The National Health Federation
Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is an international nonprofit, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements, and use alternative therapies without government restrictions. The Federation is unique as being not only the World's oldest health-freedom organization for consumers but the only one accredited by Codex to attend and speak out at meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the highest international body on food standards.
For this reason we feel obligated to stand up for the people and your right to proper nutrition and health.
This is a task that not many would take on. The National Health Federation is not only taking this task on but is in the position to actually make a difference with your help.
This Codex Alimentarius meeting is one of many that take place all over the world. Your donation will provide the NHF with the opportunity to continue to fight the battle that no other organization is fighting.
Learn more at our website:
What We Need & What You Get
The National Health Federation team is approximately $2500 short of being able to attend the next codex meeting. Your contributions will help the NHF team stay on the ground floor of international health regulation.
The most important thing you receive for funding this goal is security in knowing that the National Health Federation is representing you and the rights of the world when it comes to Health Freedom and the Codex Alimentaruis
In return for your generous contributions we have a number of special perks:
- For a $25 contribution we will send you a post card from Bad Soden, Germany
- For a $50 contribution we will send a DVD copy of "Shadows of the Future"
- For a $100 contribution we will send a DVD copy of "Shadows of the Future", and a print copy of the "Codex Alimentarius Global Food Imperialism".
- For a $500 contribution we will send a DVD copy of "Shadows of the Future", and a print copy of the "Codex Alimentarius Global Food Imperialism" signed by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation
- For a $1000 contribution you will receive a DVD copy of "Shadows of the Future", and a print copy of the "Codex Alimentarius Global Food Imperialism" signed by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, and a two-night stay in the Orion room at the renowned Adytum Sanctuary in Mossyrock Washington.
The Impact
• In March 2013 in
Beijing, China:
NHF spoke out at the Codex Committee on Food Additives
against aluminum and other toxic food additives, achieving a 50% reduction in
many aluminum compounds and total elimination of many other compounds;
Aspartame will be addressed at the March 2014 CCFA meeting to be held in Hong Kong.
• In April 2013 in Moscow, Russia:
NHF argued at the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods
against arsenic and ochratoxin- A contamination. While in Moscow, NHF President
Scott Tips delivered the speech on behalf of consumers worldwide at Codex’s
50th-anniversary celebration. Since the Federation is the “granddaddy” of all
health-freedom organizations and nearly 60 years old (and the only health-freedom organization
accredited at Codex), it was only fitting to be hand-sele cted for this honor as
we have protected consumer and alternative-practitioner health rights far
longer than any other health-freedom organization.
• In July 2013 in Rome, Italy:
NHF was in Rome, where the
long battle to optimize Nutrient Reference Values (i.e., recommended daily
intake values) for vitamins and minerals continued at the Codex Commission
meeting held there. In 2009, NHF stopped the advancement of an NRV standard
that would impoverish our health. Four years later the battle continues.
• In August 2013 in Minneapolis, Minnesota:
NHF actively participated in the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods
the last week of August. NHF successfully helped to get nine out of ten dangerous
antibiotics out of the Global food supply and successfully proposed an
important change to the Codex Procedural Manual to allow more flexibility with
Concern Forms about veterinary drugs."
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that not everyone is in the position to donate. However, you can still make a difference.
Share our organization with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Join the E-List
Some individuals may want to become a member through the website: NHF Member Sign-up
This is a task that not many would take on. The National Health Federation is not only taking this task on but is in the position to actually make a difference!