Henshin Justice Unlimited is beyond a dream come true. I started like most of us - just a guy watching Power Rangers and more often than not being mocked for it. My closest friends watched it with me, but it was pretty much only me that stuck with it.
Then the Internet happened. I found that I wasn't the only one in to this kinda stuff. I found sites that sold fansubbed tapes, I found online communities and just a wealth of fans that actually wanted to discuss the lore of these silly/awesome shows. And through meeting and befriending incredibly heroic people that are now my geek family, HJU was born and we all got to hang together.
Literally hundreds of thousands of individuals have graced our humble halls of justice. Old fans, new born fans, and I know of one couple even that met on our boards and married. I can't thank you enough and now I ask for your help.
I give you, the Power Up Justice Indigogo Campaign for HenshinJustice.Com. We've pulled together in the past to raise money for worthy causes.... and this time the fight... is for you. I have a lot of friends and connections that can help kick HJU in to overdrive, but coding, licenses, and some custom reprogramming is needed, and that will cost us some money.
If we hit the goal of $1,200 we get our own dedicated server for a year. That means no more slowdowns and a lot more security.
But I want to do a full-on overhaul. Fully customized HJU Store, gallery, podcasting, combining the blog and forum completely and several other cool ideas to make HJU all that it possibly can be. It will cost around $4,500 for all the improvements we need and the work needed to do it. Anything over that goes back into the site and related projects to make your experience more fun, interactive, enjoyable and what I hope will become the vehicle that continues to grow our fandom for many years to come.
We've friends from ToonZone.Net willing to help with the redesign, our friends from Toku Access are helping supply the t-shirt rewards, Hypercats Network is working on some custom toys, and as time rolls on we'll see what else we can do to make this donation drive fun and in a show of thanks... see if we can't give you something in return for all of your help.
So, that's it. Together we have made this dream of our fandom a reality and now let's work together to make an even greater dream for all of us that are a part of the HJU family and those that are still to come.
$1,200 - Dedicated Server
$4,500 - Site Redesign and Overhaul: Fully integrated blog, forum, gallery, mobile app and we will have our very own HJU Store.
$5,000 - I will watch all of Kamen Rider Den-O.