Let's Make a Game! Contribute Today!
This time, it’s Primal! From the co-creator of Pot Farm, OOG! - Clan of the Caveman is an exciting new stone age social-survival game for Facebook and mobile devices.
With this campaign, we hope to raise enough money to launch OOG! on Facebook first, then mobile later.
If we achieve our base funding target of $50,000 then we will build a working prototype of the game and seek out a publishing partner or other investors to help us launch. Every dollar we raise after $50,000 gets us closer to our dream of launching independently.
Be part of the OOG! team! Contribute today!
So, What's it all About?
OOG! is like a lost weekend at Burning Man. It's a tribal party for the ages! OOG! is an immersive graphic world set in an alternate cartoon Stone-Age. You'll dance, play the war drums and build rituals. You'll hunt for Woolly Bears and Sabre Toothed Beasts. You'll battle Neanderthals and Cro Magnons. Host a fertility ritual and make OOG! Babies! Make crazy ritual art, cave paintings and earn tribal honours while completing challenging "Quests for Fire". And so much more! Of course, the gods demand sacrificial offerings and you gotta keep the sacred fires burning, man-it's not easy being a homo erectus at the dawn of time! And don't forget the gifts! In OOG!, there is no game currency so you need to gift and share generously with friends or make sacrificial offerings to evolve and earn massive spirit points. OOG! is evolutionary! Contribute today!
![OOG Game Window OOG! Game Environment and UI]()
The OOG! game environment. This is just a taste. The OOG! game map will be vast and varied with a range of terrain elements, beasts and resources for crafting your tools, weapons, art, rituals and buildings. Contribute today!
Meet the Team!
Our team is obviously heavy on the art, animation and concept development side. But if we achieve any of our funding goals, we will immediately add tech, design and admin. I'm confident that we can put a stellar team together and build this game quickly if we get the green light! Contribute today!
![Stephen McCallum]()
Stephen McCallum (Creative Director, Artist, Animator, Designer) Stephen is the co-creator and artist behind the indie hit Facebook game Pot Farm (7 million installs). Stephen has 25 years of experience as an Artist, Animator and creative leader in the entertainment biz including 15 years working in games with Disney Interactive, Radical Entertainment and many others. Stephen was Animation Supervisor on Holly-Rock-A-Bye-Baby, a Flintstones TV movie, making him uniquely qualified to draw caveman art!
![Sean Newton Sean Newton Profile]()
Sean Newton (Animator/Concept Artist) Sean was a principal animator on the cult movie "Pink Floyd-The Wall". Sean animated the famous marching hammer scene! Sean was also a key animator on another cult movie from the 80's - Heavy Metal. We're really happy to have Sean aboard at Brain Warp Studios contributing tons of cool animation and concept art for OOG
![Kathy Whitney Kathy Whitney Profile]()
Kathy Whitney (Flash Artist and Animator) Kathy has been an integral part of the team from the beginning. She worked on Pot Farm for 2 years and created some truly memorable characters and animation for the game. Kathy received a Bachelor of Media Arts from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2005.
Stephen was instrumental in creating the world and feel for our hit game Pot Farm. His imagination and creativity bridged a precarious gap between 'drug' culture and some hippies having fun growing in the woods. Filtering out the risky and bringing forth the fun.- Jason Bailey CEO East Side Games
In addition to being a very talented art director with the ability to create a unique and appealing brand, Stephen is one of a handful of people in Western Canada to have the experience of building a hit social game - Galan Akin Creative Director East Side Games
Stephen’s approach to social games is infused with mischievous fun and great characters, and that leads to enduring brands and games. Pot Farm is still one of the most well-loved indie games on Facebook. OOG! Is an exciting opportunity for Stephen to bring his distinctive art style to a compelling new game concept. I can’t wait to play it! - James Hursthouse CEO Roadhouse Interactive
![Perks Perks Title]()
Sacrificial Goats?
Sacrificial Goats are OOG! game credits. They are valued at one Facebook credit per Goat. Sacrificial Goats can be purchased with Facebook Credits and "sacrificed" in exchange for OOG! game items. Sacrificial Goats cannot be exchanged outside the game and can only be delivered to you when we achieve a Beta Launch.
The Goat Herder is a truly amazing perk that every campaign contributor will receive when we reach Beta. It's an in-game repeater that spits out a game credit (sacrificial goat) every day!This represents hundreds of hours of great game play-awesome value! This is a one time exclusive deal for contributors only. This will never be available again! Contribute Today!
Other game related perks such as Alpha Tester or Game Credit(your name on the game) are dependendent upon us achieving our funding goals and delivering Alpha and Beta launch. We are going to work hard to deliver the game and your credits but cannot promise an exact delivery date until we have our funding in place.
Perks that are not dependent upon achieving game milestones such as t-shirts, original artwork, screen art, newsletter etc and will be delivered within 30 days after close of campaign -March 15th.
Perks you will receive by contributing $500 to the campaign. Contribute Today!
About the Perks
Game credit: Every contributor at $25 or higher gets their name on the game! We'll create a special in-game pop-up screeen where everyone who contributes at these levels is immortalized!
Producer Credit: This is a real producer credit that you can add to IMDb. Your contribution is significant! By contributing $500, you will be added to the advisory board and can play a meaningful and active advisory role in the production. Of course, if we end up with 200 producers (not too likely), it will be a challenge to consider everyone's input but we will try!
Advisory Board: We'll add you to a select, closed production forum of fans who will have special access to early game art and design info. We will actively seek out your involvement in the project and listen keenly to your advice, criticism and ideas! The forum will remain active after launch and for the life of the project.
T-shirts-we will need size, colour and style preference from you.We will offer 2 styles -mens and womens and we will offer sizes up to 3XXX Large.
The OOG! Newsletter will be published monthly and feature special inside game info, contests and special offers not available anywhere else.
The original animation drawings will be signed by the team.
The figurine is approx 5" tall, hand painted and signed by Stephen.
Alpha Testers will not need to spend their Sacrificail Goats earned here for the Alpha Test phase. We will provide all the game credits you need to play the Alpha version of the game for free!
You don't need to claim a perk at all!
If you aren't a gamer and don't know any gamers but would still like to contribute just because it looks like such a cool project, you don't need to claim a perk at all-simply contribute whatever amount you like! Contribute Today!
What do I Get for My Contribution?
Well, first of all you get some really fun perks. But most importantly, you get an awesome new game! At every level of contribution you receive tons of game credits so you'll be able to play for free for a long, long time! How cool is that!? Contribute today!
Why Crowd Funding?
There isn't much appetite for risk in the industry and most of the venture capital these days is being spent on mobile games. I'd love to see OOG! on every mobile device eventually but I believe the best platform for a social game is still on Facebook. So, I've decided to appeal directly to you, the fans for support. If you want to play OOG! on Facebook then please show your support here! The money is obviously important but your contribution is also an endorsement for our approach to social games. Please Contribute Today!
Why Facebook?
Facebook is the right place for OOG! I see Facebook reaching out to developers in interesting ways -especially when it comes to mobile integration. Facebook is still the best social network on the planet-by far. The potential audience for our game on Facebook is huge.The mobile space is very, very crowded but there aren't many new games on Facebook right now so there is an an opportunity to gain some market share and find players hungry for fresh, new content.
![OOG! Dancers and Musicians OOG! Dancers and Musicians. Collect em all!]()
Why a Caveman Theme?
To me, this is the meat-eating, hunter/gatherer version of Pot Farm. But it's really the same thing - an awesome online party game. OOG! is another chance to get "primal' with friends and share an immersive and entertaining game experience. It's like a virtual Burning Man -a chance for folks to share some free-form communal play, make collective art, burn rituals and dance their buns off. The Caveman genre has been around for ever and is ripe for parody. So, why not! I think we'll have a lot of fun making this and hopefully, you'll have just as much fun playing the game.
What Technology will You Use?
We plan to build the game based on Unity which will allow us to move more easily to mobile if/when we reach that stage.
What are Your Risks?
Our first challenge will be on the tech/design side.I am not working with the same team that built the game engine for Pot Farm. So, I need to put a new tech team together to build this game. But I am completely confident that this is achievable. I've been in the industry a long time and know a lot of talented people that will jump at the opportunity to work with us and take this on!
Then of course, we might not come up with enough money here to go all the way and we'll need to find other investors and/or a publishing partner to finish and launch the game. But if you give us a solid vote of confidence here and enough money to get far into production, then the risk for other partners is reduced. So obviously, the more you can contribute, the better our chances for success! Contribute today!
*Important - 25-30% of all funds raised will be expensed for perks, shipping, Indiegogo fees and administration. For example, $50,000 funding milestone actually represents about $35,000 of production money.
$50,000 -If we achieve our base funding goal of $50,000 We'll build a working prototype of the game. The prototype will flesh out most of the core game mechanics, interface, point system and economy. Key features will include hunting,gathering, ritual building, fire, sacrifice, babies, gifting,art making and crafting, a few NPC characters including dancers and musicians.
$150,000 - If we achieve $150,000 in funding we will build a full Alpha version of the game. Alpha should be playable to about 25 levels but with minimal working features and placeholder content. The back end should support a modest closed test group of about 1000 players.
$300,000 - If we achieve $300,000 in funding we will build a full Beta game and launch with a publishing partner. The Beta Launch should be stable with a balanced economy and full content to about 100 levels. The back end should be stable and scalable, supporting a potential 200,000 DAU and a 1 million+ player install base shortly after launch.
Thanks, Everyone!
Let's make a game! Contribute Today!
![OOG! Neanderthals Watch out! These guys don't look like they belong in the gene pool!]()
Watch Out! These guys don't look like they belong in the gene pool!