WHO: BadgeofShame
Hi. I make the web series “Joe Goes,” which features visits to conventions, events and other countries. Last year we did a fundraiser to make "Joe Goes to SWEDEN" and "Joe Goes To FINLAND." It was a success, so I thought I'd try it again.
There are two more episodes that are always requested - "Joe Goes To CANADA" and "Joe Goes To THE GATHERING OF THE JUGGALOS." This is the campaign get these two trips funded!
I want to make “Joe Goes To CANADA” a three part episode (at least), visiting Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. And "Joe Goes JUGGALO" will be a two part episode (at least), visiting The Gathering of the Juggalos in Ohio.
Here's how the cost breaks down:
Joe Goes To CANADA (based on pricing in August)
- 8 plane tickets: LA to Vancouver, Vancouver to Toronto, Toronto to Montreal and Montreal to LA, for two people. (Me and my shooter.) This costs about $1,750.
- 9 nights in hotels, for two people. So we have two full days of shooting in each city and a day for travel / additional shooting. This costs about $2,400. (Combined with the flights, we're already at $4,150).
- daily expenses for 10 days of traveling - food (for two people), shooter's fee, transportation, etc.
Joe Goes JUGGALO (based on pricing in July)
- 2 round-trip plane tickets from LA to Ohio. This costs about $1,000.
- tickets to the event, a car rental, car camping pass. This costs about $600. (Combined with the flights, $1,600.)
- daily expenses for 4 days of traveling - food, shooter's fee, etc
If we raise more money than we need, we'll expand the trip. We could add another city in the USA, or another country, like Germany. It's up to you guys!
UPDATE: Shit. If we raise $8500, we will only receive $7,905, because of Indiegogo's fees. I knew they would take a fee, but I thought it would be less. Hopefully we go over by enough to get the $8350 we need, or the difference can be made up by finding cheaper hotel rooms & etc than expected. These costs are always more than you think they'll be!
The videos will be shot guerilla-style like the videos in Sweden, Finland, London, Amsterdam, Dublin & Glasgow. We'll pretty much be shooting all day every day, so we can make the episodes longer. Ideally we would do this kind of a trip with a crew of three or four people, but we're just doing it with two, to save money.
WHERE: Canada & Ohio
For Canada, the plan is to spend 2 1/2 days in Vancouver, 2 1/2 days in Toronto / Niagara Falls, and 2 1/2 days in Montreal.
For Juggalos, the plan is to spend 2 1/2 days at The Gathering of the Juggalos.
If the funds go over $8,500, we'll expand the trip, and the PEOPLE WHO DONATE will get a vote.
The Gathering of the Juggalos is the last week in July.
It looks I'll have some time off from work to go to Canada in August. If something changes, and I can go earlier, I'll let you know.
You get episodes of “Joe Goes” in Canada and at The Gathering of the Juggalos! Without you guys, these episodes would not happen. Making YouTube videos is not my job, so it is hard to do trips.
But there are some extra incentives:
Everyone who donates $1 or more gets put on the email list. That means you'll know when we do a meet-up in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto, you'll get to suggest stuff for us to do in the episodes, you'll get a vote if we raise more money than we need, etc.
There are also perks for donations of $10, $25, $50, $75, $100, $200, $500 & $1,000, which you can see on the toolbar to the right.
All perks include all previous perks. For example, for $25, you also get the $10 and $1 prizes...etc.
![Money Joe]()
People have been requesting "Canada" and "Juggalos" episodes for years.
My YouTube analytics shows how many people in each country watch my videos. Canada is the country with the most views that we haven't been to.
Last year we did a fundraiser to go Sweden and Finland and it was a success, so I thought I'd try it again this year.