We hope to shoot the promo in Finland next winter, but the dates will be confirmed later. You will have to provide your own travel and accommodation to the shoot. In addition to this, you'll get all the above-mentioned perks.
2 out of 30 of claimed

B: Iron Sky SoMe Session

$3,000 USD
BUSINESS PERK! Live "Producing with Audience" stage show by director Timo Vuorensola + a private screening of Iron Sky Director’s Cut (max. audience 500). The stage show is an inspiring session on Social Media marketing from a presenter who has been speaking as a keynote speaker around the world. Note: You’ll take care of the travel, lodging & screening expenses. Questions and schedule requests: + you'll get all the a
0 out of 10 of claimed

Presented By You

$5,000 USD
You'll get Presented By -credit in the promo (to be released May 2014) of either your company or you personally. It's a good place to be, trailer for Iron Sky has already been seen by over 12 million people worldwide, and this is going to be way bigger than that! In addition to this, you'll get all the above perks (Excluding speaking role).
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

B: Iron Sky SoMe Consulting

$6,000 USD
BUSINESS PERK! Iron Sky team is one of the most innovative social media marketing teams out there, and with this perk, we’ll take a look at your social media campaign, either the full view or a specific part of it, and give you a one day consulting session on how to develop it further. (Travel, lodging and screening costs on your account. Feel free to ask about schedules and other issues at In addition to this, you’ll get all the other Business Perks!
0 out of 10 of claimed

Speaking role in the promo

$10,000 USD
We're shooting a kickass promo for the film in 2014, and you'll get a small speaking role in the promo as the security officer of the President of the United States of America. You'll also get your name to the end credits of the film as a Supporter. In addition to this, you'll get all the above-mentioned perks.
0 out of 1 of claimed
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