Short Summary
Kdenlive is one of the best known video editors for Linux but it also works under several other platforms including Mac and FreeBSD. It is free for everyone to use and also to modify (open-source). With its current feature set it is aiming towards beginners as well as semi-professional users. Lately a few important features have been added, like the ability to use proxy clips for fluent editing on every machine or scopes for color correction.
However we found that the architecture of Kdenlive – which reaches back to 2002 – is not up-to-date anymore and discourages new developers to join our project. Additionally, new features take much longer to implement and contain more bugs than they should.
This is where your donation jumps in! It will allow Till Theato, one of Kdenlive’s developers, to give our source code a shiny new look and set the base for a more stable Kdenlive with faster coming features thanks to cleaner code and the introduction of a script/plugin system.
Till will work on Kdenlive in May and June.
What We Need & What You Get
To be able to keep Till working for 2 months we need $4000. In case we receive more money the money will be reserved for future use, for example to allow our developers to travel to conferences or to buy them hardware. Reaching the goal will also make sure that Till can finalise the refactoring, which is an important step for development.
Other Ways You Can Help
Your are unable to support us financially? There are a lot of other ways you can help us: Tell your friends about this campain or share it through social networks you use. As a user of Kdenlive you can
report bugs or validate the reports of others. You speak another language? Help making Kdenlive available to more people by
translating it. If you are a developer yourself you are welcome to join our team!