Screenplay Synopsis
- The Maradonia Saga is a classic, but contemporary story. When Maya (16) and her brother Joey (15) – two of the main characters - stumble upon a secret portal, they are transported to a mysterious place called – The Land of Maradonia.
Their appearance in Maradonia, which is a World between the Worlds, fulfills an old prophecy, foretold by the Light King, and propels Maya and Joey into a strange and very dangerous world of dark powers and magic. Here, in the Land of Maradonia, they try to overcome Seven Bridges of tests and temptations and as they conquer the last test they receive supernatural gifts.
![Jackie and Benji]()
Little did they know that the real fight for their life had just begun, but can they escape from the cruel hand of Evil?
The evil King Apollyon, once the most intelligent and beautiful Light Carrier in the Universe, was terrified by the prophecy of the Light King:
“At the end of the age, in the last days… whenthe ‘Two Silver Birds’ attack the ‘Twin Brothers’, I will send Two Children to show you your limitations!”
Apollyon, the fallen Light Carrier, now the Ruler of the Underworld, commanded his two wicked sons, Prince Abbadon and Prince Plouton as well as the gruesome Fairies and the slick Hoodmen, the hunters of the empire, to chase Maya and Joey and to kill them.
![Dark fairies]()
The teenagers don’t lose heart, fight back and secure Defender, the magic Key to the Underworld. The rulers of the ‘Empire of Evil’ are suddenly unable to enter their own kingdom and the final battle between the armies of Light and Darkness in the Valley of Harmon Gorgonia is inevitable.
![truck collage]()
(Building the Sets)
Purpose of the Film
- To enlighten children as well as young adults (8-18) to the supernatural and spiritual realities of today’s world, but the timeless theme of the Maradonia Saga and the battle between, ‘Good versus Evil’ will appeal to any age group and through this the lesson: Ordinary people can do the extraordinary!
Moral Premise of the Film
- Maya and Joey, the two protagonists, discover through their struggles the difference between ‘Sight and Vision’ and that people without a vision might perish. Under the tremendous pressure of painful tests and temptations they also learn: ‘What is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.’ Their natural rivalry and animosity as brother and sister creates a perfect foundation for the dramatic tension of the story when they realize: ‘They can only win the battle by conquering themselves, not others!’
Partner with us!
Since the producers of the Maradonia Movie ask their friends and the public at this time for twenty thousand dollars to keep the production running, we are fully aware that we need more funding in the future to complete the first feature film of the Maradonia Saga ‘Maradonia and the Seven Bridges’. We produced the first 30 minutes of this 90 minute movie with an experienced film team and used the footage to create a 12 minute trailer which – of course – can only show a little part of this marvelous story. We try to finish this adventure movie in the next six to eight month. However, if you like the concept of the Maradonia Saga with over 2400 pages of brimming adventure and hopefully five more feature movies in the future and you would like to partner with us – maybe financially, maybe with connections and advise or just telling us that you will support us - please sent an Email or just call us. (See Contact)
![Maya and Joey]()
Maya and Joey:
The main characters are completely different in personalities. Maya and her spontaneous brother, Joey, must learn to work together to overcome the tests and temptations of King Apollyon and the dark fairies. Trial and danger are waiting for them in the Land of Maradonia.
What ensues is a brilliantly told fable full of well crafted characters and jaw dropping twists and turns. Maradonia itself is definitely a new world, painted with magnificent detail and color. There is a story behind the story which honors the Christian Belief and propels the Saga through a ‘World between the Worlds’.
The story of the Maradonia Saga is one of those stories that will completely transport the audience to an Other Worldly Experience.
However - mystery, murder, deceit, revenge, intrigue and conspiracy - all these little nuggets that take a story from being just a mere story to becoming an epic journey are packed in the Maradonia Saga which keeps the readers on the edge of their seats and certainly glues legions of future viewers to the screens, captivated by the mysterious adventure story of Maya and Joey’s journey through the Land of Maradonia.
![Gloria directing]()
The Characters:
The characters of this extraordinary narrative are fresh and genuine and are not born heroes and the story itself is not just for a younger audience. It divulges many different levels of insight and can be appreciated by anyone for its spectacle and its entertainment value.
No doubt, more fantastic tales are to come from this untapped talent, Gloria Tesch! The fans of Stephen King, Anne Rice, Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rowling will have to prepare another shelf to collect the treasured works of this outstanding new author because the Maradonia Saga is mapped out for several more movies with unbelievable thrill rides in sweeping epic style.
![Gloria Tesch]()
Teenager author, Gloria Tesch, presents six of her books with over 2,400 pages of adventure!
Books by Gloria Tesch
Maradonia - The Seven Bridges (1)
Maradonia - The Escape from the
Underworld (2)
Maradonia - The Gold of Ophir (3)
Maradonia - The Dragon Riders (4)
Maradonia - The Law of Blood (5)
Maradonia – The Battle for the Key (6)
Maradonia - The Lost Secret of Kra (7)
Maradonia - The Unleashed Beast (8)
Maradonia - The Curse of Abbadon (9)
Maradonia - The Vampire Kings (10)
Phone: Dr.G.Gerry – USA–1- 727–831-8301
All Material we offer - except the DVD of the original Movie - will be immediately mailed after your donation is received. (Note- by donating you acknowledge that donations are not tax deductible.)