a new play
by MAP
Summer Tour to Mainline Theatre in Montreal
New York Live Art Center in Manhattan.
OH LORD, WON'T YOU is a look at the nature of Belief, here and now, told by us.
A belief in the tooth fairy, a relationship, or God, requires a willing suspension of knowledge. One might even say, it is the belief in all three that will them into existance at all.
MAP Project has been working together in Montreal for 4 years. Together, we've created 5 full-length shows for the stage, a 9-episode live monthly series, and a number of gallery collaborations.
We work together under a spirit of artistic camaraderie- the idea that new theatre may be created by a team of artists and friends, ever getting to know one another (and our group creative process) deeper and more intimatly. We are always looking for collaborators, and dream of a world in which enduring groups of artists may play and share together, with pride, excitement and pleasure in their deep research into play, technique, and the human condition.
MAP creates montage-style performances from existing material which surrounds us. Pop-culture references, recognizable text and images, and verbatim interactions amongst the group are all material used in our mash-ups. Working between worlds of real and surreal, we create art from life.
MAP needs your help. We are set to perform at Mainline Theatre in Montreal in May, and then have the awesome opportunity to take our show to the New York Live Arts Centre in July- but we can't do any of this without you!
Thank you to our generous audience, friends, and family for your ongoing support! Thank you to MainLine theatre for our home! Thank you to Montreal for your low rents, high spirits, and beautiful people!