Short Summary
I’m the publisher of Midwest Wine Press, the only publication
focused on the wine and hard cider industry in the central United States. The mission of Midwest Wine Press is to grow
and support our regional wine industry.
Regional wine is good for the environment, good for rural economies and
just plain good!
Since inception, Midwest Wine Press has written more articles
about Midwest wine than any other publication. For wine consumers and tourists, Midwest Wine Press has winery and varietal profiles that help increase demand for Midwest wine.
For wine industry professionals, Midwest Wine Press has exclusive articles and news about growing grapes and making wine
in cool climate regions.
Increasing regional wine production and consumption benefits
everyone. Shipping wine across the continent or the globe is inefficient and
dependent on petrochemicals. Of course, we don’t expect people to drink only Midwest wine. But by drinking local wine, we can improve
both the environment and the local economy.
I spend much of my time and resources actively promoting
Midwest Wine. Whether it’s public
speaking at consumer events, conducting wine tours or writing about Midwest wine, I am 100% behind Midwest regional wine.
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal is $3,500.
These funds will be used to pay for generating new and original content
related to Midwest wine. Some funds will
also be used for operational expenses like web hosting, database management and
distribution of our subscriber email blasts. We also plan to upgrade the website during the next 60 days.
What You Get
$10- Recognition as a supporter in Midwest Wine Press. A list of contributors of $10 or more will be
published on the home page during January 2014.
$30- For
contributions of $30 or more, you’ll receive a copy of “Hybrid Wine Making,” an
e-book containing more than dozen Midwest Wine Press articles about making wine from cold hardy,
hybrid grapes.
$60- For contributions of $60 or more, you’ll receive an
invitation to a Midwest wine tasting in downtown Chicago. There will be over 20 wines from across the
region poured for your enjoyment. (Attendance
is limited to the first 20 contributors of more than $60.)
The Impact
Over 100,000 unique viewers have visited Midwest Wine Press
since our inception a little over two years ago. Thousands of these viewers have sought more
information by clicking winery and wine trail websites. Having a quality internet publication
devoted to the Midwest wine industry helps to grow the market for regional
Other Ways You Can Help
Please go to Midwest Wine Press at www.midwestwinepress.com to learn more about Midwest wine. Subscribing to Midwest Wine Press is easy and free. As a subscriber, you'll receive an email once or twice a month alerting you to the lastest news about Midwest wine.