- 12th of April 2013 - We did it! The second stretchgoal has been reached!
Thank you so much everybody! The fullscreen planetary exploration just became a reality. We have the last day of this campaign and we can't express enough how happy you made us. Thank you!
![Stretch Goals Stretch Goals]()
- 8th of April 2013 - Please don't forget to join us for our "thank you" live-streamed concert!
- 4th of April 2013 - We've released yet another comparison shot so you can understand why you want Fullscreen planetary exploration! We are extremely proud that we can offer you this level of visual experience!
- 28th of March 2013 - We've reached our first stretch goal! This means that you're going to get longer story and Rachel's log to keep track of her adventure! Thank you! You're so amazing!!!
We are also presenting a new music clip and displaying technology which was meant for the ultimate, currently unannounced, stretch goal:
- 22nd of March 2013 - We are presenting you with a few music videos which could make you decide, if you want to have our soundtrack - pledges up from $25. We will be uploading 3 more tracks to show you how diverse the music in J.U.L.I.A. is. Enjoy!
(due to IGG limitation you have to click on the youtube links)
- 19th of March 2013 - We would like to show you a visual difference between story expansion stretch goal and full screen planetary exploration. Your support will decide! Thank you!
![Comparison of visual levels between sotry expansion and full screen exploration stretch goal]()
- 8th of March 2013 - We did it! We've got funded thanks to your awesome support. We've added stretch goals with an explanatory video as an update no. 6. For visual and textual description please scroll down below.
Important information
If you want to upgrade your pledge, see FAQ at the very bottom of this campaign. Unlike with KickStarter, your pledges here are summed. So if you want to upgrade $7 to $25, your second pledge should be only $18. I hope this clears up all the confusion with a different pledging system.
Help us create an enhanced version of our point'n'click science fiction PC game J.U.L.I.A.
Please check our commented gameplay video of the original J.U.L.I.A. in the gallery section.
![Introduction Introduction]()
Dear backers,
My name is Jan Kavan and I am musician, writer and game developer. With my small independent studio we've already created 4 video games - Ghost in the Sheet, J.U.L.I.A., J.U.L.I.A. Untold and Vampires! Personally I did contribute to many other games including Tale of a Hero (Peregrius / Future Games), Carol Reed series (MDNA games), Dark Fall 2 or Barrow Hill.
I strongly believe in innovation and for that reason we always try to bring fresh air into our games. This comes for a price though - not always we get everything right the first time around.
![About About]()
J.U.L.I.A. is an innovative, narrative driven PC game. The story centers on Rachel Manners, a 35 year old astrobiologist. She is a member of an elite group of scientists, chosen to embark on one of the most critical missions ever conceived on Earth. Now Rachel is alone, orbiting an unknown planet. Her only companions are J.U.L.I.A., the space probe’s artificial intelligence and Mobot, a huge reconnaissance robot. Together, this unlikely trio will explore the mysteries of the solar system of Salia. But are they prepared for what they will find?
Find out more about the story at our official page:
![Homepage Homepage]()
![Why enhanced Why enhanced]()
When we've released J.U.L.I.A. back in 2012, the response especially from the adventure gaming community was amazing. While we've approached our players with a certain degree of concern, knowing that this is a new video game format, we've been well accepted and especially the story, music and game flow was generally praised.
Also the game was just recently nominated for the best gameplay and the best character (Mobot) by adventure gamers - the largest international website specialized on adventure games!
This came to us as a big surprise because we've been working on the game for more than 3 years in only two persons. The fact that we've invested only our time and my personal budget however negatively influenced some of the game aspects.
The ultimate problem appeared when the only income we've been able to get from our three years of hard work covered merely the legal expenses to reclaim back J.U.L.I.A. rights.
So now we stand here, asking you to help us iron the edges. We ask only for a bare minimum to help us survive and polish the generally disliked stuff.
![What is going on What is going on]()
The basic goal consisted of the following items:
- Create backers' only event of recreating Rachel Manners from scratch, making the used model much more human.
- Redesigning some of the game interface and getting backers' feedback for the new looks.
- Making certain parts of the game optional (like harvesting minigame for example).
- Introducing easy mode for problematic puzzles.
- Rewriting some of the puzzles which helps better reflecting on what to do.
- Extending some of the music tracks which repeat too much.
- Polishing some of the puzzles to be more reactive to players.
- Refine a few parts of the script when it gets ridiculous / over the top. One needs a bit of a distance to do that and I am fairly positive that I can do this now.
However! Thanks to your amazing support we're able to introduce you with the stretch goals for enhancing J.U.L.I.A. even more.
![Stretch Goals Stretch Goals]()
$7.500 - Story Expansion
- We will seriously enhance the exploration part of the story. The exploration areas will become larger with more choices and we will also introduce some of the crew members who were left out from the original game.
$12.500 - Fullscreen Exploration
- We will change the exploration to a hybrid between J.U.L.I.A. exploration mode and fullscreen point’n’click adventure game. We will create fullscreen visuals for each of the exploration views and the actions will be issued through contextual menu interface. This way the spirit of J.U.L.I.A will remain but both visually and gameplay-wise the enhanced edition is going to become more engaging.
This will require us to create a brand new visuals for many new scenes. Our next update will show you a comparison how this expansion would look like.
$25.000 - PC, MAC and LINUX Unity 3D port
- Many people asked us to do Mac or Linux port or to allow for resolutions larger than 1024x768. If we port the whole game to Unity 3D, it will open a whole incredible window of possibilities and then we can promise native Mac and Linux build as well. While this means basically recreating the game assets and code from scratch, it’s still easier than doing another game.
![How much How much]()
For this all to work we need at least $5000. There are many other things we could do with J.U.L.I.A., but we're being modest with our goal and if you decide to trust us and help us fund the project beyond the original target, we have many ways how to appreciate it starting from multiple localizations, including J.U.L.I.A. Untold (prequel to J.U.L.I.A.) as a part of the game, creating a basic lipsync, extending the gameplay etc. We're not there yet and for that reason we'll leave this for an eventual update.
Why do we need $5000?
In case we will get exactly $5000:
- $350 will be given to IndieGoGo team
- Roughly $1000 is estimated to fulfill our promised physical perks and shipments
- We will of course have to pay taxes from the income and it also seems that we will have to pay taxes from shipping out the physical rewards thanks to a tax gray zone.
- With this basic funding we will need 3 months of two people to deliver the Enhanced Edition
When we sum this up, it leaves us with just enough money to create the promised enhanced edition of J.U.L.I.A.
![The Press The Press]()
Adventure Gamers 4/5 stars (Katie Hazen)
“Plenty of varied puzzles will appeal to players looking for a challenge, and the story of humanity’s dealings with others and itself will draw you into its sci-fi mystery, while the decisions you’re forced to make will resonate long after you’ve left the game behind. There are really no games out there quite like J.U.L.I.A., and anyone interested in something a little different will be rewarded with a fun experience that’s well worth the time and effort.”
Just Adventure B (Ray Ivey)
“You can feel the love the designers of this game have for the adventure genre. It oozes out of every pore of the game. It makes you want to call them up and sit around and have a conversation about everyone’s favorite old adventure games.”
GameBoomers B++ (Flotsam)
“…J.U.L.I.A. provides eight or so hours of thoughtful, enjoyable, story driven science fiction, a good number of well crafted and varied puzzles, and some excellent looking cutscenes. J.U.L.I.A. is a game I would happily recommend as being well worth the price of admission.”
Gamercast.net 4/5 (Charlotte Woolley)
“…J.U.L.I.A is an all-round fantastic adventure game, with an intriguing story and a very satisfying ending. It supplies fresh and challenging puzzles and includes one of the most endearing robots since Dog. If you are looking for an engaging and enjoyable adventure game and don’t judge a book by its cover, look no further than J.U.L.I.A”
Adrenaline Vault 4/5 (Michael Smith)
“J.U.L.I.A. is obviously a labor of love, and it’s hard to be critical of a labor of love. But a few more hands on deck would’ve helped turn a good-looking, sometimes frustrating puzzle fest into an outstanding adventure game. The future appears bright for CBE; I look forward to their next project.”
![I wanna see! I wanna see!]()
No problem! We have a playable demo readily available so you can see if this game would be your cup of tea.
![It's time for rewards It's time for rewards]()
If you look to the right side of this campaign, you can see a description of all the beautiful rewards we offer for your generous help. However to get a visual idea what are you going to get for your kind contribution, we've created a visual overview for each individual pledge. Please refer to the pledge level description for details. Also, please note, that shipping is a part of the pledge. No need to add any extra money on top.
![Supporter Supporter]()
![Early explorer Early explorer]()
![Explorer Explorer]()
![Observer Observer]()
![Astronomer Astronomer]()
![Space hacker Astronomer]()
![Engineer Engineer]()
![Scientist Scientist]()
![Crew Member Crew Member]()
![Alien Alien]()
![Ancient Master Ancient Master]()
![XIR XIR]()
![Help Help help Help help help]()
First of all, please do support us at Steam Greenlight by tossing a free upvote. Not only it will help us, but also it allows us to give you a Steam game key.
![Greenlight Greenlight]()
There are other ways how to help us. Please spread the word among your friends, classmates, families etc.
Below this campaign you can quickly approach our Facebook and Twitter pages, so please do like us there and feel free to follow us. We're not paranoid... yet.
![Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions]()
Q: When will be the advanced edition ready?
A: Basic idea is to finish in 3 months from being succesfuly funded. However if our gently backers allow us to do more with the Enhanced Edition, we'll make sure to be very transparent with longer development cycle.
Q: How will I vote for Rachel / Interface looks?
A: We will set up a private backers forum. Here all polls and discussions will take place. We will inform you continuously about our ongoing progress and share some imagery, concepts etc. as well.
Q: Why IndieGoGo?
A: We are Czech-based company and Kickstarter is not available for us. While KS is perceived to be more influential for video games, we still strongly hope that we can achieve our modest goal through IndieGoGo as well.
Q: Should I include shipping and handling for physical shipments?
A: Not at all. We've calculated those in the pledge level. I believe it's better this way. Since we're Czech based, I bet that 99% of all the shipments will go abroad anyway.
Q: I want to upgrade my pledge. How should I do it?
A: Simply add another pledge to the level you want to reach and the only rule is to use the same email address which you’ve used for your original pledge. When we end this campaign, I will sum pledges by email and run this result through you so you can check that we got your pledges right.