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Junk Head 2

This is a sequel to the stop-motion animation film "Junk Head 1."

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Junk Head 2

Junk Head 2

Junk Head 2

Junk Head 2

Junk Head 2

This is a sequel to the stop-motion animation film "Junk Head 1."

This is a sequel to the stop-motion animation film "Junk Head 1."

This is a sequel to the stop-motion animation film "Junk Head 1."

This is a sequel to the stop-motion animation film "Junk Head 1."

Takahide Hori
Takahide Hori
Takahide Hori
Takahide Hori
1 Campaign |
Chiba, Japan
$15,945 USD 454 backers
15% of $100,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal


The Project

Director Takahide Hori's debut film, Junk Head 1, was created as a largely solo effort and will be screened in the competition at the 2014 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. You can also see the full version here:


The above film took four years to make, but if enough funds can be secured, the director intends to concentrate his full attention on Junk Head 2 (60 min.) and do it in about two years.

The Funding

The funding will go to support the director for the two years it will take to realize Junk Head 2. This has been calculated as the absolute minimum to quit his job and devote himself to film production. If the funding goal cannot be reached, it's unclear when or if the film will be completed. If extra funding is accumulated the director will be able to consider hiring staff to assist and make an even higher quality production.


このJunk Head 1は仕事の合間に殆ど一人で制作した自主制作です。
Junk Head 1 は今後長く続くストーリーの第1話で、2年以内に1時間位の続編制作を




The Perks (updated)

Let's take a close look at the two huge perks, because we're sure you are curious about them...

For $5,000, the 110-page original (Japanese) storyboard and 15 character design sheets. 

Director Hori points out that on a larger scale production there would have been more concept art (including lots in glorious full color) but since he was working alone he only required simple sketches.

For collectors, the only perk better than this one is...

...the $50,000 perk! It says you get the "lab set and character dolls," but what exactly does that mean?

There are twenty figurines including the protagonist, the lab members, and plenty of creepy crawlies. (The mysterious character at the end is not included.) Of course, they are all posable (Updated: except the protagonist, since he ended up in pieces at the end of the first film). The set itself measures 180 cm x 55 cm x 90 cm and requires an outlet. It could be sent as soon as sometime in the middle of this year and we really will visit you to set it up!


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Choose your Perk

Download of JH1

$5 USD
An HD download of the full 30 min version of "Junk Head 1." JH1の映像ダウンロード。
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed

JH1 Making-Of Data Pack

$10 USD
The above perk plus copyright-free storyboard images and sound files (including music and sfx, voices) from "Junk Head 1." 上記内容+JH1の絵コンテや本編以外の画像データ、音声等のデータダウンロード
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed

JH2 Making-Of Videos

$20 USD
The above perks plus weekly 30 min. making-of videos until "Junk Head 2" is completed. 上記内容+続編完成までの間、毎週30分位のメイキング映像を配信します。
0 claimed

JH2 Download

$30 USD
The above perks plus a download of "Junk Head 2." 上記内容+続編JH2の完成時に、JH2のダウンロード。
0 claimed

Making of JH2 Documentary

$40 USD
The above perks plus a download of a polished, feature-length director's cut of the weekly making-of videos. 上記内容+約2年間撮影するメイキング映像を長編ドキュメンタリー作品として仕上げた作品のダウンロード。
0 claimed

"Junk Head: The Movie"

$50 USD
The above perks plus a download of the feature -length, combined version of Junk Head 1 + 2. 上記内容+JH1とJH2を編集し直し、長編として作り直したJH/1+2のダウンロード。
0 claimed

Thank You Credit

$100 USD
The above perks plus your name in the credits of "Junk Head 2." (Sorry, no companies please.) 上記内容+作品エンドクレジットに支援者としてお名前を掲載します。(企業名の掲載はお断りします)
0 claimed

Original storyboard & art

$5,000 USD
The above perks plus the original, hand-drawn, 110-page (Japanese) "Junk Head 1" storyboard document and character concept art, signed by director Takahide Hori and sent in a beat-up old case used during production. 上記内容+実物の絵コンテと原画。110ページの絵コンテと15枚の原画全てにサインをして、製作期間中使っていたボロボロのケースに入れて送ります。(絵コンテは日本語での記入です)JH1の原画として残っている15枚全てです。
0 out of 1 of claimed

Lab set and character dolls

$50,000 USD
You get the actual props (well-)used in the making of "Junk Head 1" and director Takahide Hori himself will visit to set them up for you (English translator in tow). 上記内容(絵コンテ以外)+JH1の実物人形、セット。監督が英語翻訳者を連れて行ってあなたの家でセットする。
0 out of 1 of claimed
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