Hi my name is Stuart Brandt. I am the inventor of the Motorvator Bicycle engine. I was born and raised in New York City. Transportation for the average young New Yorker was foot, bicycle or public transportation. Very few people owned or kept cars in the city. Getting around the city took a great deal of walking, an expensive Taxicab which took a long time or consisted of a very crowded and sometimes dangerous subway system. However I noticed that my older brother got around town quickly and inexpensively. He had this wonderful product which went on the front of his bicycle and turned it into something like a moped. I knew as a young teenager that I someday wanted a bike with an engine for myself. It was not long before I was racing around Manhattan on my own bike with an engine, but everyone I purchased broke. In fact when my wife spent money on a taxi, I spent pennies on gas for my bike with an engine and then waved to her as I passed by on the way home to our apartment. Soon after we moved to Virginia and it was at that time that I began my attempt to create the “best” bike engine available. In truth I did Ok, some of my engines are still in use 10 -15 years later, but I was not satisfied with these, I wanted something better. Twenty years from where I began, I now have what has come to be known as the “Motorvator Bike Engine Trailer”. Its main difference is that the engine is not on the bicycle itself. The engine is connected by a unique design which actually pushes the bicycle without weighing down the bike. The “engine trailer” can be dis-attached so that the bicycle can be used just as a bike; however when connected the trailer is mechanically secure. For years you may have seen my previous inventions on YouTube, in newspapers or on T.V., however now I am bringing the final product to market. My product gets over 125 mpg and goes approximately 25 mph. It is my desire that others receive the same liberty and the ability to quickly and inexpensively transport their selves. If you are like my brother or me you will see the advantages of my product, but if you are like my sons you might just see the Motorvator as fun, either way my product is for you. My motorized bicycles are virtually bombproof. The engines which I use are American designed and high quality. The other parts are American made. My bracket system is made here in Virginia and my family puts it all together for you. We are a family business created to bring you a really fun and hopefully a very useful product! Thank you so much for viewing and backing our project.
All funds go towards manufacturing Motorized Bicycles.