Private Matters is an interview-style TV show and web portal about love, intimacy and sexuality.
The creator, producer and host of Private Matters TV is Max J. Van Praag who privately financed the production of the first 40 episodes beginning January 2012. More than 100,000 people worldwide have watched the show and many have written to tell us it has changed their lives.
Every single episode opens up new horizons of knowledge about relationships, intimacy and sexuality. The show is not R-Rated or X-rated. Viewers provide constant feedback that this exploration is needed in their lives.
This is the right time to launch an international media platform on these topics as our culture shows more interest than ever in programs, films and information on love, intimacy and sexuality, in all its forms.
People are looking for new choices and richer transformational experiences. Intimacy isn’t all about sex, but it can include sex. It also includes the ability to be vulnerable, open, and raw with another person. It includes holding and being held, and the deep need we have for touch. It includes exploring our edges.
Today we have access to the best minds that the world has to offer in human consciousness and development, psychology, research about the human psyche, communication dynamics, sex education, emotional intelligence, and sexual bodywork.
We are seeking $150,000 for this coming year:
to fund the production of the next 40 episodes with higher production value, new settings, man-on-the-street segments and European interviews.
to further develop the web portal with various product sales, advertising opportunities, to make all the footage and interviews available, free to the public, and easy to access.
Supported by our business plan, Private Matters will become a comprehensive global resource on intimacy, love, and sexuality. It will have real, honest appraisals of educators, products, books, and seminars, etc. It will contain links to the best and most important coaches, teachers and authors of our time. Viewers have access to all the resources, the information, and the step-by-step instructions that bring truth, wisdom, and intimacy into your relationships.
An investment in this project is an investment in a better future.
Make a tax-deductible donation now.
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