Michael Monasterio was loved by many. He passed away unexpectedly on February 5, 2013, at the age of 55. He leaves behind a partner, band members, family, loved ones, friends and children. He was a musician from birth...a drummer and guitar lover who rocked the stages from the late 70's till his last days on earth. He was well known in the Sacramento music scene and has fans nationwide.
His family is celebrating his rock-n-roll life by holding a memorial service and reception on Saturday, February 23, 2013 in Sacramento, CA. Over 100 guests are expected to attend. His daughter Nicole is in charge of planning and funding the memorial service. Due to her father's untimely death, she has had to put her life and work on hold, which has strapped her financially. She needs some help.
If you have the resources and are feeling generous, please contribute to our memorial. Every dollar counts and any amount will be recognized. The family appreciates every single one of you..
Here are some testimonials about the impact Michael had on people's lives:
"i grew up sneaking into clubs b/c i loved watching him play. (especially hitting the crash behind his head) i was lucky enough to have our bands play together later in the 80's when i was of age. great shire road and oasis ballroom memories...."
"I always remember that symbal behind the head too! I first saw him at either Shire Road or C Street North when I was with Radio Flyer and then again later on when I was in Leo Swift. He was a really great player as I remember."
"Mike, you and I had some crazy times when we were young that I'll never forget. You've had a long and winding road cousin and I hope your final journey reunites you with the ones you love."
"When I was little he liked to take my dolls and hang them from the hallway attic he thought he was Mr. Funnyman. Oh and his favorite joke to a 5-year old "You like sea food" and then I got to see his mouthful of food. I remember thinking he was weird putting ice in his milk and eating his filet-o-fish sandwich. Now those make me smile."
If you are unable to financially contribute, please just forward this page to anyone you know. Exposure is always beneficial.
Words cannot express the depths of our gratitude. We are blown away by the outpouring love and support. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about Michael, a man who will be missed by many and celebrated often.