VOX PRESS, a non-profit arts organization based in Oxford, Mississippi, announces its Mississippi Prison Writes Initiative, designed to enhance practical job-seeking and rehabilitative skills through the study and practice of creative writing. Beginning in January 2014, the program is the first of its kind and will be launched at Mississippi State Penitentiary, better known as Parchman Farm.
"Mississippi Prison Writes will simply use the study and analysis of works of great literature as the start of a journey towards a deeper understanding of the human condition, higher critical thinking skills, and, above all, the ability to read and write effectively -- all practical, life-enhancing skills that are essential to being a productive member of society and the workforce," said VOX Press Executive Director Louis Bourgeois.
The four month long class will teach students necessary reading and writing skills in a traditional college creative writing workshop format. Students will contribute literary works, edit, and publish a journal as the final class project. Although these types of classes have shown to reduce prison recidivism rates by as much as 40% in some prison populations, the state of Mississippi has no such programs established for its inmate population. Parchman Farm, the state's largest and oldest prison, has never had a creative writing class offered to its prison population.
VOX PRESS intends to expand the Mississippi Prison Writes Initiative to all of the prisons in the state. The overall goal of the program is to help inmates develop and utilize their reading and writing skills in the job market once they are released as well as encourage an appreciation for the study of the humanities.
There are over 20,000 prisoners in the state of Mississippi and most of them will return to the general population at some point. VOX PRESS believes that teaching students to read and write can provide invaluable skills for newly released inmates who are entering the job market.
The program is at its fundraising stage. All donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made through VOX's Indigogo program or at its website, voxpress.org. For further information on the program or donations, please contact Louis Bourgeois at louis-bourgeois@hotmail.com or call at 662-816-4775.
Prison Writes Budget
Narrative 2014
Salaries and Wages:
$1,500: Recognition of time the instructor, guests, and VOX
will need to prepare lesson plans & programs outside of class
$1750.00: Honoraria--for instructors, guest speakers and evaluator
$600: Travel--to reimburse round trip for instructors, guests
speakers and evaluators
$455.00: Supplies--copies of book used for students (est. 22 copies),
paper, notebooks, pencils, copies of additional materials, postage & telephone: cost to ship finished books, phone expense to arrange and coordinate program.
$1020.00: Other--program will culminate in a book featuring the writings of the inmates. This will include graphic design, editing, layout and printing of the book for each participant of the program, and to set the book up for sale online to generate revenue to sustain program.
Total: $5,325