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Minor Motion Picture

How do you know you are really you, if we're all influenced by our friends and our environment.

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Minor Motion Picture

Minor Motion Picture

Minor Motion Picture

Minor Motion Picture

Minor Motion Picture

How do you know you are really you, if we're all influenced by our friends and our environment.

How do you know you are really you, if we're all influenced by our friends and our environment.

How do you know you are really you, if we're all influenced by our friends and our environment.

How do you know you are really you, if we're all influenced by our friends and our environment.

Justin Ho
Justin Ho
Justin Ho
Justin Ho
2 Campaigns |
Old Bridge, United States
$2,060 USD 47 backers
25% of $8,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Thank you

First off, thank you so much for taking your time to check out this indiegogo campaign.  I know that there are so many other great indiegogo campaigns out there for many other wonderful independent films, all needing your help, and this one is only a speck amongst many, so I really appreciate you checking this one out!

What is it all about?

When I look into the night sky, I can’t help but to feel so small. I’m just a single person living among 7 billion others on a rock that moves through space around a massive star. Yet, I can’t help but to feel so special and unique because it is I who is experiencing here and now, no one else. This feature film is a coming of age story that deals with love and relationship, dreams and passion and family and loss; sometimes simultaneously. It is about three ordinary kids, each with their own very unique story.

I love the idea of childhood, the idea of what it was like back then, who you were, what you remember, what you knew.  Childhood seams to be that place in our lives that lasts the longest, and it does, since it's where we're learning the most, and our brain takes that in as very important moments in our life, therefore making it seem longer, which is why as you get older things seem to move faster.  They say, "write what you know", and since my childhood mostly consisted of me running around with a camera filming movies with my friends I wrote about that.  I also wanted to touch base on some philosophical questions.  I remember when I was a kid I always questioned things, "where am I?", "what's the world?", "where do we exist?".  In this story we tamper with wondering why things happen as they do, what are we meant to do, and how we know what we see is real or a representation of something real.  Similar to a movie, film and digital are only recreations of what we saw, so I question then, "is everything we see only a recreation of what we think we saw?"  How do we really know what anything looks like when it's only a reflection of light.  In the end I want it to be more than a simple childhood story of kids trying to make a movie, but go deeper than that.  A film about... film, storytelling, originality, and our questions. 

You can follow the film's characters Emily, Jason, and Natalie here on their YouTube Channel

And Twitter

What We Need

The money raised will be used for the following:


  • Crew
  • Cast
  • Food
  • Equipment rental
  • Insurance for renting equipment
  • Transportation
  • Location Permits


  • Coloring
  • Hard Drives
  • Sound mix
  • Original Score
  • Festivals
  • Marketing

Why $8,000?

$8,000 may seem like a lot (and it is) but for a feature film it's a very small amount.  I made sure when I was writing this script to know what I had available and what I didn't.  Keeping in mind how to find ways to make it look like we have a lot with very little.  Utilizing the technology of these amazing new cameras with incredible low light capabilities, allowing for very little lighting set ups, and using mostly natural light.  Also, because of the new technology, being able to use smaller cameras and equipment, helps allow for a smaller crew, working closer together, making production move faster.  Keeping all that in mind, we still need to pay the cast and crew for all their hard work, food for everyone, the equipment we will need to rent to make this film possible, the insurance for the equipment, transportation costs, post production... in the end it all adds up.  And $8,000 may still not be enough, but at least it’s the bear minimum that will really help this film become a reality!

About the Writer/Director Justin Ho

I am used to working with a very small budget, my most recent feature film Placebo, was my thesis film for the School of Visual Arts.  Here's a link to the Trailer

I also want to thank everyone so much who worked with me on that film, and who also donated to the online fundraiser as well, which was a big factor to help make that film possible!  Placebo has gone off to many festivals and has won many awards.  And here we are again, with yet another film, and another fundraiser.  I can't stop, as part of our humanity, our instinct to pass along our stories, what's a better way to do so than in a film, there's so many stories out there, how can one run out of ideas...

Here is a link to my Cinematography reel:

And you can see more of my work here on Vimeo:

Other Ways To Help

If you can't donate, no worries at all!  You can help out greatly by just sharing the link to this page!  Please share it with all your friends and family, so that hopefully they will share it to their friends and family, and then their friends and family, and so on...  If 800 people each donated $10 we'll reach our goal of $8,000.  Or if 1,600 people each donated just $5 we'll reach our $8,000 goal as well.  So even if you can't donate, sharing this page helps just as much.

Thank you again.

So sorry for sounding redundant, but I really do want to express how thankful I am of your time.  There's so many other incredible fundraisers out there, and I am very grateful that you took your time out to look at this particular one. Whether you donate or not, THANK YOU! 


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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Very grateful for your help! If 1,600 people each donated this much we'd reach our goal!
1 claimed

Special Thanks

$10 USD
$10 or more Your name will be in the end credits under special thanks!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
10 claimed

Thank You!

$25 USD
$25 or more All of the above plus, you will be emailed a private online link to the film when it is finished.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
16 claimed

Thank You So Much!

$50 USD
$50 or more All of the above plus, a physical DVD copy of the film when it is finished.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
5 claimed


$100 USD
$100 or more All of the above plus, a private online link to unedited behind the scenes footage.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
2 claimed


$300 USD
$300 or above All of the above plus, an extra special features DVD showing the making for the film from pre production, to production, and then to post production.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 claimed


$500 USD
$500 or above All of the above plus, a downloadable mp3 audio file of a commentary with the director and cast, to listen to while watching the film. Directions on how to sync up the commentary to the film will be explained in the audio file before the commentary begins.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 claimed

Super Awesome!

$1,000 USD
$1,000 or above All of the above plus, a Junior Producer credit (Gets your name on IMDB) a private online link to deleted scenes, uncut screen tests of the actors, and a PDF of the first uncut/un edited draft of the script (Full spelling errors included)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 claimed

My Goodness

$3,000 USD
$3,000 or above All of the above plus, Executive Producer credit (Gets your name on IMDB),a Blu Ray copy of the film, extra special features, commentary track, set photography, raw un edited behind the scenes footage, selected raw dailies from the film, my high school films, my collage freshman year films, my collage sophomore year films, my collage junior year films, my cinematography reel, the music used in the film, THANK YOU!!!
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
0 claimed

Loss For Words...

$5,000 USD
$5,000 or above All of the above plus, a 1TB HDD (Will be formatted for a MAC) with a hi res HD copy of the film, with the rest of the special features, and additional videos mentioned in the $3000 perk. Original artwork from the film signed by the cast. We'll set up a day for you to skype with the writer/director Justin Ho, and the cast.
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
0 claimed
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