Short Summary
I was chosen in 2013 to become RDDC's Cultural Ambassador to Rwanda.
As Ambassador, I am selecting top students in RDDC's dance and IT programs to receive support to attend the Sonrise Boarding School in Musanze, Rwanda. These students are very special to me because they are gifted, but have fallen through the cracks of society - living on the streets without access to shelter, food or education.
They are victims of circumstance, but WE can change this.
What We Need & What You Get
For just $1,500, a child is taken off the streets and receives a top education in safe living conditions for an entire year!
The LaMar Baylor Scholarship Fund will provide:
- boarding school tuition fees for one year
- 3 meals a day for one year
- a dormitory bed and safe sleeping space
- basic health insurance for one year
- required school materials
- 2 school uniforms
- 2 pairs of black shoes
- 2 pairs of flip flops
- transportation costs
All of the raised funds are used directly towards these costs - no overhead or administration expenses!
Supporters of The Fund will receive the PERKS! These PERKS just reflect levels of support; all funds are being used towards PRIMARY SCHOOL education in Rwanda. Even
if my entire goal is not reached, these funds will still be used to support a street child's access to education.
Other Ways You Can Help
I would be incredibly grateful if you would consider donating at least $1 to this campaign. In fact, if all of my followers donated $1, we would have enough to support two street children in boarding school for a year!
Contributing those dollars is necessary, but I will also be appreciative if you can help me build awareness about the plight of these children with your networks.
- Please share this campaign and my video using the Indiegogo share tools!
A Word From RDDC about LaMar -
"LaMar is an accomplished artist and performer who is passionate about helping kids have a chance to achieve their dreams - something that others fostered in him as a young dancer."
- Rebecca Davis, Executive Director of RDDC