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Mission Congo 2

Additional funding to continue delivering food, medical and school supplies as well as education to orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Mission Congo 2

Mission Congo 2

Mission Congo 2

Mission Congo 2

Mission Congo 2

Additional funding to continue delivering food, medical and school supplies as well as education to orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Additional funding to continue delivering food, medical and school supplies as well as education to orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Additional funding to continue delivering food, medical and school supplies as well as education to orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Additional funding to continue delivering food, medical and school supplies as well as education to orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith
3 Campaigns |
Goma, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
$1,789 USD $1,789 USD 35 backers
275% of $650 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

My mission...
As most of you know, I'm currently on a mission to deliver food, medical and school supplies, clothes, toys and bed nets to orphans in eastern DRC as well as raise money to send them to school. Many people keep asking me how they can support this project or make a donation if they didn't get chance to first time around so I'm re-launching the fundraising project for 1 week. This is perfect timing as most of the money we originally raised has already been spent on food, medical supplies as well as sending some orphans to school. Any donations would be gratefully received. The fundraising will close in 1 week though as I need to know how much I have to spend in my final week here so get your donations in quick!

A little more info...
DRC, or the Democratic Republic of Congo, as it is officially known, lies in the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of the poorest countries in the world and has the highest rates of malnutrition and child mortality. Years of conflict between the Congolese Army and different rebel groups have ravaged the country, particularly in the east where DRC borders Uganda and Rwanda. This conflict has claimed more than five million lives making it the planet's deadliest war since World War II. In addition to the conflict, crippling poverty, corrupt governments, widespread HIV/AIDS and the world's highest rates of rape has resulted in over 4 million orphans. While the local communities do what they can to provide for these orphans and other vulnerable children, they still remain in desperate need of the most basic provisions such as food, clean water and medical services as well as education.

My trip so far...
I've been in eastern DRC for 3 weeks now and have spent that time working in Bunia, Beni, Butembo and Rwese. I have visited a number of different orphanages as well as schools, clinics and both church and women's groups that help orphans here. Most of the project money that we raised has been spent on food as that always seems to be the thing they need most when we arrive at a place although I have also bought medical supplies for clinics that will now treat the orphans for free and donated $1,160 to the Rwese orphanage so they could send 29 of their children to school. 

The most fun though has been giving out the clothes and toys that many people in the UK kindly donated before I left. These orphans have nothing and their clothes (if they are wearing any) are literally rags full of holes. Putting clean t-shirts and other clothes on them makes such a difference.

Where does the project go from here?
I've got 3 days left in Beni before I fly south to visit Goma and Bukavu. What I'd really like to do before I go is buy mattresses for all the orphanages where children are having to sleep on wooden bed frames or worse, on the bare floor. This photo of a bedroom I took at one orphanage is where 28 children sleep, sometimes 6 little ones in 1 single bed with no mattress.

I'd also like to be able to cover the costs of getting little Roda the medical attention she needs to make her walk as I can't even begin to think what her life is going to be like if we don't find a way to help her.

As always, I'd really like to be able to buy food for these children, especially milk for the babies and continue to send those that can't afford the fees to school.

How can you help?

1. Make a donation...
Before I left the UK people generously donated clothes, shoes and toys for the orphans and a number of different companies donated school exercise books, pencils, crayons and mosquito nets. A number of people also generously supported the project by making a financial donation.

These orphans need food, milk powder for babies, medications (such as de-worming tablets) and mattresses to sleep on. If anyone would like to make a donation so that I can buy more of these items for the orphans then I'd be incredibly grateful.

2. Sponsor a child to get an education...
Half of all children in DRC do not attend school because they can't afford the £25 per year school fees and for orphans this number goes up to 100% in some areas. Thanks to generous donations of my friends in the UK, 29 orphans in Rwese orphanage are now able to go to school but there are many more who can't. If you would like to make a donation of £25 to send a child to school that would be amazing. 

Alternatively, once I return to the UK I will be setting up a system whereby you can have a monthly direct debit to spread the cost of sending an orphan to school over the whole year. If you would prefer to do this please email me at:

Follow my journey ...
Please visit my facebook page: and like Mission Congo to show your support
Follow my blog: to keep updated with the project and find out how your support is helping change the lives of orphans in DRC.


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School for orphan

Currency Conversion $33 USD
£25 GBP
£25 covers the cost to send an orphan to school for the whole year.
14 claimed

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