Hi, I'm Jeff Quattrone, and I'm a seed advocate. I invite you to join me on establishing the Library Seed Bank program. After many years woring on marketing plans for corporate and freelance clients, I want to take my experience, and focus it on open and free access to heirloom and open pollinated seeds through public libraries and community groups. I have a bachelors degree in the fine arts, with a concentration in photography. My credential include;
- Bering an award winning graphic designer
- A coproducer of an award winning independent film
- Winner of eight service awards for design and team work in a corporate environment
- I blog at
- A vendor at the 2nd Annual National Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa, CA
- Credentialed as press for Slow Food International's Salon Del Gusto Terra Madre 2012.
Writing the blog, and attending and networking at the expo and Terra Madre, has laid the groundwork for the Library Seed Bank, a project where I can apply my previous professional experience.
The McGowan Public Library, Pitman, NJ is committed to establishing the first seed bank through the Library Seed Bank program. I have a an arts-based community group that has expressed an interest as part of their community outreach. Hopefully, during the funding cycle I will have secured a commitment from them.
The goal is to keep a zero impact on budgets of the participating libraries while providing them the marketing, communication and educational materials to implement this program.
What I Need & What You Get
Funding goal and where it goes
$3,500 is my goal for the following;
Incorporating into a nonprofit so grants and tax-deductible contributions will be able to be accepted.
Upgrading my computer equipment so I can quickly adapt to the communication needs to implement this program. I will provide customizable marketing, educational and training materials to libraries. They will be able to use the files I supply to print in their libraries, have the the files available for downloading or to be sent out for outside printing.
- Examples of these materials include brochures and signs about the program, a seed saving how to brochure, historical reference of what varieties have traditionally been grown in the area, a seed saving journal where the libraries could track the local seed varieties and participants could capture their experiences as well, education materials for adults and children, and a seed package template if people choose to print their own package, and fold it into an envelope. All this is necessary to make this program work.
- Creating an interactive map of local seed varitie sold through local seed companies using vintage seed catalogs.
Printing seed envelopes so there is no cost incurred by the libraries,community groups or seed savers
Seeds in case enough seeds are not donated, and any tools that the libraries will use for educational purposes.
If I don't reach my goal, the funds will still be used to implement this program. I'm not going to stop, just find a different path.
There are color photographs of heirloom seeds shot in a bright colorful macro style available as digital downloads, there will be a 2014 calendar, and t-shirts. And of course, heirloom seeds.
The Impact
Libraries, gardening and food at a crossroad. Libraries have had to reinvent themselves as community centers. They've always been a source of sustenance for the mind. Now, by adding seed banks to them, they could become a source of sustenance for the body too.
The Library Seed Bank brings together the current movement towards local food, the renewed interest in the quality of food and organic heirloom gardening, along with libraries becoming community center. The opportunity is there is create a sustainable and community-based source of local gardening history and knowledge, preservation of rare varieties of plants and open access to seeds. The end result being a project that benefits the health and well being of the community, the participants and the environment.
I believe that nature intended seeds to be free and openly available. Think about the seeds of a dandelion blowing in the wind. It's not owned by anyone. Seeds are under pressure from companies that want to the right to patent them, and modify them in ways that are not conducive to nature. A program like the Library Seed Bank will honor the intention of nature to allow free access to seeds, build communities and preserve heriloom varities of plants. Please join me, and we can create a social heirloom for the generations to come.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, spread the word like that dandelion seed blowing in the wind. Your support and energy will sustain this seed, and allow it to flourish.