Short Summary
A group of neighborhood volunteers have been working to alleviate the growing population of feral and stray cats in Kensington, Brooklyn this summer. The Mayor's Alliance supports TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) as the most effective and humane solution to this problem.
Our volunteer group has been working closely with Neighborhood Cats to borrow traps and find low-cost spay-neuter appointments. But costs can add up quickly for care and feeding of the cats before and after surgery. And then there's supplemental vet care for rescued cats and kittens that can be adopted but have eye infections or other problems.
One volunteer has donated the use of his garage for cat care before and after surgery, transport in his car, and even bought an air conditioner for the garage during the recent heat wave. He spends his own money on large quantities of cat food, litter and additional vet bills.
What We Need & What You Get
Your donation to our Indiegogo appeal will fund upcoming projects and reimburse our main volunteer for expenses he has incurred.
The average costs involved for each cat's TNR include:
- food for 5 days (2 days before surgery & 2 days after): $20
- shelter during recovery (overhead on garage): $15
- discounted spay/neuter*: $15
- additional vet care (average): $20
- cleaning supplies and miscellaneous used by volunteers for cat care: $5
Total average cost per cat = $75
Our most active neighborhood volunteer has led efforts to TNR more than 100 cats this summer! Twenty-nine of them were from a large colony on E. 8th St. between Church and Beverley. Other focuses have been Dahill Road near Ditmas Ave and E. 7th & Cortelyou. Our goal is to spay or neuter 100 cats this summer!
By supporting this local project, you can feel better about stray cats and know that they're numbers will stop growing and start shrinking!
* cost varies depending on venue available so this number is an average
The Impact
Two cats can turn into 200 cats in just three years! That's why we need your help.
The lease on the garage space will be up at the end of August so we want to make the most of this summer and TNR as many cats as possible.
Other Ways You Can Help
Get on the Neighborhood Cats newsletter and take a TNR Workshop so you can help feral cats in your community.
Adopt or foster a cat or kittens from a recent rescue project. Send a private comment and we'll let you know who needs a home.