What this is about
The neurobureau is a non-profit organization that supports “open neuroscience” — embracing the ideas that data, methods, and ideas can be freely shared. We are mostly scientists working in the field of brain mapping, as well as artists and curators interested in the brain (see here for a list of members). Since 2011, we have tried to push the boundaries between art and neuroscience during the Human Brain Mapping (HBM) conference. The HBM is the largest scientific conference exclusively dedicated to the field of brain mapping, with close to 3000 scientists attending. We want to organize three events:
- a brain-art show, where established artists who work on the brain and the mind will display their work directly at the heart the conference. Some of the artists may attend to start collaborating with scientists.
- a brain-art competition, where scientists are invited to submit their most beautiful illustrations of the brain.
- a brain-art gala, where the winners of the brain-art competition are announced.
We have been successful in organizing these events in Québec City, Canada, in 2011, as well as Beijing, China, in 2012. This year, we want to repeat the experience at the Washington State Convention Center, in Seattle, June 16-20 2013. We are delighted that Noah Hutton, who is running thebeautifulbrain.com, has accepted to curate the brain art show, and has already secured an impressive line-up of artists (an example below is "my soul" by Katherine Dowson). We have also booked the crocodile for the gala, a fantastic venue that has hosted concerts of Nirvana and Pearl Jam in the past. Unfortunately, we are still trying to figure out a model to fund this initiative. The HBM conference has been extremely supportive by providing us with premium space for the brain-art show, but there are still many other costs that need to be covered. To be true to the collaborative spirit of the neurobureau, we have decided to ask for direct support of the community. As we are not aware of many initiatives of this type on indiegogo or elsewhere, we are excited (and a bit anxious) to see how this unfolds.
![My Soul Katherine Dowson]()
My Soul by Katherine Dowson
![Empire States of Mind Julia Buntaine]()
Empire States of Mind by Julia Buntaine
What We Need & What You Get
To make these events happen, we need:
- to rent/buy material for the art-show. This includes poster boards, screens, pedestals and lights. Expected costs: 2000$
- to ship all the pieces. Expected costs: 2000$
- to rent the venue for the party. Expected costs: 1500$
- to purchase/make all of the perks. Expected costs: 1000$
In the past, we have always managed to make everything happen, although this has been painful for our own bank accounts. So even if we don't reach our targets, most of the events will still take place. But we hope to find a sustainable model of funding for the years to come. Also, Noah Hutton has offered to prepare a catalogue for the art show, along with essays and interviews of the artists. This is one of several perks we have prepared for you. We will also offer buttons and free drinks for those of you that will attend the conference. Finally, we also offer the possibility to individuals and institutions to become official sponsors of the art events at HBM, and get their names/logos listed at the show, on the neurobureau website as well as during the gala. Our party in Québec city had more than 700 people attending, and the brain art show will be located in a strategic lobby where everyone attending the conference will go several times a day. This is thus a great way for an insitution to get visibility in addition to supporting a good cause.
The Impact
If you had the opportunity to attend the HBM conference in the past you have seen how fantastic the art@HBM events are. Contributions of both artists and scientists have been very inspirational. As data vizualization is one of the big challenge in the study of the brain, these contributions have without any doubt a great scientific value. Artists such as Nathalie Regard have attended the conference and directly engaged with scientists. Beyond art, the gala has helped foster a collaborative spirit in the community, which matches the long-term goal of the neurobureau.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please share this campain with your friends and colleagues. You can also get in touch with us if you want to help in person in Seattle, for example to set up the show or organize the party.