Short Summary
King David and the Spiders from Mars will be the ninth book from Dybbuk Press and our second Bible-themed multi-author horror anthology.
There will be a print edition as well as e-book formats (Kindle & Nook)
Table of Contents
Moving Nameless by Sonya Taaffe
The Chabad of Innsmouth by Marsha Morman
Three Young Men by Romie Stott
The Chronicle of Aliyat Son of Aliyat from the Chronicles of the Kings of Ashdod by Alter Reiss
Good King David by Jeff Chapman
The Sons of Zeruiah by Megan Arkenberg
God Box by Lyda Morehouse
Writers have been paid the rate of $100 advance against royalties (hopefully the next anthology will be pro-rate)
I am both the publisher and the editor of the anthology. This book and the previous Bible-themed horror collection - She Nailed a Stake Through His Head - are inspired by my love of the literary Bible studies as pioneered by Robert Alter and Erich Auerbach. When I first started publishing books through Dybbuk Press, I knew that I wanted to edit a book of Bible-themed stories because regardless of one's faith or lack thereof, the Bible is a great literary work with tight plotting, an economy of language, sudden bursts of violence and poetry as well as some of the most memorable characters in Western literature.
Your contribution will allow me to publish and market the book as well as recoup the expenses already incurred. I am trying to get everything together and printed by August so I can officially launch the book in January.
What We Need & What You Get
At this point, I need money for both printing and marketing as well as living expenses. I have paid the writers their advances and I am currently in the final stages of copy editing and formatting. Currently I am using Lightning Source and POD (print-on-demand) technology in order to print and distribute the books. I also upload my books to both Kindle and Nook.
Your contribution will help me pay for:
1. Printing and mailing out review copies
2. Overhead including rent, food, etc. in order to focus solely on the production of the book.
All contributors will receive acknowledgment in the final product. For a minimal contribution of $25, you will also receive the book itself. Contributors of greater amounts will receive more books from the entire Dybbuk Press catalog.
The Impact
Dybbuk Press is a small independent publisher with eight titles including Teddy Bear Cannibal Massacre, God Laughs When You Die by Michael Boatman and This Other Eden by Michael Hemmingon. I have personally edited, published and launched all of these titles and they have been met with great reviews. Most of the books have made a profit.
The previous book of this kind - She Nailed a Stake Through His Head - appealed to a diverse set of audiences including the deeply religious and the deeply anti-religious. This makes sense as much of my inspiration comes from a college class entitled The Bible: Wisdom, Poetry and Apocalyptic which made me realize that the Bible was decidedly NOT the collection of saccharine aphorisms and bedtime stories that I was raised on. Even though most Bible-themed books and movies are dreadful, many are very compelling - including Joseph Heller's God Knows, the works of Milton and the cancelled NBC series Kings. I wanted to add to the latter case.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please tell your friends about this campaign and buy already published Dybbuk Press books. Also please support independent publishers. There are several great ones out there including Eraserhead Press and Raw Dog Screaming Press.
Due to the low overhead, independent pubishers have the luxury of putting out strange and unique works that larger corporate publishers won't touch. Ths doesn't necessarily mean that independent publishers put out better books (and some are dreadful); it only means that they have more freedom. If a Random House book sells 30,000 copies, it's a failure. By contrast, an independent publisher can begin paying out royalties as early as 1000 copies.