Pissed Off Radio is a DIY weekly radio show that plays unsigned and independent punk, hardcore and metal. It started as a hobby, but when a few people started actually listening, I figured I could do some good with it. Each band has donated their song here, and the only ones getting paid are the kids at St. Jude's. 72 of the best Underground/Unsigned/Independent (whatever term you prefer) Punk, Hardcore and Metal bands in the world have lent their support, so show them yours! Ten bucks gets you a zip file and liner notes. 10 bucks. 72 songs. You can't lose. Support cancer research, and support independent music!
*This is a digital download only. There are no CD's. Be sure to click on the "perk' section or it won't show you want a copy. Once I get notification your transaction went through, I'll send you a link to download.
*This compilation contains explicit language.
*Please don't share or copy this comp.
The reason we chose to support St. Jude is their dedication to the care of children with cancer and their families, and their relentless research into finding a cure.
St. Jude's mission statement from www.stjude.org:
The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.
Our vision is to be the world leader in advancing the treatment and prevention of catastrophic diseases in children. This vision will be pursued by providing outstanding patient care; by conducting basic, translational and clinical research designed to elucidate biological mechanisms, understand disease pathogenesis, improve diagnosis, enhance treatment outcome, prevent diseases and minimize adverse consequences of treatment; and by educating health care and scientific research professionals. Through these efforts we seek to cure and enhance the quality of life for an increasing proportion of children who come to us for treatment, and by expanding and sharing knowledge, to advance treatment of children with catastrophic diseases worldwide, while developing strategies to prevent catastrophic diseases in children.