The Motivational Edge is a non-profit outreach and after school program serving the inner city youth of Miami, Florida and South Florida. We use culturally relevant arts as a motivational platform to inspire youth toward academic achievement, increased self-confidence and the building of essential life skills.
With your support, we’ll be able to create ME Phoenix and pay for 12 months worth of operation costs. After that, the programs become completely self sustaining. Thanks to this unique business model, you can be confident that your donation will continue helping under-served youth and foster youth for many years to come.
In 2005, our Founder and CEO Ian Welsch came to Miami to begin his career
in education. As a public school
teacher, he watched from the front row as budget cuts gutted school arts
In addition to education, Ian is also an entrepreneur who
started an in-home tutoring company shortly after he arrived in Florida. Unfortunately, he came to realize that many
of the children who needed his help the most couldn’t afford private tutoring.
Ever the visionary, Ian looked at two big problems and saw
one huge opportunity. In 2008, he
founded The Motivational Edge.
The Motivational Edge is a non-profit outreach and after school
program serving the inner city youth of Miami, Florida and South Florida. We use culturally relevant arts as a
motivational platform to inspire youth toward academic achievement, increased
self-confidence and the building of essential life skills.
The Motivational Edge provides academic tutoring as
well as instruction in music and art. At
The Motivational Edge, students can take classes in:
- The Art of Creative Writing and Lyrial Expression
Music Production
- Dance Expression
Many Musical Instruments
Urban Arts Expression
Our free tutoring services are available to any qualifying child
in our community who needs support in order to succeed academically. Through no fault of their own though, many of
these children are facing realities in which scholastic achievement is not the
priority. We provide culturally relevant arts instruction to these
children free of charge. In exchange, we
require that our young musicians and artists maintain their grades. Any student running below a "C" average in any of
their core courses is required to receive tutoring in order to participate in the music and arts program(s).
The benefits to our kids are undeniable. Many children who are unable to express and
process their emotions verbally can do so through music and art. When youth participate in our arts program we
regularly see:
Academic improvement
Increased parental involvement
Motivation to succeed in and out of school
Increased confidence and morale
Increased self-awareness and discipline
Inspiration of the creative spirit through music
and rhythm
In addition, we bring jobs to the community and can be a
referral source to other youth organizations.
We have been so inspired and encouraged by the change we've seen in our Miami
community and its youth, we want to offer The Motivational Edge's programs to youth across America. Obviously that won’t happen overnight, so
we’re starting small. One new location at a time,
one new city: Phoenix, Arizona. We anticipate to serve over 400 students in the first 12 months of operation, but need your help!
Besides a little community support and a lot of kids ready
to learn and have fun, we need $200,000.
With that money, we’ll be able to create ME Phoenix and pay for 12 months
worth of operation costs. After that,
the programs become completely self sustaining.
Thanks to this unique business model, you can be confident that your
donation will continue helping under-served youth and foster youth for many years to come.
If you’d like to learn even more about The Motivational Edge
and the people who work tirelessly to make it such a success, please visit us