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And by we did it, we mean YOU did it. $5,000! You guys are so amazing!
BUT we still have 33 hours left, and the more money we're able to raise, the more we'll be able to put towards future videos and equipment needs.
So! We're setting a stretch goal of $5500!
What happens if we make it?
1) We'll buy a bass guitar to use for covers and paint it to look like Pete Wentz's. I mean, have you seen Pete Wentz's bass? It's pretty sick.
2) We'll get some people together and do a dramatic reading of the WORST script Rachel has ever written for a YouTube video. Some of you who follow us on Twitter may have seen a bunch of dialogue excerpts from this a few months ago. It's pretty fantastically awful.
3) Rachel will also put out a link to a terrible recording of Aqua's "Doctor Jones" she had to make for class in college. Apparently the reward for hitting $5500 is, in general, things that are bad and embarrassing from college years.
If somehow we make that and also get to $6,000, we will also reshoot a scene from Lord of the Rings with Mary Kate playing every single role. How fun would that be??
So keep spreading the word, and don't forget to join us for our 12 hour livestream starting tomorrow at 12pm PST! It should be a fun (and really, really long) hangout time!
Hey everyone! We made a new short film -- just on an iPhone and with no audio equipment -- so check that out if you want!
UPDATE 11/04 -- $2,625!!
Ohhhh! We're halfway there! Awesome!! You guys are the best!
To celebrate, we're holding a contest with some nifty prizes, so go check that out over on our tumblr page. And thanks for helping us out!!
Well! Loosely Bolted is a YouTube channel collaboration by Mary Kate Wiles and Rachel Kiley. We mostly make scripted character-driven short videos and sketches, but also sometimes covers and vlogs. We previously worked together on the Emmy award-winning web series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and we were like hey, we don't hate working together, let's keep doing that. So we've spent the last few months developing this new channel and are gearing up to make it the best it can be.
So what are you raising money for?
To make better videos! Or more specifically, equipment upgrades and a small budget to draw from to make short films (which will all be released for free on YouTube).
Throwing money at projects definitely doesn't automatically make them better. Hollywood proves that to us time and time again. But not having decent equipment doesn't help, either.
But YouTube is for homemade videos! Why do you need better equipment?
We aren't looking to get Hollywood crazy high budget production values with crane shots and massive explosions and all that jazz (well, we may make some videos with jazz, no promises about that). Not because that's super expensive, but because we've been around YouTube long enough to see that productions that look TOO good actually don't work well on the web. There's a sweet spot for online stuff -- where you aren't distracted by really bad pixelation and grainy video and scratchy audio, but where it's still got that quality that makes you feel like you're a part of the world that's happening on your screen. That's what we want to hit. And we just can't do it with what we have, unfortunately.
So here's what you'll get if we can upgrade our equipment:
Higher quality videos. No matter what you do, the iPhone camera has a lot of limitations. We can't shoot in low lighting, we can't change lenses, we can't use the DIY gear we've built for smoother shots when we rent a DSLR camera.
MORE videos. What, really? Yep! iPhone video requires more steps from camera to editing software to make it usable, which is time consuming. It also takes a lot longer to edit it into something decent (color correcting, image stabilization, etc.) as opposed to DSLR footage (which still takes time, but less). The more time we have, the more we can make! There are also a lot of ideas we're saving until we have decent equipment because we think they're cool and we want to do them right.
Audio. As of now, every scripted video we've released or have shot and is in post-production is either silent or has voice-over that we recorded in a silent room later. If we can get even just simple audio recording equipment, we can actually have actors talk in films. Crazy, right??
Covers! We want to do covers of songs we love and songs you love and have fun with all that. We've got a lot of instruments, but again, we just don't have anything to record with.
What if you make more money than you need for equipment?
That would be insane. But cool!
Everything we make that goes beyond what we currently are hoping to spend on equipment will either be saved for future equipment costs or go towards per-video costs (buying props, paying actors/crew who help us out, etc). If we surpass $5000, we'll post more specific stretch goals so you can see exactly what we're aiming for.
Can't you just pocket the money and borrow a friend's camera?
Just kidding! Yeah, we probably could, but we won't. How will you know? Well, we are more than happy to post a record of what every cent of our Indiegogo money is spent on. You guys are being super generous by helping us out, and we want you to feel comfortable in doing so. That list will be available on our upcoming website after the campaign ends, and will keep being updated until all the money has been spent.
But I already gave money when you had PayPal donations open!
And that was awesome of you! We don't want to leave you out. If you donated through PayPal in the past, shoot us an email letting us know the name/email you donated with, and what perk level(s) you would like to redeem. You can mix and match ($5 reward + $15 reward if you donated $20), or donate more to Indiegogo and compound that with what you gave us previously ($50 PayPal donation + $50 Indiegogo donation = $100 perk redemption). If you do the latter, just make sure to choose "no perk" when you donate, and shoot us an email with specifics. This may be a little confusing, so definitely feel free to email us with any questions about it! (And note -- this doesn't apply to Patreon donations, which are entirely separate.)
What's a Patreon?
Patreon is a place where people are pledging money to us per video we put out. It's different because it's an ongoing system of patronage and because that money goes mostly to our pockets (and then directly to bills) so that we have time to make videos instead of do jobs that aren't making videos. Some of it does go back into the Loosely Bolted budget for videos, but as of now, it won't really help out with expensive equipment needs.
I feel like you probably have a couple of other things you want to tell us. Go on.
Aww, how thoughtful of you!
We've got a lot of cool (and some super weird) rewards for backers over there on the side of the page, so go check those out when you get a chance!
Besides that, we're going to be updating constantly throughout the campaign, and adding videos and contests and maybe a third thing we think of later, so if you do donate, keep an eye out on your update emails!
Looking for more information?Check the project
You're awesome! Yay! Thanks! We'll give you a shout out in a video for being so cool.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
7 claimed
Sticker the World!
$5 USD
Whoa 5 bucks! For that, you deserve your very own Loosely Bolted sticker. And you will get one.
And a shout out in a video!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
22 claimed
Snail mail!
$10 USD
We'll handwrite you a nice thank you note thanking you for your thank-worthy contribution. Thanks!
You'll also get a Loosely Bolted sticker and a shout out in one of our videos.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
85 claimed
A ringtone or voicemail!
$15 USD
We'll sing you 10 seconds of any song you want so you can set it as your ringtone OR we'll record a personalized outgoing voicemail message for you. That's totally weird, right??
You'll also get a Loosely Bolted sticker and a shout out in a video!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
8 claimed
$20 USD
We'll make you your own video in which we say your name over and over again for 90 seconds. We've been working all day. We're delirious.
Oh yeah, and you get a sticker and a shout out! Not that you need another one...
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
9 claimed
All the lies you ever wanted
$20 USD
Want us to tell you unicorns are totally super real and Pluto is still a planet and friendship lasts forever? You got it! For a full 30 second video, we'll lie to you and tell you anything you want to hear (as long as it's not inappropriate).
And you get a sticker and a shout out!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
4 claimed
Fan fic?
$25 USD
Have a fan fic request? Cool! Rachel will write it for you (at least 3500 words guaranteed). Send us an email ahead of time to make sure it's for a show/movie/book/etc she knows well enough to write. (Psst, no smut.)
Plus you get a Loosely Bolted sticker and a shout out in a video.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
25 claimed
A personalized poem song.
$25 USD
Like rhymes? Fantastic! We'll write you a personalized poem and MK will sing it to you on a video to a tune she makes up on the spot. Yippee!
Plus an LB sticker, and a shout out in a video.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
28 claimed
Choose a 30 Second Musical!
$30 USD
Pick a film or show or book that you want MK to do a 30 second improvised musical on. Fair warning -- the extent of her knowledge about it may be whatever's on wikipedia. But isn't it better that way?
And of course you get a sticker and a shout out.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
6 claimed
A video for YOU!
$40 USD
Give us a word, a phrase, or a photo, and we'll shoot a 30-90 second video based on that and dedicated to you!
You'll also get a Loosely Bolted sticker and a shout out in a video.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
7 claimed
Signed script pg + cover song
$50 USD
Yo, for $50, we'll totally do a cover video of a song you request* and send you a signed script page from one of our projects. AND you'll still get a Loosely Bolted sticker and a shout out in a vid.
*Feel free to check with us about your song request before you pledge. If it's something we can't do for some reason, we'll work with you to figure out another one.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
12 claimed
Prop! + a signed script page
$75 USD
We'll send you a prop from one of our shoots. Cool! And a signed script page from one of our projects. Cool again!
You'll also get a sticker and a shout out in a video. Yay!
(Add $5 for shipping outside of the US)
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
3 out of 10 of claimed
Skype + Livetweeting + more!
$100 USD
Wow you're way cool! We wanna thank you over Skype or G+ for like, 20 minutes. Or we can talk about other stuff you want, too. AND you can pick a movie (or an episode of a TV show) for us to livetweet.
AND we'll send you a signed script page from one of our projects, a Loosely Bolted sticker, and thank you in one of our videos.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
8 claimed
Dance party?
$200 USD
$200?! That's crazy! You're crazy! We'll be crazy too! Pick a song and we'll like make a video dancing to it and it will be super weird and awkward and embarrassing. That's crazy!
Yo, you also get a sticker. And a shout out. And a handwritten thank you note because you deserve something more.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed
Corporate-ness. Srs bsns.
$350 USD
Hey, got a brand or a channel or a product or, you know, whatever? We'll work with you to create a 30 second video promoting your thing and make that for you.