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OneSec - An Instagram for one second videos

OneSec is an iPhone app that makes shooting & sharing good videos fun and easy by changing the format to one second shots. Less is more!

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OneSec - An Instagram for one second videos

OneSec - An Instagram for one second videos

OneSec - An Instagram for one second videos

OneSec - An Instagram for one second videos

OneSec - An Instagram for one second videos

OneSec is an iPhone app that makes shooting & sharing good videos fun and easy by changing the format to one second shots. Less is more!

OneSec is an iPhone app that makes shooting & sharing good videos fun and easy by changing the format to one second shots. Less is more!

OneSec is an iPhone app that makes shooting & sharing good videos fun and easy by changing the format to one second shots. Less is more!

OneSec is an iPhone app that makes shooting & sharing good videos fun and easy by changing the format to one second shots. Less is more!

Francis Dierick
Francis Dierick
Francis Dierick
Francis Dierick
1 Campaign |
Cologne, Germany
$1,063 USD 23 backers
8% of $12,358 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Update: We didn't make the fundraiser goals. But for validation of our concept, see now twitter owned Vine and Cesar Kuriyama’s 1 Second Every Day that emerged later.


Hi! We're Francis and Vidar - and we're building an iPhone app that revolutionizes how you capture and share your experiences - your life - by changing the format to one second videos. Less is more.

Not convinced of the potential? Watch this AMAZING video by Kevin Kelly to see the real power of one second videos:

Screenshot of One Second Vacation by Kevin Kelly on YouTube



We love photography AND we love video. But shooting and editing good videos can be hard. Especially on a mobile phone. Long videos are also less immediate than a still image. That's why we often end up shooting pictures instead of videos.

But a static image can only contain so much information. Only so many emotions. Only so much of the ambience. And it has no sound.

That's why we created OneSec! It combines the simplicity and immediacy of pictures with all the advantages of video.

OneSec makes shooting and sharing videos fun and simple by changing the format to one second shots!

Like Twitter limits your tweet to 140 characters, OneSec limits your video to one second per shot. You then use the app to combine those shots into an awesome video.

We were inspired by the work of the awesome Cesar Kuriyama and Kevin Kelly to create this app. 




We're ready to build an awesome iPhone app for you to shoot and share one second videos!

But before we continue, we need to secure a little bit of funding. That's where YOU come in.

As much as this is a labor of love for us, love doesn't pay our rent or feed our families as we work on this. That's why we are asking for a donation, only as much as you think you can spare and as much as you think it would be worth to you.

Once we have secured basic funding, you can expect us to complete the app by the end of the summer.



In return we'll give you appropriately awesome high-quality perks! Just check out the amazing list of perks on the right hand side of this page. Check back regularly - The list is always growing!

We're confident you'll find something that tickles your fancy and suits your budget.

And of course you'll get the OneSec app! It will be yours for free on the AppStore. Be sure to grab the $100 perk if you want it sooner, though!

And you'll get the satisfaction of seeing decent folks succeed.


The Basic Perks:

 The basic OneSec perks


Watch the $25 Perk Pitch:

 The $25 perk


Watch the $500 Perk Pitch:

The $500 Perk


Watch the $1.000 Perk Pitch:

The $1.000 Perk


About us

Francis is a Belgian developer genius, Vidar is a Norwegian product wizard and we both live in Cologne, DE and love developing iPhone apps.

We're both independent, self-financed startup entrepreneurs. Francis is doing something called Addy, and Vidar is doing Gauss. (Not to worry - those projects are still going full steam ahead. We're just continuing building while our teams take a well-deserved summer break.)

Together we thought we'd test and validate if crowd funding is a viable way to finance the creation great iPhone apps. So we decided to collaborate on this next awesome social mobile video photo app for you!

It sounds like a fun and exciting summer project to us. 


the cew



Between us we have about a gazillion years of experience creating great stuff, both web-based software and mobile apps, winning accolades and recognition from the likes of Seedcamp, Ycombinator,, LeWeb, TechCocktail SXSW & the London Web Summit and a partridge in a pear tree.

Just google us if you want to know more.

How are we going to spend it all?

On boat drinks and party hats.

Noooo! Good party hats are actually hard to come by and this amount won't cover boats to go with the drinks.

We might have some awesome developer superpowers, but we still have to eat and pay our bills just like everybody else. You see, the boring truth is that awesome app creators are just people too.

The amount we are looking to raise will go towards covering the income lost (we're self-employed) in the period that we are focusing 100% on finishing OneSec. Just to make sure it gets the undivided love it deserves and to deliver an amazing product to you.

We think it's a modest amount, considering the collective awesomeness we're putting into it.

And some of what you pledge is of course also going towards assuring that you get really awesome high-quality perks for your money.

And most likely, it cost more to create all of this than the amount pledged in total.


What will we do if we raise more?

We'll add it to our boat drinks and party hats slush fund.

No - We're kidding! We already tried that last year. The party hats didn't qualify as a tax deductible and everything sort of backfired. Don't ask.

Seriously - We will put all proceeding funds in a bucket for our next app project - where YOU get to vote on what we should build next!

How does that sound?


What if you can't or won't donate some of your hard earned money?

You'll have to pay for boat drinks and party hats the next time you see us.

There are however three - 3 - other things we'd like you to consider:

1. Sharing is caring!

Share this project to all your friends, contacts and random strangers! Again. And again! Share the link to this page on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

At least you can pretend that you care, right? Everybody's good enough for some share-care.

2. A little like-love goes a long way!

It's more than symbolic - it actually helps us. Seriously! The more you share and like, the more exposure we get on this awesome IndieGoGo thing!

Like THIS page, like our page on Facebook and like our videos on YouTube, share us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Click, click, click!

At least you're good for a little (or A LOT of) like-love, right?

3. Talk about this!

Talk about this project with your friends, family, contacts and random strangers!

We know you know someone that may know someone who knows someone who would love to publish something about this somewhere. We know. Don't deny it.

It's SUMMER and everybody is craving for a story - and we're it! We'll sing, dance - and wear party hats for anyone remotely interested. We'll make it worth their while and do zany interviews. We're easy!

We also know that you know people who are not on the Internet. Yes. We know. Drag them over to the nearest browser and show them our project page, have them pull out their wallets and sit them through the whole payment process. You know they want to support us!


                              OneSec beta app

                       Boot Screen

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

A Tweetin' Thank YOU

$5 USD
We'll tweet your name as a thank you. It will float on a log down our twitter stream past all of our followers to see. Every buck counts!
10 claimed

Hipster Sticker

$15 USD
For $15 we'll give you a nice sticker so you can prove that you were on OneSec before it became cool. Of course you'll get the tweet too!
2 claimed

Handwritten Postcard from CGN

$25 USD
Viva Colonia! Dom, Koelsch, Carnival - The People! OneSec is made in vibrant Cologne, Germany with love. For a quarter of a Benjamin, we'll send you an actual physical handwritten and personalized postcard (remember those?) right from the heart thanking you. (Of course you'll get all the sub-$25 perks too!)
2 claimed


$50 USD
For fifty bucks we'll shoot a one second video segment with your name, twitter handle or domain in it. This will be the default demo video for the app - It's your chance to achieve eternal Internet fame! Grab it!
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
4 claimed

VIP Access + T-Shirt

$100 USD
As an Early Bird Supporter you'll gain access to the app a full two weeks prior to the AppStore release! And of course you'll get all the sub-$100 swag to boot! And we throw in a T-shirt for good measure. Now you too can feel like a VIP! And dress like one! Yay!
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
2 claimed

Your 30 Sec Video Pitch

$500 USD
For $500 Vidar "the unstoppable pitching machine", will create a unique 30 second video pimping you or your product and we'll post it on the web and tweet it to our followers. Check it out:
Estimated Shipping
August 2012
1 claimed

One Day of iPhone Consulting

$1,000 USD
For $1000 you'll get all of the swag above *plus* one day of our undivided attention for your iOS project. This is a different kind of consulting gig! Need help with code? Francis is your man! Need help with Product / UX / Design / Marketing? Ask Vidar! Ask us anything! We'll give you one day of our time! That's a bargain 2 for 1 deal!
0 claimed

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