O', a non-profit art space in Milan, Italy starts a fundraising campaign to redeem the lease of its space
O' is a non-profit organization devoted to contemporary art languages in the most radical approaches.
Our story together began in spring 2001. Back there, O' was a former factory for ice cream waffle, inside an old popular building in the Isola district of Milan and we met by pure accident. Was love at first sight and love it is since then (you would love it too, once you knew about..!).
We took care of the building, restoring and renovating it slowly through the years and O' has became a unique and free land for very different kinds of experimental projects always open to artists and communities: art exhibitions, screenings, printed matters and editorial focus, live performances, artist residency, workshops, labs and lectures.
For its 12th birthday the 31st of March we’re crazy about gifting O' of a long sparkling life: ensuring it a new lease contract!!
O' Rescue Program started on our website first and many people decided to get involved spontaneously. Furthermore in our hometown on Saturday March 23th, O' Rescue Benefit Grand Soirée is scheduled all day long. Those who will contribute with a donation will receive a prize. For the occasion, all the exhibition space will be turned into a box of wonders, merging weird objects and artworks all donated by friends and artists whom support our cause. Among the amenities to grab (well...it’s a lucky dip!) there will be original artworks of all sorts, editions, multiples, customized objects, furnishings, tools and food and even horoscopes and serenades offered by our neighbors, artists and communities. This is a demonstration of the solidarity by the artistic community and by the territory as well, people want O' to exist and to live here, at n.12 in via Pastrengo Milan.
If we reach the amount of 7.000 euros by the 31st of march 2013 thanks to you, our wonderful supporters, we will be stronger in our future endeavors and we're ready to go with an exciting program about to blossom. Until now we have taken care of many projects, linked art production to the territory, contributed to construct our district identity. O’ has brought to Milan international artists, musicians (here's a List of our collaborations) and thinkers and put all energies in the belief of a real shared cultural growth.
We bring into being and grew this place and now you’re invited to celebrate with all of us O’ 12th birthday subscribing this campaign!
Our gratitude to you would be immense: our thanks to you would never be enough but we try to express it with a special remerciement on a dedicated designed page on our website; then you will get artist's edition crafted for O' and for you only, original artworks by some of the most renowened italian artists
Phill Niblock DVD edition
Alessandro Bosetti original artwork prints, framed
Roberto Cuoghi
And keep in mind it is possible to donate at your willl: you choose the amount freely. We'll be in touch with you directely finding the best way to express our gratitude to your generosity! Any help is vital for O'.
We found indiegogo the best place to search for a wider and a new kind of support allowing us to invest in the threshold between Present-Future: we want to rise 7000 euros to ensure the rent of our space for the trimester April-June 2013 for our very next activity. Without your help O' is doomed to disappear. More than 21.000,00 euros is the amount we need to collect in order to redeem the lease of our non profit art space and to promote thrilling new projects!
Other Ways Your Help Will Be PRECIOUS!
Talk about us! Please visit our website (http://www.on-o.org) to learn more about our mission and upcoming projects.
We can't spread our message without your help. Pledge your O' today!