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MediaZilla: The Only Platform you will ever need to Play, Store, and Share media

Simplifying your media on one intuitive platform, enhanced with easy to create "Blu-ray style" menus.

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MediaZilla: The Only Platform you will ever need to Play, Store, and Share media

MediaZilla: The Only Platform you will ever need to Play, Store, and Share media

MediaZilla: The Only Platform you will ever need to Play, Store, and Share media

MediaZilla: The Only Platform you will ever need to Play, Store, and Share media

MediaZilla: The Only Platform you will ever need to Play, Store, and Share media

Simplifying your media on one intuitive platform, enhanced with easy to create "Blu-ray style" menus.

Simplifying your media on one intuitive platform, enhanced with easy to create "Blu-ray style" menus.

Simplifying your media on one intuitive platform, enhanced with easy to create "Blu-ray style" menus.

Simplifying your media on one intuitive platform, enhanced with easy to create "Blu-ray style" menus.

Jon Geddes
Jon Geddes
Jon Geddes
Jon Geddes
2 Campaigns |
Garden Grove, United States
$13,778 USD 203 backers
39% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

MediaZilla is the future of how you will watch, listen, share and store your videos, movies, photos, music and tv shows.

MediaZilla in a Nutshell

  • Add all your videos, photos, and music to the MediaZilla cloud-based library.
  • Group media content together into Media Collections and showcase with "Blu-ray style" menus for Vacations, Weddings, Events, Movies, TV Shows and more.
  • Share your media easily with social networks through our intuitive integration.
  • Embed your media content into websites, create external links, or share directly with others on MediaZilla.
  • Buy/Rent Movies, TV Shows, Music, and more or even sell your own content through the platform.
  • Affordable for everyone with various subscription levels ranging from free to $10, $20, and above per month depending on your storage and streaming needs.

MediaZilla in the News!

"...I was intrigued to see where this was going. I think you may be as well." - Pro Video Coalition 

"MediaZilla has been built to address this situation by bringing all of your media accounts together in one place!" - TechMASH

"This one intuitive platform is like nothing else on the market today." - Punto Magazine

"...this will have menus, so you can do everything that you did on a DVD, but it's all online so people can get to it from anywhere in the world and you don't have that extra bit in your workflow that you have to do with DVDs." - Ben Marlow BroastcoastShow at BVE 2014 (4:50)

"There’s a plethora of media platforms available these days. While this is a good thing, you have to admit that there’s one ingredient missing: full integration of media content. MediaZilla is the only app that has filled that void." -



  • Much of the platform's basic functionality, like watching purchased movies and tv shows, requires an Apple device and simply does not work on Android devices which make up close to 80% of the mobile market share.
  • It has no ability to share user created content like you would with YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
  • It has lackluster social media integration.  It is primarily used to manage your personal media library and for purchasing media from the iTunes store.


  • Apple created iCloud as a separate platform to address some of the lacking features in iTunes.  Thus, managing your media with Apple is split across more than one platform.
  • The sharing of media is limited to photos and videos, and managing shared content is fundamentally flawed.  For example, when you share a video with someone else, that person cannot permanently add it to their own media library and will no longer have access to it if the creator deletes the file.
  • Also, just like iTunes, Apple makes sure iCloud has limited support on Android in an effort to force users into the Apple ecosystem (better hope all your friends, family, and clients are using Apple devices as well).


  • It does not support all your media and is only used for sharing and distributing videos. 
  • It lacks an easy to use menu system to showcase content making it a step backwards in technology from Blu-ray.
  • Just like iCloud, if the creator of a video deletes the file or cancels his account, all those who were sharing it will no longer have access.


  • It is not a platform for media, plain and simple.  Drew Houston, the CEO of Dropbox eloquently stated that his company is not focused on being a platform for your entire media library.  
  • He voiced his opinion that other companies can do a much better job.


1. One Intuitive Platform for your entire Media Library

Although many companies have attempted to bring your entire media library together, none have got it right. Imagine having one intuitive and organized platform to centralize, access, store and share your entire media library and retrieve it from any device.

"Sound too good to be true? Well we already have it in development" - Jon Geddes, Founder

Most people have their media library (photos, videos, music, movies and TV shows) stored on a combination of desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, cloud storage providers, streaming video providers and more.  We realized there had to be a better solution that focused on maximizing the end-user experience and encompassed the entire media spectrum.

2. “Blu-ray style” Online Menus

We developed an easy to customize interactive menu that allows users to organize and share media.  Platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, and NetFlix all omitted the functionality of the Blu-ray menu system that greatly enhances the user experience and ability to showcase various types of media.

3. Creating a Media Collection

To enhance the user experience we knew that your media needed to be organized in a more intuitive way.  A media collection is a group of videos, photos, slideshows, songs, etc.  Users can easily create a media collection by selecting items from their library and then complete a few simple screens in a matter of minutes.  When you finish completing a media collection you will have created an interactive "Blu-ray" style menu.

4. Extensive Social Media & Sharing Integration

You will be able to send content directly to your social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc from one centralized place.  MediaZilla also allows users to share and embed media externally without the need for others to create an account. Our platform allows social media interaction directly within MediaZilla.  Users have the ability to share content, comment and view what is currently trending on MediaZilla.


The first phase of the MediaZilla platform to be completed with the $35,000 funding goal will focus on video and will include the following functionality:

  • Upload videos into your media library
  • The ability to create and customize both single and multi-page media collections
  • Share your videos and media collections ("Blu-ray style" menu) externally with a URL that can be password protected
  • Ability to share a video or a media collection within MediaZilla by adding it to a searchable public database
  • Embed your videos and media collections outside of the MediaZilla platform

All additional features will be added during later stages of development.


Ray Roman is widely considered one of the top 10 wedding and event cinematographers in the world. Ray and his team routinely travel the globe documenting weddings for high profile clients and discerning couples, as well as numerous star athletes (most notably NBA All-Stars Chris Bosh and Rip Hamilton, along with NFL All-Pros Brian Dawkins, Chris Hope and Devin Hester). Ray has been the official cinematographer for royal weddings, as well as the highly publicized $10 million redwood forest nuptials of social media mogul Sean Parker.

"I've been trying to figure out ways to deliver something similar to my clients for quite some time now, but have come up short each time. I'm stoked that MediaZilla is leading the charge because if you know the founders, their commitment and customer service is second to none. We'll finally get away from the dreadful DVD and Bluray process. I can't believe I'll finally be able to offer this type of viewing experience to my clients for both trailers and main features (with full menu systems). Let's help MediaZilla reach their goal so they can make this a reality for all of us (plus you get discounted rates for supporting this service and pushing it closer to the goal.. it's a win-win!!). Have you seen anything this cool? I haven't."

Watch Ray Roman's latest trailer using MediaZilla's interactive menu by clicking on the image below.

Dave Williams and his team at CinemaCake are one of the leading wedding filmmakers in the world.  He has won many industry awards and is a featured speaker at WPPI.

Kraig Adams of Kadams Media is a highly respected New York based cinematographer. He is leading the charge to deliver projects in digital format exclusively.

Additional Testimonials can be found in the "Updates" tab at the top of the page.


MediaZilla was developed with the end-user experience in mind.  We recognize that this platform needs to be easy to use, convenient and efficient to be accepted.  Our goal is to make the transition to digital delivery as seamless as possible.  Here are a few points we sought to address directly:

Some people may be apprehensive about storing their media collection online.

MediaZilla uses a large reputable hosting company with built-in redundancies that will meet the needs of our customers without major issues.  With the use of our apps our platform will allow for local syncing of content to view offline.

When delivering content to your clients, friends or family, you do not want to force them to create an account or pay for viewing content by default.

MediaZilla allows users to share media with others without forcing them to create an account.  They can sign up for a free account to enhance the experience if they choose, but will not be required to.

Media content will not be automatically be deleted when an account is closed.

We will have a grace period if you need to reactivate your account and recover your entire media library.  If you have shared content with other people and you no longer wish to use the service, those files will continue to be accessible as long as at least one person has it in his/her media library.


We will have several price points to meet our users' needs. MediaZilla accounts will range from a free account for users with less storage and bandwidth needs, as well as intermediate account levels and finally a top level account for users with very high storage and bandwidth needs. We anticipate the intermediate account levels will range from $5-10, $15-20, $25-35 and the top level account will be in the $40-50 range. The Blu-ray style menus will be a feature on all account levels, including the free account.


Some of you might be thinking MediaZilla sounds similar to iTunes, Vimeo, Plex Media Manager, NetFlix, or other popular platforms. However there are many limitations with these other platforms that inhibit them from being the ideal solution for everyone. No service on the market today offers the functionality of MediaZilla. We know this new platform will change your life.


We are 100% committed to launching this platform. Every contribution we receive will go towards launching MediaZilla as soon as possible. If we do not reach our funding goal through Indiegogo we will be seeking outside funding as we already have several interested investors. The rollout could be delayed since we will have additional legal and compliance requirements. However, building lots of momentum during the campaign will help us raise funds more efficiently and ultimately allow us to implement all of the stretch goals for everyone to enjoy much sooner.

Even the minimum contribution of $10 will have a positive impact. To reward our contributors, we created perks that will give you the unique experience of being part of our team, from exclusive early adopter access to one year memberships to MediaZilla and more.  Many of the exclusive perks are in limited supply.

Over the last year we have been developing and testing the key features for MediaZilla. We have experienced developer resources and have begun working on phase one. Visit our "Updates" section at the top of this campaign page for the latest development status information.


We acknowledge the significance of integrating services like Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, Spotify, etc. into MediaZilla.  Our goal is to allow users to search and play media from all available streaming services using a single search function within our platform.  We will be working with these providers to determine the feasibility of this partnership.


We are excited to launch the entire MediaZilla platform as soon as possible.  That is why we have researched the funding targets we need to reach in order to implement each additional feature beyond the video section.  We encourage you to contribute what you can and also share the campaign with as many people as possible.  The more people we reach the faster we can complete the entire platform with all its features and you can share in our vision of MediaZilla.


When will I be able to login to MediaZilla?

We anticipate having the video platform launched by May 1, 2014.  We will keep everyone updated on our progress, especially for the stretch goals.

Will I be able to share videos with my friends and family on phase 1?

Yes.  You will be able to create a link to your videos or media collections with or without password protection.

What is the storage limit?

Your storage limit will depend on your account type.  During the beta testing we will be gathering real world data for the storage and streaming needs of our customers in order to finalize the account types and pricing.

Is it compatible on both Mac and PC?

Yes.  MediaZilla will work on both platforms.

Is it mobile/tablet friendly?

Our stretch goal of $125K will allow us to develop dedicated apps for mobile and tablet devices to ensure consistency with the desktop version.  Without dedicated apps the video phase will have limited capabilities on mobile and tablet devices.  The playback of media and functionality of the online menus currently works on many devices.

Why MediaZilla?

We get this question a lot.  The answer is simple:  There is nothing on the market like MediaZilla, and we are committed to taking the lead and changing that.

How do I upload videos to MediaZilla?

The process will be very simple.  It will just be a matter of dragging and dropping into the upload section or browsing for the files on your computer.

How do I make a menu page for MediaZilla?

This process will be very simple as well.  You just need to select a few videos, photos, slideshows, songs, etc. and click "create a media collection."  For a single page menu there are four simple screens that should not take more then 2-5 minutes to complete. For a multi-page menu there are 1 to 2 additional simple screens to configure.  Then you are done!

Can the online menus be customized?

Yes.  You will have the ability to change the text, background image/photo and other modifications to meet your needs.  The process is very quick and easy.

Can media be purchase through MediaZilla?

Further in the development we will be implementing the ability for users to sell their work if they choose.

How will you address security to prevent hackers from accessing accounts?

We understand how important security and privacy is for users of MediaZilla. We will be implementing the most advanced security features available to protect everyone's information. You can rest assured that we take the security of personal digital files very seriously and will make every effort to prevent anyone's data from being compromised.

How can I contact the team for Press Inquiries or Investment opportunities?

You can direct all inquiries to  You can also access the press section of our website.


Jon Geddes and Michael Guastamacchio have been friends since childhood. They decided to join forces and launch MediaZilla. Jon is an entrepreneur who has been at the forefront of the media evolution. He successfully launched Precomposed Media, the industry leader of motion menu templates for DVD, Blu-ray, and online video delivery. Michael a seasoned CPA that brings new business ideas and focus to MediaZilla.

In addition, our developer has 14+ years of experience in web development with numerous companies.  He has an intuitive understanding of programming websites that greatly enhances the user experience.  You can rest assured that the functionality of MediaZilla is in good hands.


Every contribution will bring us that much closer to launching this new service.  We also need your help to promote the campaign by sharing this page with your friends, family and co-workers on Facebook, Twitter or any other way you can help spread the word.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

High Five & Progress Updates

$10 USD
A digital high five for putting us one step closer to our goal. We will also keep you updated on the progress of MediaZilla during the development stages.
3 claimed

Trial Run - 1 month free

$15 USD
You will receive 1 month of free service to a MediaZilla Pro Account (Normal price $25-50). We will also send a thank you email for your support of our campaign.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
76 out of 250 of claimed

Thank you email

$25 USD
We will send a personalized thank you email for supporting our campaign.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
4 out of 100 of claimed

2 months Free

$25 USD
You will receive 2 months of free service to a MediaZilla Pro Account (Normal price $50-100). We will also send a thank you email for your support of our campaign.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
11 out of 100 of claimed

Free membership & Thank you

$50 USD
You will receive 3 months of free service to MediaZilla (Normal price $75-150). We will also send a thank you email for your support of our campaign.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
15 out of 250 of claimed

Donor recognition

$100 USD
You will receive 4 months of free service (Normal price $100-200). We will also recognize you or your company on our website for six months as contributors to our campaign.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
19 out of 100 of claimed

Closed Beta Access

$250 USD
Be a part of the development process before the official launch. You will have the ability to test the service and provide your valuable input. You will also receive free service for 6 months (Normal price $150-300).
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
14 out of 25 of claimed

Early Access & Membership

$500 USD
You came before anyone else! Not only will you be part of the closed beta team, but you will gain access to MediaZilla free for ONE YEAR! (Normal price $300-600)
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
5 out of 25 of claimed

Live Webinar Training

$1,000 USD
Jon and Michael will provide a live online training session for small groups. We will go over the full functionality of the platform and answer any questions you have in real time. In addition, we will provide you access to a MediaZilla Pro Account for 6 Months (Normal price $300-$600).
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

Featured Promotion

$2,500 USD
We will promote you or your company on a featured section of our website for six months. You will also receive free access for 6 months (Normal price $150-300)
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 out of 10 of claimed

The Real Deal

$5,000 USD
We will promote you or your company on a featured section of our website for one year. You will also receive free access for one year (Normal price $300-$600).
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

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