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Pioneer Network: Changing the Culture of Aging in the 21st Century

Pioneer Network calls for radical change in the culture of aging so when one goes to a nursing home/ community-based setting it is to thrive, not to decline.

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Pioneer Network: Changing the Culture of Aging in the 21st Century

Pioneer Network: Changing the Culture of Aging in the 21st Century

Pioneer Network: Changing the Culture of Aging in the 21st Century

Pioneer Network: Changing the Culture of Aging in the 21st Century

Pioneer Network: Changing the Culture of Aging in the 21st Century

Pioneer Network calls for radical change in the culture of aging so when one goes to a nursing home/ community-based setting it is to thrive, not to decline.

Pioneer Network calls for radical change in the culture of aging so when one goes to a nursing home/ community-based setting it is to thrive, not to decline.

Pioneer Network calls for radical change in the culture of aging so when one goes to a nursing home/ community-based setting it is to thrive, not to decline.

Pioneer Network calls for radical change in the culture of aging so when one goes to a nursing home/ community-based setting it is to thrive, not to decline.

Paul Nebenzahl
Paul Nebenzahl
Paul Nebenzahl
Paul Nebenzahl
3 Campaigns |
Chicago, United States
$16,525 USD 44 backers
110% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Pioneer Network believes that past and the present models of care do not have to be the future. We work to create culture change in all settings where aging and supportive services are delivered.

Who we are:

Pioneer Network hosts the nation's largest annual Conference Devoted Solely to Culture Change in the lives of elder Americans. Our other roles include 

"On The Road" Regional Educational Intensives bringing national culture change and person-centered care expertise to a  community near you.

                      Gateway to Educational Tools and Learning Opportunities regarding culture change

                       Leaders in the Fields of Culture Change and Person-Centered Care Policy Initiatives and Research

 •                    Working in Partnership with other national organizations and state and regional Culture Change Coalitions  to Promote Person-Centered Care

                     Supporting and Connecting over 40 state Culture Change Coalitions

                     "Information Central" for the Culture Change Movement

Pioneer Network

Supporting A Culture of Aging that is Life-Affirming, Satisfying, Humane and Meaningful Since 1997


A Culture of Aging that is Life-Affirming, Satisfying, Humane and Meaningful

We recognize our need to create ways of living and working together different from the traditional models. The Pioneer Network supports models where elders live in open, diverse, caring communities. Pioneers are working for deep system change by both evolutionary and revolutionary means, using Pioneer values and principles as the foundations for change.  In-depth change in systems requires change in governmental policy and regulation; change in the individual's and society's attitudes toward aging and elders; change in elders' attitudes towards themselves and their aging; and change in the attitudes and behavior of caregivers toward those for whom they care. We refer to this work as culture change. Our aim is nothing less than transforming the culture of aging in America.


The Pioneer Network advocates and facilitates deep system change and transformation in our culture of aging. To achieve this, we:

                Create communication, networking and learning opportunities

                Build and support relationships and community

                Identify and promote transformations in practice, services, public policy and research

                Develop and provide access to resources and leadership


                Know each person

                Each person can and does make a difference

                Relationship is the fundamental building block of a transformed culture

                Respond to spirit, as well as mind and body

                Risk taking is a normal part of life

                Put person before task

                All elders are entitled to self-determination wherever they live

                Community is the antidote to institutionalization

                Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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