Hi and welcome to our project: Majoro3d!
We're a small indie team who through the course of developing a game, needed our own custom software tool to help us create our hi-res art assets. During this development process, we created our own in-house 3d modelling tool in an organic fashion by adding features as and when we needed them.
The software has grown into something that's pretty cool, so we have decided to release it!
Anyone with an interest in digital 3d sculpting and cgi model creation and art in general should hopefully find the software useful. :)
Our software is currently in the alpha stage and we would love the help of backers so that we can push it toward a final release!
So what can you do with it?
You can basically create anything you can imagine. Here's a screenshot of the software in action, showing a work in progress of a female head model we spent a few hours creating:
Female Head model
![Female head Model Female head model sculped form scratch whith Majoro3d Software]()
The model began life as cube (shown below) that was subdivided (divided up into a more dense form) and hand sculpted / painted using digital 3d brushes, a process not too dissimilar to using real world clay - with out all the mess of course!
Model Progression
![Model Progression Model progression from low poly cube to hi-res model]()
Here's another example of an alien creature made the same way:
A Creature
![A Creature A creature head sculpted from scratch using Majoro3d software]()
Some of the key features of the program are:
Sculpting / painting with digital clay
Different brush types
Poly modelling tools
Various Import / export file formats
Multiple object creation
Undo / redo system per model
Graphics tablet support
Plus lots of other features!
Do you need a supercomputer to run this software?
Well, the more detailed (dense) your sculptures are, the more computer power + more memory the better.
To create something like the female model or the creature above, an average PC will be fine, eg: 2 gig of ram, dual core processor and mid range graphics card.
What operating systems will it run on?
The software currently runs on Windows based systems. However, all the internal user interface code is custom built so it's not tied to a specific OS. When the beta phase is concluded, and the software is stable, we will look into supporting other systems like Apple / Linux.
Note: The software will be DRM free, which basically means once it's yours, it's yours. We won't tie the software to your hardware, neither will you need internet activation just to get it going. Once you get your download you can install and re-install the software to your heart's content! :)
We'll be updating with more information about the project soon.
Thanks for checking this project out!
Robert, Lead Developer / Artist at majoro.com
We're making available the alpha version of Majoro3d to everyone who makes a pledge of any amount.
All you have to do is request it, then we'll add you as a member on our site, where you'll be able to download it and interact on our forums.
1.5 million poly Tough Guy made with Majoro3d
![Tough 1.5 million poly Tough Guy]()