Welcome to Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo project!
![The Story So Far Short short story of Manorhouse Workshop]()
Hi everyone, my name’s Lorenzo Marchetto, founder of Manorhouse Workshop, which deals with 28-35mm Wargames’ and modelism kit making since more than 13 years.
Our main activity is the production of buildings, sceneray elements, and modular gaming tables for tridimensional wargames and static modelism.
During our years of activity, we did work wiht a lot of national and international societies of this sector, providing them with dioramas, models, and other works. Those societies inclues Games Workshop, Rackham, Italeri, Wizards of the Coast, without forgetting editors’ houses like Hachette and Hobby&Work, or TV channels like Disney Channel and RAI.
When working with privates collectionists or players, we did give birth to historical or fantasy’s reproductions, like Helm’s Deep of the Lord of the Rings, Falkenstein Castle in Corinthia or the Templar Castle of Almuruol in Portugal.
![Some old work for collectors - wargamers Some old work for collectors - wargamers]()
Our passion even made us create Mindstalkers, a 3D Skirmish Wargame in 35mm, which received a Nomination for the "Best of Show" at the prestigious Italian Fair of Lucca Games, finishing as 1st in 3D Wargames category.
Our experience, throughout the years allowed us to project and continuously build a range of modular scenary kits that can thus be combined to create multiple and infinite results, be it for outside or inside scopes, while having an extreme sturdiness yet keeping perfect realism, as you can see (to see hundreds of examples of our works, come visit our Blog!).
![Some other samples of our work Some other samples of our work]()
It is our wish to keep bettering ourselves, by continue to create new products with new state of the art materials and priting techniques, like we’ve been constantly doing during our long history.
![The MHW Indiegogo Project The MHW Indiegogo Project]()
Project highlights
Our vision is to design a new series of kits of 28-35mm scale, that will recreate a complete, typical italian medieval village, with its fortified walls, the manor, the church, the water mill, the center of the village with the Arengario and the houses which surround the central tournament square...
but also typical medieval stores, like the blacksmith, the shoe repairer, the butcher... and many more, which we will reveal progressively as the project unfolds!
NOTICE: At the moment we're making the first model (the Water Mill), and we have only hand drawings to let you see something as the one shown here below (you can see some more sketchesin the "Gallery" tab of this project). Once every master will be finished, we'll update the page with detailed photographs!
![Sample of concept sketches Sample of concept sketches]()
This new series of kit, while increasing the modular possibilities of modelism and the level of details - and giving you a fresh new design - will be fully compatible with all of our existing products.
This new series of kits will also be produced with an increased industrial policy: the material will be high quality polyreuthane resin, and the production will be done using the latest vacuum and printing technologies, with new generation silicons molds which highly lower down miscasts... and this will mean lower kit prices too!
This innovation will allows us to print the models both sides, while still keeping all doors and windows open to keep all gaming options open.
Why Indiegogo?
This Manorhouse Workshop project is very big and complex, and requires a hefty investment. Our decision to transition from an artisanal production to a new semi industrial one, and to direct client sales allows us to use the Indiegogo platform to its fullest, since it brings us into contact with you, our potential customers.
To bring it to life, we need you. We need your pledge so that we can have "the numbers" to lower production costs, and to gain better delivery costs for all. Indeed, you will be the one to decide if this project is worthy of success. And you will be the one to benefit from all the advantages, discounts and rewards.
By reaching our Indiegogo goal we will be able to start the production, and it will allow you to gain great gifts and rewards, while economizing on the final price... and if the project will rise and pass objectives and objectives, more and more prices and adds-on will be open to you!
![Perks! Available Perks]()
Perks Description
Creating the Sales Bundles for our project turned out difficult. We did aim for the best, and so we did include a high number of buildings inside bigger perks.
Unfortunately, Indoegogo allows only up to 20 perks, but we do have dozens of different modular itens, and may different design for some of them (e.g. houses' walls).
So, all the goodies that we weren’t able to insert in the perks, will be proposed later on in some ADD-ONs that you will be able to purchase at a special Indiegogo price, merging them with the purchased perks.
Here beside you can see described all the perks; as soon as each product master will be ready we'll add here detailed photographs of it!
Technical Information
- All kits are printed with high quality polyreuthane resin
- All kits are printed (detailed) on both sides
- All kits are sold unpainted, yet to be assembled.
Update N° 10
Hello to all.
Last hours of the campaign. Meanwhile, we want to thank all
those who have supported us and that will support us until 11:59 pm.
tomorrow August 15th. Thanks to all of you.
We continue with the update dedicated to our project. The
tenth is dedicated to special rewards, are two, and both dedicated to
two specific perks if purchased together. House Raisers and House
Raisers Pack 1 Pack 2.
First series: two small bridges one covered and one uncovered – a overhang consists of two seperate storeys – a terrace.
Second series: Two small bridges one covered and one uncovered - an external staircase with door – a terrace.
Both of these packages are very useful for making it even more interesting your village, Below are some examples.
The images make it more than a thousand words. Our modular
system allows different compositions. And with the new accessories
allows an unlimited possible combinations.The next update. Lorenzo
Update N° 9
Hello to all.
Begins to take shape the village. after the watermill, we are creating the first houses of the village. The texture of the houses will be: Stone, stone and wood, only wood and bricks to finish.
Let’s start with an overview of the first houses built.
On two storeys.
With external staircase.
Combination 2-storey house 10×10, more a house 15×10 at one storey.
Overview of the village with the first houses built and at the center the water mill.
The stair and the stone bridge for the passage from one house to another, are 2 of the 4 rewards that you can get by purchasing the 2 perks: House Raisers Pack 1 and House Raisers Pack 2.
Gradually will be realized the houses we’re going to replace the basic models of polystyrene. The sight is very attractive. in the next 9 days you will see changes in this village and with your help the village will also become bigger and bigger, and will be added new buildings.
Thank you for your help. Lorenzo
Update N° 8
Hello to all.
Below is the direct link at list of weights and prices during and after the Indiegogo. The weights are used for all those who purchase outside Europe to quantify the cost of shipping. You will notice that the transition to the resin decreased greatly the weight of individual items.
Weights and prices of perks during and after the Indiegogo
Update N° 7
Hello to all.
Here are the photos of the Water mill in its final form. Remember the initial design of the mill?
Here is the finished master.
I have to say I’m better at sculpting than to draw …
The water mill was a very interesting project and quite complex. But now it’s on the table in my lab completed. a little dream come true.
Now we start with the houses of the village. to the next update. Lorenzo
Update N° 6
Hi to all.
The Water Mill is being finalized. Completed the tower-silos, are to be completed only some details, Roofs, stairs… An overview of the Mill.
In detail, the tower-silos of mill in wood
We also have the first house with textures in legno10x10 for the perks: House Raisers Pack 2. Can be combined with the perk: House Raisers Pack 1. In order to raise one or more storey of the houses.
To the next update. Lorenzo
Update N° 5
Hello to all.
5th update only dedicated to the work in progress of the water mill. the central body and part of the porch are nearing completion.
The detail wooden roof with stones to keep the boards in place. and the mill wheel still by to work to make it more worn.
Detail of the portico.
Proportions with a miniature in 28-32 mm. The kit is designed for miniatures in 28-35mm.
To next update.
Update N° 4
Hello to all.
First images of the work in progress of the Water Mill. Part of the arcade and the first walls of the house of the miller.
We go into detail: two walls to two storey of the dwelling. the new masters have been studied and etched on both sides.
Above the dwelling there will be a building made entirely of wood, as you can see from the drawing.
We end with the arcade.
At the next update.
Update N° 3
Hi to all.
New updet for our project. This accessories have been created by Michele Bottalico.
Step ladder and wheel of the Watermill
New Wooden Balustrades
New Doors for Church, Barbican and for Houses
New Windows for houses
Regards, Lorenzo
Update N° 2
Let’s get into 2 very interesting Perks. (Models pictured are the basics of space for the creation of masters)
House Raisers Pack 1 - 85,00 Euro
House Raisers Pack 2 - 140,00 Euro
Those are without doubt the most useful and convenient perks to rapidly build a little village.
Their content will allow you to combine in a multitude of ways the house kits.
As you can see from the above pictures, with a Perk from 85,00 Euro and a one from 140,00 Euro you can create a small village in various ways, the combinations are endless.
Now let’s see how you can easily compose the various modules to obtain a group of houses attached one to another, in the typical italian fashion.
Every storey will have an access to the upper and to the lower floor.
With the purchase of those 2 perks you will also get the rewards 01 serie, which will give you even more possibilities of combination.
The rewards 01 serie was created precisely to be combined with those 2 perks.
Each added purchase of those 2 perks will get you the possibility to get an additiona rewards 01 serie.
Or, if you prefer, you can get your rewards based on the overall amount of goods purchased, as usual.
Regards, Lorenzo
![Special Rewards Special Rewards]()
Backers Rewards
By buying 120,00 Euros or more of goodies, you will get some rewards. Those rewards will be divided in groups (A,B,C, etc.): depending on how much is the overall purchase, you will have access to a certain group of rewards.
Unlocked Rewards Groups
Group A: can be choosed with a purchase of € 120,00 or more
You'll can get for free ONE of the following options:
- 1 Balcony
- 1 Uncovered Suspended Passage (to connect two houses)
- a 10% discount, valid for one order of Manorhouse products - but not in Indiegogo projects - (validity 1 year, from February 20th, 2014 / February 20th,2015, NOT CUMULATIVE with other discounts)
Group B: can be choosed with a purchase of € 220,00 or more.
You'll can get for free ONE of the following options:
- 2 Balcony
- 2 Uncovered Suspended Passage
- 1 Balcony OR 1 Uncovered Suspended Passage + a 10% discount, valid for one order of Manorhouse products - but not in Indiegogo projects - (validity 1 year, from February 20th, 2014 / February 20th,2015, NOT CUMULATIVE with other discounts)
Group B: two Special Rewards.
and both dedicated to two specific perks if purchased together. House Raisers and House Raisers Pack 1 Pack 2. Total cost = 225,00 euro
Or first series: two small bridges one covered and one uncovered – a overhang consists of two seperate storeys – a terrace.
Or second series: Two small bridges one covered and one uncovered - an external staircase with door – a terrace.
Group C: can be choosed with a purchase of € 420,00 or more.
You'll can get for free ONE of the following options:
- 2 Balcony + 2 Uncovered Suspended Passage
- 2 Balcony OR 2 Uncovered Suspended Passage, + a 10% discount, valid for one order of Manorhouse products - but not in Indiegogo projects - (validity 1 year, from February 20th, 2014 / February 20th,2015, NOT CUMULATIVE with other discounts)
Upcoming Rewards Groups (yet to be unlocked)
Group D: can be choosedwith a purchase of € 720,00 or more.
Group E: can be choosed with a purchase of € 1.000,00 or more.
Group F: can be choosed with a purchase of € 1.700,00 or more.
Group G: can be choosed with a purchase of € 2.300,00 or more.
Group H: can be choosed with a purchase of € 3.000,00 or more.
![Special Kings reward Special Kings reward]()
Special "Kings' Reward"
Those "Kings" who will buy one of the 5 complete “Large Village” perks, will get a unique benefit: a complete modular landscape, refined and painted by Lorenzo Marchetto himself!
Only 5 will be done, and only for this project (indeed none will be inserted into the MHW catalog once this Indiegogo project is over).
The landscape will be made of 9 pannels, 40x40cm each, where the lucky contributor will be able to put his just-purchased village.
Please notice: only the landscape will be painted and refined.
The image above shows an EXAMPLE of 9 finished landscape pannels.
![Timing and costs of Perks Delivery Timing and costs of Perks Delivery]()
Time schedule
The shipping of the goods will start on the second half of February, 2014.
Maybe some items will be ready before this limit, and so will be shipped before this term, but we have to consider the production of the entire project as "real" term to be given to you to be realistic.
Door to door delivery costs
Notice: Estimated weight of single items will be published soon.
Italy: free delivery on all the national territory.
European Union (EU): add 25,00 Euro on the overall expense (for a maximum weight of 50 kg).
Switzerland - Norway - Gibilterra: add 40,00 Euro on the overall expense (for a maximum weight of 50 kg).
weight from 1 to 5 kg: add 27,00 Euro on the overall expense.
weight from 6 to 10 kg: add 35,00 Euro on the overall expense.
weight from 11 to 15 kg: add 45,00 Euro on the overall expense.
weight from 16 to 20 kg: add 60,00 Euro on the overall expense.
weight from 21 to 30 kg: add 85,00 Euro on the overall expense.
weight from 31 to 50 kg: add 120,00 Euro on the overall expense.
Rest of the world: please contact us first by email: marchetto.lorenzo@gmail.com
Update N° 8
Below is the direct link at list of weights and prices during and after the Indiegogo. The weights are used for all those who purchase outside Europe to quantify the cost of shipping.
Weights and prices of perks during and after the Indiegogo
The above weight limits apply on the overall purchase for this Indiegogo project, of course as long as the delivery stays on the same region/weight selection as the first purchase.
Example: one purchaser buys a first perk for 5 kg worth of material. The goods need to be delivered in Germany.
Later, the same purchaser wants to buy some other goods of this Indiegogo project. As long as the overall goods purchased do not go over the 50 kg limit (weight or volume), there won’t be any additional 25 Euro delivery expense for the second, third, etc purchase.
![FAQ Frequently Asked Questions]()
This section will be filled in later on, with YOUR questions... and our answers!