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Move the Legends

Support Señor Machado to produce and publish his second album. A tribute to celebrated Latin Jazz Legends.

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Move the Legends

Move the Legends

Move the Legends

Move the Legends

Move the Legends

Support Señor Machado to produce and publish his second album. A tribute to celebrated Latin Jazz Legends.

Support Señor Machado to produce and publish his second album. A tribute to celebrated Latin Jazz Legends.

Support Señor Machado to produce and publish his second album. A tribute to celebrated Latin Jazz Legends.

Support Señor Machado to produce and publish his second album. A tribute to celebrated Latin Jazz Legends.

GrooveCat Ent.
GrooveCat Ent.
GrooveCat Ent.
GrooveCat Ent.
1 Campaign |
Hamburg, Germany
€820 EUR 26 backers
2% of €30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Para subtitulos en Español presiona la pestaña CC en la parte inferior del video.

Für deutsche Untertitel, bitte das CC Zeichen unten rechts im Video anklicken.


Exclusively on Indiegogo! Click the 'Gallery' tab to listen to a snippet of one of Daniel's new songs!

If you would like to listen to previous music of Daniel, please visit his facebook page! Simply click the facebook button below the pitch text! Or go to Bandcamp or


Senor Machado & GrooveCat

Bienvenidos! Welcome! Und Willkommen! Thank you for taking your time to visit our page!

Who We Are

Daniel from Colombia and Sarah from Germany and we are living in the Netherlands at the moment. Planning to move to Hamburg this summer, since we go where the action is. Yet, we are bound to Leeuwarden in the Netherlands as we both are about to finish our studies. We are lucky enough to incorporate our project to our studies and enjoy the expertise and support from our tutors and professionals. Daniel is studying pop culture to become a professional artist and cultural entrepreneur. Sarah who is involved with studying tourism management, specialised in event management and marketing communications.

The love of music has brought us together to do things such as combining our different talents, aiming to create music and projects in order to reach and inspire as many people as possible.

The Background

It all started with founding GrooveCat Ent. last year. The initial idea was to create music events with local artists in Leeuwarden. Usually every project has its process and though some turn out not as expected. So did ours. After almost half a year of re-arranging and getting inspiration, Daniel decided to start working on his second album. It has just been about time that he is back writing, producing and recording. And there was the idea. Let‘s take GrooveCat as our label! As a result, we have been busy with working out a marketing communication plan for Daniel, who now goes as Señor Machado, writing a business plan for GrooveCat and investing numerous hours in extensive research. These past seven months have already been somewhat of a journey for us, a colourful process of constant learning, investing a lot of time and effort, giving our all.

Here we are, starting from scratch, though working on a project we love, believe in and are very passionate about. And we can truly say we enjoy doing it!

The Project

„When you live abroad for a long time, you start to appreciate where you are coming from, you start to appreciate your culture.“ These are Daniel‘s words and at the same time his trigger to create his second album. A tribute to well-known Afro Latin Jazz Legends. Joe de Cuba, Eddie Palmieri, Joe Arroyo only to mention a few. The album is a unique concept album presenting a fusion of classic Latin Jazz and HipHop. In this sense, a rather rare sound. It is Daniel‘s desire to write his lyrics and to produce his own beats, not only telling stories, but also writing poetic and socially conscious rhymes.

The project is very special to Daniel as he goes back to the studio after almost 10 years of his first album release. Moving from Colombia to the Netherlands 7 years ago in order to study and develop artistically. He has always been interested in experiencing different cultures and overcoming cultural differences and outgrowing personal borders and prejudice. This spirit has influenced him tremendously. Daniel's aim is to convey all those different cultures in one, using music as his personal tool.

Daniel has been recording and producing in the studio since January 2013. Working with a great producer and incredibly talented international musicians. If everything goes according to plan, the mastering of the album will be finished in the beginning of July.

And here you might come in:


 You & Me & Us

What We Need

For the production and publishing of the album we need a total of 30,000 Euro. At first sight it seems a lot. But to be honest, for producing and publishing an album, it‘s not really that much. Unfortunately. To know where we are coming from, we provided a detailed description of the budget in a pdf file which you will find in the gallery.

However, let us shortly mention a few things. For obvious reasons, internationality matters to our project. We aim to pay 2,700 Euro for promotional efforts which already includes the video production for the first single. Concentrating on European and Latin American markets with traditional marketing efforts would burst the budget. Therefore, we want to keep it realistically. We decided to focus on social media and online distribution, since we believe in the power of unity, in the power of you & me & us.

Some of you might ask why we have set 21% for legal requirements. Due to the fact that 7 tracks of the album include samples of the above mentioned legends, we are obliged to clear those. Despite the fact whether we sell a lot of products or not, we go safe. As some of you might know, the sample clearing process can only start, if the track is mastered and therefore finished. We have to obtain rights firstly from the publishing company of the original track as well as the record label or the company/ person who owns the rights for the masters. In addition to that, there is no fixed price for clearing a sample. It depends on several factors and it is evaluated on a case-to-case basis which makes it hard to predict. Some companies might merely want royalties of the track, others want to have a clearance fee or copyrights or in worst case, they simply do not clear the sample. However, anything is possible. For each track we calculated 1,000 Euro which makes it a total of 7,000 Euro. If the amount, the companies asked us for, exceeds the 7,000 Euro, we would have to take plan B and go to the studio again. Hence, we are still more than willing to go either way. 

We decided to make this a flexible funding campaign, which means all contributions that are made will be received by us. We want the project to move forward, even if we did not reach our goal. In case we won‘t reach our goal, as a matter as of course, all costs in relation with the crowdfunding campaign will be paid first. After that the funds will pay for each stage in steps and we are aiming to keep the project moving forward.


What You Get 

We sincerely appreciate your trust and loyalty that you give us by supporting our project. In order to thank you we have been creating perks for you, which are limited and exclusively for contributors of this campaign. During the course of this campaign we are going to add several perks. Follow our campaign to be updated!

Check out our perks below or find a more detailed description on the right!


Get the Rhythm Perk

Feel the Groove Perk

The early Groove Perk


Groove to go

Stamp it!

El Laboratorio Perk

Tu Homenaje

Let's drop it!

Executive Producer


Chapter 1


The Impact

The impact of the campaign means getting started with the first chapter. For Daniel it is  returning back to music, doing what he loves to do. At the same time, this project shall develop into a fruitful business for the both of us. Doing what we are passionate about,  being committed to and having faith in our projects as well as encouraging artists to find other ways to realise their talents.  

We believe that listening to music plays a central role in most peopleʼs lives. We can not imagine what our lives would be like without music. And if you have read until here, yours maybe too. We also agree that everybody was born with a talent. And that everybody should live the work they were born to do. Therefore, we want to contribute to the world with our talents and a beautiful album that we believe can touch, connect and inspire many people.

See and listen for yourself!

  Action Alternative

Other Ways You Can Help 

As we said in the video we want to do it together with you. By your support you‘re helping Daniel to continue making his music and Sarah to get started,  showing the world that it is possible to do it yourself and inspire others. 

If you like our project and want to support us, but simply can‘t donate, there are certainly other ways you can help us! What you can do, is to support us to:

Beat the big drum for us!


- Following our campaign here on Indiegogo

- Sharing the campaign online (any social media) or offline with your family, friends or whoever you think might be interested in the project by using the Indiegogo share tools!

- Or if you think you could help us in any other way that might be valuable to us, please contact us!

We can not thank you enough for your support as it is so vital for the success of this project! It is a project close to our hearts and we hope to realise it together with you. We are excited and hope so are you!


Thank You! Muchas Gracias! Vielen herzlichen Dank!


Daniel & Sarah 


If you would like to listen to previous music of Daniel, please visit his facebook page! Simply click the facebook button below! Or go to


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Choose your Perk

Get the Rhythm!

€5 EUR
Get the Rhythm of Señor Machado! With as little as 5 Euro you will help us tremendously and receive a download code for an unreleased track, exclusively made for contributors of our campaign!
6 claimed

Feel the Groove

€10 EUR
The Official Release Date Download of the new Album of Señor Machado. The Digital Download version will be available for you in different formats and quality combinations, including MP3 (320, VBR V0), Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, FLAC and AAC and will also contain a PDF file of the artwork.
10 claimed

The early Groove

€12 EUR
Listen to the new album before anyone else does! Get the pre-release download of the new album of Señor Machado.
0 claimed


€25 EUR
The new album of Señor Machado on CD, exclusively signed! Important note for SHIPPING! Please add 6 Euro to your total contribution for orders outside Germany Please add 8 Euro for all orders outside the EU!
3 out of 100 of claimed

Groove to Go

€45 EUR
What can nowadays be more handy than an USB Stick? We thought so too and that's why we decided to offer you an exclusively designed and made 32 MB USB Stick as a perk. And of course, the new album of Daniel will already be on the stick!
0 out of 50 of claimed

Stamp it!

€100 EUR
Be an exclusive contributor of the new album of Daniel and be mentioned in the liner notes! Your name as a contributor will appear in the Booklet of the CD which will be available in print and digital format. Receive in addition the new signed album on CD!
1 out of 50 of claimed

El Laboratorio

€150 EUR
Daniel will compose a beat exclusively for you in the style of your choosing! Or you let him decide. He will get in touch with you and you both can discuss all the details!
1 out of 3 of claimed

Tu Homenaje

€250 EUR
Daniel will get in touch with you and writes lyrics exclusively for you! He will send you his handwritten lyrics to your home. Listen to his previous songs, his lyrics are amazing! A link to his previous songs is given at the end of the pitch text.
1 out of 3 of claimed

Let's drop it!

€600 EUR
Daniel loves music. And Daniel loves to work with people. Especially does he love to make new tracks with other people! With this perk you gonna get in the studio with Daniel and produce a track which probably you both wouldn't think is possible! Accommodation and food will be provided, transportation to Leeuwarden, Netherlands on your own costs! We will get in touch with you for further details.
0 out of 2 of claimed

Move the Legends

€1,000 EUR
You really like the project that we are doing? No, you LOVE it? And you would like to be part of it? With this perk we offer you to be featured as an executive producer in the liner notes of the album. Be part in making the album happen!
0 out of 5 of claimed
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