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Help us buy the rights to Fictive Miniatures' Orc miniatures so we can bring them back into production again!

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Help us buy the rights to Fictive Miniatures' Orc miniatures so we can bring them back into production again!

Help us buy the rights to Fictive Miniatures' Orc miniatures so we can bring them back into production again!

Help us buy the rights to Fictive Miniatures' Orc miniatures so we can bring them back into production again!

Help us buy the rights to Fictive Miniatures' Orc miniatures so we can bring them back into production again!

Tim Jonker
Tim Jonker
Tim Jonker
Tim Jonker
1 Campaign |
Breda, Netherlands
$943 USD $943 USD 40 backers
57% of $1,638 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Update 15: The big announcement!
First of all I want to thank everyone who has helped me establish Oddity Miniatures as it has become so far. The last year has been a very learnful experience and I've met some great people along the way. For me the highlights were commissioning my first sculpt, the Hogman, done by Paul Muller and getting a chance to get my hands on the rights and moulds for the orcs formerly owned by Fictive Miniatures and launching the Indiegogo campaign. Ironically the downside was that same campaign which failed to reach its target. Luckily I was able to find the funds to complete the transaction and get them anyway. The backers who did pledge, I will be eternally grateful to, and I still can't wait to see some paintjobs by them on the orcs and more particular the Hogman! HINT!

You might have noticed there hasn't been a lot of activity regarding Oddity. There are several reasons for this but the most important one is that I simply lacked funds to commission more sculpts and get the moulds done for the paladin and demon/zombie. Ideas a plenty, just not enough money to realize them. Combine that with lots of study work for my main income job, family life and some other things and Oddity basically has come to a stand still.
''Haven't I done anything during those long months then?!'' I hear you say No, far from it actually! One of things I love to do most is creating 'things'. Ideas for miniatures, games and generally whole concepts. One of the bigger projects I had lying around for years is a project called Machine Feud. A game which involves big piloted robotic suits called mecha. It was one of those things too big to handle all by myself and it just got 'stored' for a later date when I would have a chance to do something with it rpoperly. One of the great new friends I've made along the way is Paolo J L. Tarkov who is a great sculptor. He felt bored at one point during the summer and we looked if we could do something together. That thing quickly became Machine Feud. We've started the project a while ago along with another great guy, Anto Cerrato who is taking a crack at a ruleset for the mechs/game. We are taking our time with it but if you want to check it out you can do so here!
''What does that got to do with Oddity?!'' I hear you say once again? Well, I was contacted by Sally White of Hasslefree Miniatures with an offer to buy me out. I was really suprised about this offer and while it never was my intention to sell Oddity, I have decided to do so after a very long and hard think. I see this not as a failure, but as a chance to start over with the new knowledge in mind and which pitfalls to avoid, etc etc... After some initial hick ups due to Sally's health and busy family life things got sorted really quickly at the end of december/beginning of january and I would really like to thank Artemis Black for this! To check out the new owners of the Oddity range simply visit this link!
Besides concentrating more on Machine Feud I can also anounce I will be working together with Ian 'Geronimo' Brumby of Fenris Games fame. Ian is a seasoned veteran of the hobby and is an established name in the games industry. Besides working on exiting new ranges, I will also be aiding him in further developing his existing ranges as well as doing some marketing & sales thingies!

More on what we'll be working on later but unnecessary to say I am very, VERY! exited about this!!! Check out Fenris Games here;

or here on Facebook;
I hope I have not dissapointed anyone with this move and I am really sorry if I did! I am definitly not out of the industry, better yet! I'll be back better and stronger than ever!




Update 14! Everything has been shipped!!!

As of today all outstanding pledges have been shipped and should be arriving with you shortly! I'd appreciate it if you let me know when you've received the package and what you think of them! (same goes for pics of when you painted them! ;) )

I'll be writing a last update shortly about my experience and what I could've done better, what went wel etc...




Update 13! The Hogman has arrived!!!

I just got a parcel in from Griffin Moulds containing the Hogman casts! I will add them to the packages for the remaining backers who had to wait for hoggie to arrive and I will ship them this week. Seeing most packages already sent took about a week to reach various destinations I am guessing you'll get yours soon! :)




Update 12! Orcs are coming your way!

So I got this nice bunch of orcs in and the Hogman is being moulded as we speak!

I've packed the orders that included only orcs and they are ready for shipment. So unfortunatly if you also ordered a Hogman too you will have to wait just a little bit longer (not much though I reckon!) untill they arrive here but if you 'only' ordered orcs your order should be arriving soon! ;)


Update 11: What now?!

I meant to write this update sooner but unfortunatly family life came in between and to be honest I need some time to get myself together a bit. On one side I am very happy with the support you, the backers, have given me! On the other side I did expect more out of this campaign to be quite honest!

In hindsight I have made a big error. Going with Flexible funding instead of Fixed because I thought it didn't make that much difference. Especially since I had 100% faith we would reach our target. I understand completly that people are weary of backing a project which works this way and I will never be doing that again.

Now we come to the important part that is fullfilling this campaign. First I need to pay Ryan and make sure the moulds and rights are transferred to me. As it now stands I am awaiting his details so I can wire him the amount. I have had contact with the caster's too and as soon as they receive the moulds they can start the casting part. The Hogman should be moulded this week also so if all goes to plan the orcs and hoggie should be casted along the same time.

They have a turnaround of about three weeks and get it shipped to me. Then I would need some time to sort them and package them. Now the plus side is that because there aren't that many backers I should get all this done relatively quickly! See, I'm already back to my positive self again! ;-)

Anyone reading this and who thinks ''why am I too late, I sooo wanted these too!'' can still do so by contacting me here or through my Facebook page;

You better hurry though because as soon as I have given Griffin the order to get started, I am not adding more to the number of casts. Since I have to eat in to my funds (which were meant to pay for the other moulds and sculpts) it could take a long time before these orcs and the Hogman hit the market in a regular way!!!

Lastly I want to thank the backers one more time! Without your awesome support I would never have been able to buy the orcs! Thanks alot, you rock!!!


Tim Jonker / Oddity Miniatures

Update 10: Last update! Final hours!!!

Final hours of the campaign and I am very grateful for all the backers on board! You are all awesome!!! :D

Please anyone reading this call up your mates and let them back if you think they are missing out! Then of course have them pester anyone else they know and let them back too!!! :P


Update 9: Only three days left! Painted perks levels made more affordable!

Hi all,

Just a little under three days left (68 hours to be precise!) and I am really grateful for the support I've been getting from you all! I hope that in the remaining we can end as high as posible!

This brings me to a point that had been raised on several occassions and a valid one at that! I have made the mistake to go with 'Flexible Funding' and it seems this has hurt the campaign somewhat. At the time I didn't think much of it to be honest. I thought we would reach the goal so didn't think of the concequences of the possibilty if we didn't reach it! I understand why people might be hesitant to back because they might think when the goal isn't reached they somehow won't get what they paid for!

I can tell you this won't be the case!!! I have found someone really generous who will loan me the difference so I will be able to deliver no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was always the case but at first it might have been the case that it would take just a little longer. The caster has given me a great forecast too so I expect I can deliver very soon after the campaign has ended!


Painted perks! Prices lowered!

I've lowered the prices on the painted perks. I hope this will make them more attractive for people who've been thinking about buying them but couldn't afford them or thought the prices were too high.

Paul Sanderson really is a great painter and a very good man! I cannot thank him enough for being such a great help and friend!!!


Update 8: Only six days left! Please pledge now!!!

Hi all, only six days left before this campaign ends! I know we won't make the € 1.500 goal but I do hope we can end as high as possible! So please I ask you once more, please share the campaign on your homepage, Facebook, favourite forum or blog! Or better, please make a contribution and help me reach as high as possible!!!

Meanwhile Paul Sanderson has sent me the picture of the remaining two orcs! Check the gallery for the pics!

Update 6: The end is fast approaching!

Little under two weeks to go! Hope people who have been thinking to pledge do so fast!

Paul Sanderson just send me a pic of the first two Orcs he has painted! If you want to own a couple of very nice painted Orcs yourself then please pledge!


Update 5! The arrival of the Hogman!!!

A lot of people have asked me if I can include the Hogman into this campaign and while this was not originally intended (or calculated for that matter!), I have decided to do so! 'Cause quite honestly, we are not going that fast! So I hope this new add-on will gain us more backers and we will still be able to reach our goal. And hopefully a bit more...?!


Hogman Double pack.

Painted Hogman:

The Hogman you see above is painted by Paul Sanderson and if you would like to own a Hogman painted by him then you can do so by pledging for one. Remember there are only 10 of these available so if you want one you better be fast before they are gone!

Please help me and share the news but more importantly back! ;)


Tim / Oddity


Update 4! New perks, painted miniatures!!!

I’ve got some pretty exiting news to share with you and that is you can now get the Orc miniatures painted by Paul Sanderson, a very talented and really great painter. He has joined forces with me and agreed to do the painting side of things. This means you now have the chance to have some really good paintjobs to add to your collection!

Paul will work with you to establish your preferred colourscheme and wishes so let’s say if you simply don’t have the time to paint, or are just maybe not that good at it and would like to own some quality artworks then here is your chance!!!

See the update section for more!


UPDATE 3:Orc Warrior versatility!

I've had some feedback that people are a bit worried that when they get the Orc Horde perk that they will get the same Orc warriors/poses. I can tell you that you don't have to worry as the arms are interchangeable!!! This means you can get quite some variety and your Horde will look unique and not to mention quite impressive! ;)

See the updates section to look at the picture!


UPDATE 2:scale comparison pics!

2nd update! This time some scale comparison pictures! Please check out the gallery to seen them!

I would like to thank the backers onboard so far! You guys are awesome!!! 


UPDATE 1:pictures in the gallery!

An update so soon?! Why yes!

It has been pointed out to me that seeing larger pics would really help! I kinda forgot due to my body being pumped full with adrenaline! ;)

Anyhoo, check out the gallery to see the original artworks painted by Chris Southern!


Hi, my name's Tim and I've just started Oddity Miniatures- a new company that will release highly detailed, paintable fantasy miniatures with a dark edge and which can be used for roleplaying and tabletop games.

Recently I came into contact with Ryan, the owner of former Fictive Miniatures. In 2009, Ryan, had a sculptor named Paul Muller create some of best Orc miniatures I have ever seen. Unfortunatly his company did not exist for very long and sadly the small range of Orcs quickly became out of production.

The good news is that Ryan and I have now come to an agreement of me buying the rights and moulds from him so that I can put the Orcs back into production relatively soon! The catch however is that all of my funds are tied up in the sculpts I have commissioned so far for my upcoming range.

That's why I am launching this Indiegogo campaign in order to help me buy the Orcs and I could really use all the help I can get!!! I hope to gather enough funds to pay for the rights plus moulds, and also for new castings of the Orc miniatures. Maybe if we do really well I can even ask Paul to expand the Orc range with a couple of new sculpts!

What We Need & What You Get!

I really need your help to at least reach our main goal. If we reach that I can buy the rights to the Orcs from Ryan/Fictive Miniatures as well as the existing moulds and get new castings made.

In the event of us going over our main goal I will try and get Paul Muller to do some more Orc sculpts! A shaman? or some archers maybe?! Paul is a very busy man however so that could still take a while.  

In return you get some great looking and characterful miniatures of some of the best Orc miniatures ever made! You can get just the Orc Lord or a pack of Orc Warriors or if you want more of them you can go for the larger deals which have even better value!

In case this campaign doesn't reach its funding goal then it doesn't mean you won't get your miniatures! Because they are already made and I love them so much I will get them no matter what! It would only mean it will take a bit longer as I will have to scrounge up more money to send to Ryan. He has already told me he is not in much of a hurry so I can take my time. It goes without saying though that I will do everything to get things done as fast as possible!!!


I've tried to make it as clear as possible and have outlined the different options there are for buying the Orcs! If you have any questions or something isn't clear to you then please don't hesitate to ask!

IMPORTANT: when you make a pledge please make sure that you also include the shipping costs! I'm affraid I cannot send out your orders untill you have paid in full!

The *Orcs in these pictures are sculpted by Paul Muller and painted by Chris Southern.

(*with the exception of the ''THANK YOUUUU!!!'' perk one! :P ) 










All miniatures come unpainted and unassembled and are supplied with round 30mm plastic bases. 

Other Ways You Can Help!

I understand completely that there are some of you out there who really like what they're seeing but just can’t contribute! In this economic climate it is sometimes hard to keep your head above water and I completely understand! That doesn’t mean you can’t help however!

Please help me to get the word out to as many potential backers as possible and share this campaign on any sites, blogs, social media and other ways you know of!!! Be sure to use any of the handy tools Indiegogo provides!




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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
We cannot thank you enough for helping us get the Orcs back into production again! Anything you can spare is greatly appreciated!
0 claimed

Orc Lord

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€9 EUR
With this perk you get one Orc Lord miniature cast in white metal. *Please include € 2,- for shipping
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
2 claimed

Orc Warrior Pack

Currency Conversion $12 USD
€11 EUR
With this perk you get three Orc Warrior miniatures cast in white metal. *Please include € 3,- for shipping
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $14 USD
€13 EUR
With this perk you get one Hogman miniature cast in white metal. Shipping included!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
14 claimed

Orc Hunting Pack

Currency Conversion $20 USD
€18 EUR
With this perk you get one Orc Lord and three Orc Warrior miniatures cast in white metal. *Please include € 4,- for shipping
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
9 claimed

Hogman Double Pack

Currency Conversion $25 USD
€23 EUR
With this perk you get two Hogman miniatures cast in white metal. Shipping included!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
3 claimed

Painted Orc Lord

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
With this perk you get one Orc Lord miniature cast in white metal painted by Paul Sanderson. *Please include the following for shipping; UK & Europe: € 4,- World: € 5,-
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Painted Hogman

Currency Conversion $35 USD
€32 EUR
With this perk you get one Hogman miniature cast in white metal painted by Paul Sanderson. *Please include the following for shipping; UK & Europe: € 4,- World: € 5,-
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Orc Horde

Currency Conversion $38 USD
€35 EUR
With this perk you get one Orc Lord and nine Orc Warrior miniatures cast in white metal. *Please include € 5,- for shipping
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
9 claimed

Painted Orc Warrior Pack

Currency Conversion $44 USD
€40 EUR
With this perk you get three Orc Warrior miniatures cast in white metal painted by Paul Sanderson. *Please include the following for shipping; UK & Europe: € 4,- World: € 5,-
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Painted Orc Hunting Pack

Currency Conversion $66 USD
€60 EUR
With this perk you get one Orc Lord and three Orc Warrior miniatures cast in white metal painted by Paul Sanderson. *Please include the following for shipping; UK & Europe: € 4,50 World: € 6,-
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 5 of claimed

Painted Orc Horde

Currency Conversion $137 USD
€125 EUR
With this perk you get one Orc Lord and nine Orc Warrior miniatures cast in white metal painted by Paul Sanderson. *Please include the following for shipping; UK & Europe: € 4,50 World: € 6,-
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed

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