What is PodFiber and WatchFiber?
PodFiber is a community for PodCasters to connected with their fans and for fans to be able to find more PodCasters that they would enjoy.
This service is only limited to the PodCasters of fiber arts. Spinning, sewing, knitting, quilting, clothes making etc... If you are a PodCaster in anything fiber related, you are welcome here.
The PodCasters will have the ability to connect to their fans, hold contests, create video or chat sessions with their viewers and much much more. This site will give the PodCasters a support group from other PodCasters. With a PodCasters forum system to help build a support group for PodCasters, we strive to help PodCasters in any way we can.
All users to PodFiber will be able to create events, either virtual or physical to plan meetups either at existing events and expos or, creating your own spanning the globe. Using friends and connections, there will be suggested pod casts based on what you view and what your friends watch.
With the creation of our new Supporters Exchange, we will strive to connect PodCasters with people who want to advertise on PodCasts. This way, potential advertisers can get in contact with podcasters that they like to help support the services that they enjoy.
If fully funded, we will also be presenting WatchFiber. With other video and audio hosting services shying away from pod casts and turning down podcasters, there is a growing need for a hosting and streaming service that is geared for you, the podcaster. If fully funded, this will provide the servers necessary to be able to provide not only hosting and streaming, but iTunes integration and viewer analytic statistics as well.
What Will The Funding Be Used For?
PodFiber and WatchFiber will both be free services. To ensure that this service remains free the monies will be used to provide servers for one year. This will give us large enough servers with the bandwidth requirements to be able to hold both platforms.
If we do not meet our goal, only the PodFiber service will be provided. As a unique social network, we will be able to provide all of the requirements for that.
If we are fully funded, WatchFiber will be launched along side of PodFiber to be able to bring both services online.
Thank You
Please, look over our wonderful perks and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at admin@podfiber.com
Follow us on Twitter @PodFiber for further updates with our development.
If you order Shirts, please drop a line with your shirt size.
PodFiber and WatchFiber is owned and operated by DevGlo LLC