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LouddMouth Radio Interactive RV Mobile Radio Station a yr. old online radio network looking to raise $85,000 for new equipment a RV mobile radio station will you be 1 of our guest radio host?

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LouddMouth Radio Interactive RV Mobile Radio Station

LouddMouth Radio Interactive RV Mobile Radio Station

LouddMouth Radio Interactive RV Mobile Radio Station

LouddMouth Radio Interactive RV Mobile Radio Station

LouddMouth Radio Interactive RV Mobile Radio Station a yr. old online radio network looking to raise $85,000 for new equipment a RV mobile radio station will you be 1 of our guest radio host? a yr. old online radio network looking to raise $85,000 for new equipment a RV mobile radio station will you be 1 of our guest radio host? a yr. old online radio network looking to raise $85,000 for new equipment a RV mobile radio station will you be 1 of our guest radio host? a yr. old online radio network looking to raise $85,000 for new equipment a RV mobile radio station will you be 1 of our guest radio host?

Sabrina "Sonny" Smith
Sabrina "Sonny" Smith
Sabrina "Sonny" Smith
Sabrina "Sonny" Smith
1 Campaign |
Stockbridge, United States
$335 USD 3 backers
0% of $85,250 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal




Who We Are: 

We are LouddMouth Radio- a independent online radio network of the LouddMouth Media Brand this is based out of the Metro Atlanta area is looking Globally for Guest Host & Special Correspondents across the country to be a part of our growth in 2014! Our Campaign is to raise funds to grow our network into 1000's of communities across the globe.

We're a year old and excited about the future growth of our network. LouddMouth Radio was started by Sabrina "Sonny" Smith to provide an media platform online that would enrich people lives with diverse shows that brought important topics that could educate and entertain the world. Within a year we have produced some exciting weekly broadcast featuring independent music fest & local artists, filmmakers, self-published authors, community activists, celebrity personalities, alternative medicine physicians, up & coming comedians from virtually all over the world. We also have provided exclusive media coverage for many grassroots projects, independent film festivals, small business seminars and non-profit organizations. 

Our first few months on air, was challenging to say the least, however we managed to gain over 10,000 listeners within the first month. Although we were only broadcasting online, producing & broadcasting shows 3-4 times a week, booking guest and trying to attract radio sponsors to support our shows is a full time job...and we love it! Of course you have your learning curves and we would bounce around between our radio host personal spaces and sometimes in public places like coffee shops to get internet access, because we would sometimes have some struggles with dropping cellphone signals, internet lapses and equipment. As our summer series of shows started picking up a lot of momentum, we faced even bigger challenges, but we always managed to smile through the obstacles and do our best. 

It is our goal here at to continue to be a voice of empowerment, inspiration and entertainment. Although we are a small independent internet radio network, it is our sincere believe as radio host and media personalities that we have the ability and responsibility to provide programming that positively impacts others. Our campaign contributors have a chance to not only help us to propel forward, but to also possibly ignite their own dreams & others to become influential within their own communities as a guest host on our growing network. We love meeting new people and witnessing the empowerment of others as they unfold their own personal stories on air. Our personal experiences have so much power, you would be amazed of how much your personal journey can be a story that impacts and touches someone else's life. 

Here Is A Peak of Our Last Year 2013 Show Line-up on -


Ok so it was a few secs..but we still made it!!!! All of our host at the time actually had a little cameo in the feature..such a great day to see one of our own as well as ourselves within Oprah's show!!

Video Highlight: LouddMouth Radio Host: JL King, Jazzie Jones, Roderick Watkins & Producer/Host Sabrina "Sonny" Smith (5:30 &7:30 in the video)

Our LouddMouth Radio Network Highlight on Oprah's Network OWN TV's April 2013 "Where Are They Now" Feature on LouddMouth Radio Host JL King on Oprah Show Click Here or go to our gallery page and see this video 


What We Need & What You Get

Why We Need You to Raise $85,250: Why are we raising $85,250 you ask? Expenses, Expenses, Expenses! We are starting our new season of shows this Winter February 2014 and to create professional quality production and having the proper tools to broadcast and reach the masses in more locations is costly! Large corporate radio stations have millions of dollars and unlimited resources to run their operations and can afford to staff and spend millions to gather advertising cost from other medium to large corporations to offset their expenses. As an independent self funded operation, we are looking to get some help even if it is only 2-3 part timers that can give us assistance and support to continue to operate and grow. LouddMouth Radio Network podcast is also listed and available for download or streaming on Stitcher Radio which is a app platform that reaches over 4 million in car dashboard listeners and 20 million+ iphone & android users.

Having the ability to transport our radio network into various events by promoting & creating media resources that will help to get the word out and support other individuals, organizations and small businesses is the core of our existence. During our humble beginnings, many of our broadcast had sound issues from feedback, bad connections, lack of quality equipment and that poor quality sound would transfer across during live broadcast which would later be heard in the archive podcast of our shows. We work really hard on booking professional guests, from everyday people to celebrity personalities on our shows, we desire to have a professional grade of sound during our shows. 

In order for us to succeed in achieving our goal, we are working diligently to improve our broadcast with the following much needed equipment: 

  • Professional Sound Equipment -Microphones, Headsets, Sound Boards
  • Video Equipment: Cameras & Lighting
  • Computers- Desktops, production stations & laptops for remote use
  • Technical Staff & Production Assistants- hiring of 2-3 part-time staff- to provide our media host & radio network with technical installation & labor support, production assistants to assist in scheduling & providing live and remote broadcasting & administrative assistance, website & internet support.
  • The Mobile Radio Station Vehicle - our dedicated interactive mobile radio station- equipped with full sound & video controls giving us the ability to have both audio coverage & behind the scene interviews optimizing our LouddMouth Radio & Special Interview Web TV Coverage During Remote Broadcasts to our growing listening audience. Our video coverage will be accessible through our online network channel. 
  • AD Display Mobile Radio Vehicle- Custom brand advertising wrap of our radio network on the mobile radio vehicle- & media sponsor(s). 

We have some awesome perks below for you to check out such as becoming a special correspondent Guest Host anywhere in the world and carrying your own LouddMouth Network Member Card to show your support & Much More!

 If We Don't Raise Enough Funds ~ We Won't Make It To Get This To The Community! 

This is a snapshot of a prototype of what we are aiming for to become our new "Mobile Interactive Radio Station on Wheels"


Here is one of our on location remote broadcast from the summer in May 2013 in North Carolina -computers courtesy of the Hilton Hotel in Downtown Durham-This is the Ideal Goal for us to have our own professional studio operation...

The Impact

Since our launch in late January 2013, has reached tens of thousands of listeners across the globe addressing various subject matters providing many audiences a voice and a platform to listen & talk about things that matter to them. As we continue to grow our listening audience, it is our mission to get closer to the ground within multiple communities and investing our time and passions of entertaining & educating people. This campaign will allow us the opportunity to connect into many communities with the assistance of our contributors as special guest host correspondents as a media vessel of creativity to the world. It is our belief that what started as one person's dream can truly be many individual's reality. 

LouddMouth Radio provided media coverage for the U.S Government SBA Many Faces One Dream LGBT & Minority Economic Tour in Atlanta, GA August 2013. This tour is a nationwide effort to stimulate and educate communities on how to progress their business. We as a network would love to be able to partake in future location events of this tour. We had a awesome time and had some great interviews & coverage! Available on ~ 

For More Info of the SBA event:

LouddMouth Radio Covers SBA Atlanta Many Faces One Dream Tour  

Some Community Work:

February 2013 Jazzie & Sonny Rallied with Youth Spark at the Capital to help pass Legislation Bills in Georgia For Child Sex Trafficking - Listen in to the Night Talk Show LouddMouth Radio coverage of this important show here:

December 2013 LouddMouth Radio's Media Personalities & Host Jazzie Jones & Sabrina "Sonny" Smith became Official Community Ambassadors for Youth Spark the Non-Profit Organization Against Child Sex Trafficking

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't contribute monetarily, you can still help us by:

Share this page & help us to get the word out about our LouddMouth Radio Campaign!!

Please share this campaign via Facebook, Twitter, EMAIL, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo as many social media outlets as possible with all of your friends and family!

We thank you so much for supporting us now and in the future. You can be a part of the new of wave of independent web radio & television.

Now get out there and make some LouddMouth Noise and use the Indiegogo tools to share this and help us hit our goal!



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Choose your Perk

The Referral

$5 USD
Every Amount Counts! Big Thank You! Plus you are listed on our website as a contributor!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

Member Card Please...

$10 USD
Listed on as a contributor. Receive the LouddMouth Network Member Loyalty Card. U.S Shipping Only included
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 out of 50 of claimed

Posting Up!

$25 USD
Contributor Listing on, Receive the LouddMouth Network Member Loyalty Card and a LouddMouth Radio Poster. U.S Shipping Only-included
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 out of 50 of claimed

Call is On Me!

$50 USD Listing, LDMTH Member Loyalty Card, LR Poster and You are a Guest Co-host for a 1/2 hr on one of our shows. (no travel required) U.S Shipping only included
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 75 of claimed

The Test Drive

$75 USD Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (unisex sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping only-included. You also are a guest co-host for a 1/2 hr. on one of our shows. (no travel required) T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show TBD scheduled possibly before or after the date below.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

The Buck Stops Here

$100 USD Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (unisex sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping included only- You also are a guest co-host for a 1/2 hr. for 2 of our shows. (no travel required) T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show will be scheduled possibly before or after the date below.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

Surround Sounds

$200 USD Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (unisex sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping included only- You also are a guest co-host for a 1 hr. for one of our shows. (no travel required) T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show will be scheduled possibly before or after the date below.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 30 of claimed

Making Some LouddMouth Noise

$300 USD Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (unisex sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping included only- You also are a guest co-host for a 1 hr. for 2 of our shows. (no travel required) T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show will be scheduled possibly before or after the date below.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Mic Check -YOUR OWN SHOW!!

$500 USD
LouddMouth Radio Promotes Broadcast Your own 1 hr. show-.(total of 2 shows) You pick your topic and you can choose your guest includes advertising slot time on both shows for your business or sponsor someone else's business or organization (no travel required) T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show will be scheduled possibly before or after the date below. Listing, Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (XS-XXL) US Shipping only incl.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

The Intercom Is Live!

$750 USD
LouddMouth Radio Promotes & Broadcast Your own 1 hr. show-.(total of 3 shows) You pick your topic & choose your guest incl. advertising slot time on all the shows for your business or sponsor someone else's business or organization (no travel required) T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show will be scheduled possibly before or after the date below. Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping incl. only-
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Pass the Remote!

$1,000 USD Promotes Your own 1 hr. show-.(2 shows) 1 virtual and 1 on location broadcast w/Mobile radio station-must be within an 1 hr of Metro Atlanta) You pick your topic and guest incl. advertising slot time on shows for your business or sponsor someone else's biz or organization. (T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time) for the show scheduled TBD before or after the date Listing, Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (XS-XXL) US Shipping incl.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

On the Ground Running- 3 shows

$2,500 USD Promotes Your own 1 hr. show(3 shows 2 virtual and 1 on location broadcast w/mobile radio station-must be within 3 hrs of Atlanta) You pick your topic and you can choose your guest incl. advertising slot time on yr shows for your business or sponsor someone else's biz or organization T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show scheduled TBD before or after the date. Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping incl
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

On the Podium

$3,500 USD Promotes Your own 1 hr. show(3 shows 2 virtual and 1 on location broadcast w/mobile radio station-must be within 4 hrs of Atlanta) You pick your topic and you can choose your guest incl. advertising slot time on yr shows for your business or sponsor someone else's biz or organization T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show scheduled TBD before or after the date. Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping incl.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

The Sound Booth

$5,000 USD Promotes Your own 1 hr. show(4 shows 3 virtual and 1 on location broadcast w/mobile radio station-must be within 6 hrs of Atlanta) You pick your topic and you can choose your guest incl. 3 mos. advertising on air and online for your business or sponsor someone else's. biz T-shirt is estimated delivery date below- the delivery time for the show scheduled TBD before or after the date. Listing, LDMTH Loyalty Card, Poster, T-shirt (sizes XS-XXL) US Shipping incl.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed

1YR. Premier Media Partner

$10,000 USD
Official Premier Partner -4 virtual shows & 1 on location broadcast w/mobile radio station-Anywhere in US or We Fly to you if international) 1 yr of advertising on mobile vehicle of your name/logo; on-air recognition on every show Official online Press Release to over 250,000 online news subscribers, 30,000 journalist, bloggers and Associated Press ($25,000 value)
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed
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