Community Chest:
- My name is Megan, I am 24 years old and flat chested!
- The Community Chest is an opportunity for you to help me fulfill my New Year's resolution, because boobs.
- With your donation to help add onto what I have been saving up for, for the last two years, I will hopefully reach my goal and be able to be satisfied with my chest and rock a bikini top from now on! Oh and there will be pictures to show me rocking the bikini top!
A little about Megan:
- Right now I am working with about $400 toward my boobs. I realize this is not much but this is all I have been able to save up after bills and every day expenses. I was given a total of $6,600 for the augmentation from a plastic surgeon, but with what I have I am asking for $6,200.
- I know most of you are probably thinking, why don't you just go finance them?? Well I have looked into that and attempted it, but it is a no go for me. Unfortunately being 18, careless and unaware of how much impact your credit has on your future doesn't really sink in until you need it. I am sure I am not the only one with that problem.
- To those of you who are saying I need to do this myself and get a job, I do have a job, I work full-time. Up until recently I was working 2 jobs, roughly 78 hours a week to try and get ahead! But working 6 days a week and that many hours really does not allot you to live and enjoy life, which I am all about. So don't for a minute think I am asking for nothing but a handout because I don't make any money myself, I am just asking for help.
Ways you can help:
Not only by donating but by spreading the word to others you think would love to contribute. Every dollar helps to meet the goal!
The time span for being able to make donations and to meet the goal is only 2 weeks! So let's get to it my fellow boob lovers!